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Last night

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Well, the story kind of starts before that, giggle, giggle. This is probably going to be long, so you may want to bail out now.:D


I was up at 4 a.m. yesterday morning, just thinking and thinking about that reception. At ten dd and I went to the mall, only to find the dept. stores opened at 10:30. I saw some cute things in the window at the Van Heusen store, but thought they would be expensive, so didn't go in. At about 10:20 we just decided to look inside, and almost immediately I found a great dress, for only $60! I tried to find a picture, and this is the closest I came http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cdn.sheknows.com/articles/BudgetLittleBlackDress.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sheknows.com/beauty-and-style/articles/810681/6-budget-style-basics-for-fall-2009&usg=__B-sRDE23f2x8XOvzTnKi5ZcwF4I=&h=460&w=600&sz=15&hl=en&start=202&zoom=1&tbnid=pa3e8dQNNhSYRM:&tbnh=115&tbnw=150&ei=2_R2TbjjM4KiuQOQvK3UBQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlittle%2Bblack%2Bdress%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1659%26bih%3D836%26tbs%3Disch:11%2C3750&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=437&vpy=252&dur=6266&hovh=197&hovw=256&tx=162&ty=218&oei=l_R2TZ-vMNDRrQfEqJm_Cg&page=6&ndsp=41&ved=1t:429,r:26,s:202&biw=1659&bih=836. It's shiny, and silky-feeling, and has a belt with a silver clasp. Then we went to a shoe store and bought some silver sparkly heels, to the accessory store for a glittery silver light shawl (thanks again, Sebastian!), drop silver/crystal earrings, and some silver bangles. I declined the matching clutch ($50!). Then I decided I needed a hair trim and maybe a pedicure . . .:D


So we went to another mall and hit the salon. The gal insisted on washing my hair again, though it had just been done at home an hour before. The cut turned out nice, though, and I'm glad I did it. Then I had my first pedicure. :D Well, I found out it can hurt when they trim the cuticle. It was great to have my heels filed, though, and I will be going back, unless I can buy the tool somewhere and do it myself. As I am always in sandals here, my heels can get pretty dry and awful-looking. By the way, what do you gals tip for these things? I gave 20%, but I'm guessing that is not enough, and I'd like to do it right next time.


Then we went home and I put everything on, and when I walked into the living room, my boys covered their eyes (giggle, giggle). Clearly they had never seen their mom look this way before. Then I went upstairs to show my neighbor, and she told me dh was going to ask me where I've been the last decade and a half, lol. Big change from the usual me, lol.


Well, I ate some watermelon and a banana/strawberry thing (look, I said this would be long and boring, right? :D) and got ready to go. Dd told me to eat a baked potato and some sambhar, but I was too excited and didn't want any paunch in the dress, giggle, giggle.


The car and driver dh sent picked me up at 3 and we headed to the town where the reception was to be. By the time I got there, at about 5:30, I was pretty carsick and decided I better eat something at the French bakery. They have an avocado salad I just love, but of course they didn't have it yesterday. I had a small macedoine salad instead, with a piece of baguette, just enough so I could feel better, without making that paunch :D. Vanity, vanity . . .


I'm going to post this now, just in case there's a power outage and I lose everything. I'll continue.

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Dh and I had agreed to meet at the home of the human resources director, so at 6 I headed over there. I made small talk with the director's wife, mostly about her dd who recently moved to America with her Indian husband (they just got married in Nov. -- They had never met before their marriage, as it was all arranged by the parents -- still blows my mind). They all really miss each other, but the dh has a good job in America, and probably wants to help his parents pay back the money for his education. The mom said they won't be able to come back to India for at least five years, and I think she was trying not to cry.


Well, at 6:20 I called dh and he said he was stuck in traffic, but had already changed into his suit, so I went ahead and got dressed. The Indian woman had asked me if I wanted to take a bath, and assured me she had plenty of hot water (lol, you can't always count on that here). I had to laugh at the thought of taking a bath at someone else's house, especially someone I hardly know. Well, then dh arrived and was pretty stunned when he walked in. In the 18 years we've been together, I've never worn anything like this, and while I'm sure this outfit is quite conservative by many people's standards, it was really daring for me, lol. I told dh he had to let me hold on to him when I walked, and not to walk too fast, or I might end up with a sprained ankle, lol. Then we took off for the party.


It was at the French consulate, and I was pleased to hear the guards speaking French as we gave the invitation and entered. It was an evening garden party. Dh saw someone he knew right away, and so we spent about 20 minutes talking to him. He seems to be into alternative energy here in India, and dh really enjoyed hearing what he was doing. I was mostly just looking around at everybody's clothes, lol, and seeing if there was anyone I knew. Then I saw someone, and eventually dh and I went over to her. She introduced me to her friend, also from France, and we had a great time chatting while our husbands talked. And we waited for the ambassador.


And waited.


And waited.


