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Humorous non-twaddle books 8yo boy


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These aren't beginning chapter books, but my 8 yr old daughter thinks that anything by Roald Dahl or Eva Ibbotson is funny. You should also try Daniel Pinkwater. Also with non-fiction, any of the Horrible History/Science/etc... series cracks her up. I think they're accessible for both boys and girls.

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Might be too low:

Commander Toad series

Hank the Cowdog series


Might be too high:

Freddy the Pig series

Soup series

The Great Brain series


It seems like many of the humorous classics have animals in funny roles. :001_smile: The last two are about boys who get into funny situations (think Leave it to Beaver.)

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Might be too low:

Commander Toad series

Hank the Cowdog series


Might be too high:

Freddy the Pig series

Soup series

The Great Brain series


It seems like many of the humorous classics have animals in funny roles. :001_smile: The last two are about boys who get into funny situations (think Leave it to Beaver.)


I'll second Freddy the Pig. I think the writing is excellent with great vocabulary.


The Great Brain is hilarious, but it is astounding the trouble those boys get into. The first book alone deals with a neighbor dying of starvation, the boys getting a teacher fired by planting alcohol in his room, a friend having a leg amputated (because he stepped on a nail where he wasn't supposed to be playing and didn't want to tell his parents about the infection), and then one of the boys trying to help him commit suicide (several tries). I read it as a child and thought it was hilarious, but when I re-read it outloud to my oldest it shocked me a bit.

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Roland Wright Future Knight by Tony Davis


Roland Wright Brand New Page by Tony Davis


We are in the depths of the Middle Ages and ds (7) LOVED Future Knight. It had funny moments and contains great character message. I would call it "light" historical fiction.


I cannot truly speak for the second book as we are just starting it, but ds is very anxious to read it based on the first. I would highly recommend!


*Note: Brand New Page is not available in soft cover until later this year.

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I'll recommend the Percy Jackson series, but you'll have to decide if he's ready for them. My girls laughed a lot while reading them. My youngest was still reading Nate the Great books when we listened to The Lightning Thief on a drive to CA. She was so motivated to find out what happened next that she jumped from reading Nate the Great to Sea of Monsters on her own. And then you might just leave D'aulaire's Greek Myths lying around to see if he picks that up for more information on the Greek Gods.


This is fun reading and not necessarily expertly-crafted examples of the English language, but I don't think of them as twaddle. If nothing else, they really spark an interest in mythology.

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Here a few that my son loved:


anything by Beverly Cleary (Ralph and the Motorcycle, Henry Higgins etc.)

The Moffats by Estes (there are a few in the series)


I will reply with more soon!


I have to go ask my son!



My ds also enjoyed Tarantula in My Purse. He learned a lot about animals and enjoyed the silly mishaps with the animals.

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I have girls, not boys, and they're a little younger than your ds, but we've enjoyed Ginger Pye and Pinky Pye, both by Eleanor Estes. We listened to Ginger Pye several times in audiobook format first, and I decided that we needed to share it together as a read-aloud. :001_smile: The humor is subtle in these stories, but it is there, and I think it would be detected by a discerning reader. Mr. Popper's Penguins is also an excellent and hilarious story. (All of the titles are linked to my reviews on my blog.)

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