Finally, around 8:20 he arrived, along with the minister of transport. I didn't even notice, until Veronique told me, that the minister was speaking with my dh. I told her that someone from dh's company had heard he would at this thing, and called him at 1 a.m. (!) to make sure he mentioned such and such to the minister of transport. The brother of the president of the company also called dh yesterday, and urged him not to forget to speak to the minister about the same issues the other guy had called about, lol.


Then the consulate, the ambassador, and the minister made their way to the platform, and each gave very brief speeches, like 2 minutes apiece! I was shocked. The ambassador spoke a lot longer at the Bastille Day party last year. Dh later told me that this was a political event last night, and that from what he heard, the minister of transport is seeking an office in France, the ambassador is supporting him, and he is trying to get votes from abroad. Lol.


Once again, posting now and continuing.

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Sophie asked me if I were cold, wondering why I had that shawl with me, I guess, lol. I said we didn't know if it would be an inside party or not, and she told me the invitation said evening garden party. I told her I never saw the invitation, and dh never mentioned it. I wonder what else the invitation said, lol? At any rate, I have the shawl for the next event, and I do remember it was cold in the ballroom for that Bastille Day event, so it will come in handy sometime, I'm sure.


This event was very different from that other one last year. There were only French people at this one, whereas there were many Europeans and Indians at the last one. Actually, there were a couple Indian people last night, too, but not nearly as many. I guess it was because it was all about getting votes, lol.


The food was very good. Waiters were walking around with trays of veg and non-veg food, wine, beer, and mixed drinks (no champagne, like at that BD party). We had some vegetable matchsticks, some veg. dimsum, and some little filled cigar-like things with spicy sauce. There were also some vols au vent, veg-style, and some small squares of bread with a spread, a piece of cucumber, and a piece of carrot or red pepper or something like that. There was a little tree with cheese and pineapple mini-kebabs that looked kind of cute. At the very end, right before we left, they were carrying around trays of white chocolate mousse brownies and almond cake. These were both served in inch-square amounts, and I had to laugh, because that is just like the French. Strict portion control. No wonder they are so slim.


Back to the clothes. Many women, including Sophie and Veronique, were dressed more or less like I was. One younger woman wore something significantly shorter, and a few gals my age wore dress pants. Some women wore simple skirts, and one wore jeans, lol! At the event last summer, no one wore jeans, and only one woman (my friend Sophie) wore dress pants.


You know, it's funny, and I don't know if this is accurate or not, but I really felt more accepted, or acceptable, I don't know :D, last night because of what I was wearing. I have been dressing so casually since I had children -- okay, really, casually doesn't quite describe it :D -- that I think I haven't realized how important "the look" is to many people, and how it can be a significant barrier to breaking into relationships. I think that for many people, if you look too much like a hippy, or just not quite mainstream, they aren't willing to go any further. But if you do look normal, they don't care if you are a vegetarian, or even a homeschooler.


You're probably wondering why I'm not talking more about the ambassador, or more about the substance of the event? Besides my superficial preoccupations last evening :D, dh, who did speak with the dignitaries, says he's just not impressed (nobody report this, okay? Dh will need their help on some issues between the company and the Indian gov't, lol). While he was trying to speak to the minister, for example, the guy just seemed to want to give quick assurances and move on to other voters, lol. I think dh will have to pursue something more formally, and privately, with the gov't.


Here's a little asterisk: Have you heard that Michele Alliot-Marie, the former Minister of Defense, left her position due to some issues regarding Tunisia? Well, dh did have some contact with her a few months ago, and was very pleased. She seemed to get things done. I wonder if this is a difference between male and female politicians, lol . . .


After talking with dh, I'm just kind of wondering how effective these politicians, wherever in the world, actually are. I certainly enjoyed the evening, but I'm not sure I'm as impressed as I used to be, lol.


Yet more coming :D . . .

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I really did have a good time. I really enjoyed talking to Sophie and Veronique, and Sophie wants me to come down and spend the day with her sometime. I don't know how realistic that is, because I have my five, but it might happen. She and her dh renovated a villa near the beach, and I would love to see it. Her daughter is just a year younger than mine, or maybe two, and is so sweet. (Not all French girls are.) And I just found out last night that her son is exactly the same age as my dd -- they share the same birthday!


Gosh, there were so many other little fun details from last night that are really of no consequence at all, but interesting to me, anyway. When Sophie goes to France for vacations, she always fills her suitcases with clothes, because it's so hard to find quality clothes here (she's really tall, so that could be part of it). Veronique fills her suitcase with chocolate, lol (hard to believe, as slim as she is, lol) because she says the chocolate in India is bad (that's the French way for you -- tell it like it is, lol). I really wish I had asked her what the good chocolate in France is, as I am always on the lookout for good food, and wouldn't mind trying her recommendations, lol. They both bring furniture polish with them, too. Um, I don't even polish the furniture (mental note: don't invite them to my place, lol), so I haven't considered bringing that, blush.


It really was a lot of fun last night. I loved being back in an elegant French atmosphere, loved the conversation, loved the food, loved dressing up, and loved being out with dh. He has to go to a conference with other French people this weekend, but I can't go, or I would have to bring the baby (ds2), who is still nursing, which would just not be any fun at all. Maybe next year . . .


I really feel like my life is changing. Ds2 will be 3 in August, and will likely wean in a year or two. I will be able to start doing more with dh. We've had children for all but the first two years we've known each other, and it's just hard to remember what that pre-kid life was like. He held me last night in the car as I slept during the 3 hour drive home, and it's been so long since that has happened. He's always holding the kids, lol. But someday it will just be the two of us again, and that is a very pleasant future to contemplate. :001_smile:

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:bigear: Can't wait to hear the rest. I've been wondering how things went!


Thanks for your interest.:) I should probably just have a blog instead of writing a novel here, lol (that's what dh keeps telling me, anyway). It really is fun to share our lives, isn't it? There are so many little interesting bits, not of any consequence, I suppose, but just little interesting bits to everyone's life. :)

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Thanks for your interest.:) I should probably just have a blog instead of writing a novel here, lol (that's what dh keeps telling me, anyway). It really is fun to share our lives, isn't it? There are so many little interesting bits, not of any consequence, I suppose, but just little interesting bits to everyone's life. :)


:) :iagree: I think everyone has a story to tell. :)

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What a lovely story. That's so sweet about dh holding you in the car on the way home. Sounds like you had a wonderful evening. :)


:blush: Thanks! (giggle, giggle)


I really did -- I'm still on cloud nine! I can't stop smiling today! :)

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What a fantastic night. I loved reading about it! Wish I could see you grinnin from ear to ear. Thanks so much for sharing with us.:001_smile::001_smile:


You're welcome. Thanks for reading that novella!:)

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Sounds like you had a great time. I don't think that it is strange to feel like clothes help you fit in. It is a way that you demonstrate that you are familiar with a certain situation and the expectations associated with it. You might think that it was strange if someone came in a dress and heels to a homeschool activity


It is a different world as our kids get a little older and less dependent.

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I'm glad you had such a wonderful evening! And I loved all of the little details & descriptions-- I'm still stuck (as are all of my IRL friends) in never-leave-the-house baby mode. I would go crazy if I couldn't live a vicariously elegant life through the internet!


I really feel for you. I think people forget just how intense life is with all little kids. The last few days I've been wondering why I just let myself go during so much of the last 15 years: being overweight, frumpy, irritated all the time. Yet I know why. Having little kids for some of us is really hard, even though we know it's ultimately worthwhile. I remember, about 6 years ago, being in the produce aisle of a healthy food store, thinking I really should drop 30 pounds (I was 165 then, and at 5'4", that was pretty heavy), but not wanting to, as food was one of the few consistent pleasures in my life. For various reasons, I've now lost those 30 pounds, and I just feel so much better (and I could certainly stand to lose more!). But I couldn't do it until I was ready for it.


I don't mean to sound like weight was the big issue, but it is so much fun now to go into stores and have a reasonable chance of finding things that fit that I like. There are plenty of other things that are difficult during those small child years, and I'm sure we could all write a book about them, lol. It can be so isolating, and lead to depression. At least, it did for me. I really hope those years are all behind me. I put in my time, lol!


Hang in there. You're doing important work. Ten years from now, I bet your life will be really different, too. :grouphug:

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Sounds like you had a great time. I don't think that it is strange to feel like clothes help you fit in. It is a way that you demonstrate that you are familiar with a certain situation and the expectations associated with it. You might think that it was strange if someone came in a dress and heels to a homeschool activity


It is a different world as our kids get a little older and less dependent.


But I don't think people judge the same way when people are a bit overdressed, you know? That seems to be the safer way to go, at least the first time to a formal event. My opinion, anyway, lol.


I remember reading something from Thomas Jefferson, I think some advice to his daughter?, about making sure she got out and saw people, not just staying home with her family all the time, and how he himself followed the current fashion rules so that his clothing was not a distraction from his ideas (what he really wanted people to focus on). I think I read that ten years ago, but it's just stuck in my mind.


And yes, I totally agree that life must change as we no longer have little kids. I'm only glimpsing that, lol, but I am looking forward to it.


And thanks again so much for your help, Sebastian.:)

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I am now a bit more inspired to dress a bit better for each day... because I know that when I do, I feel better about myself... even if it's just to run a bunch of errands.


I think this is true for a lot of us. :)

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Loved reading this. Loved the part where he held you in his arms. So very, very sweet. These things get me all teary-eyed. :) :D :grouphug:


Giggle, giggle. My daughter read this yesterday, and said, "Mom, why did you have to close with that? It's so . . . personal!" But I told her I thought the other moms would appreciate it. :D It was part of what made the evening special, lol.

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Thank you for letting me live vicariously through your experience. What a party to remember!


My pleasure. It was really fun to write about it, actually. And I'm still smiling, sitting here thinking about it. Talk about warm, glowing memories, lol.

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What fun! Thanks for sharing with us...and I LOVE all your giggles! :)


Giggle, giggle (again!). Dd was asking me about that, too. I know this whole topic is kind of silly, dressing up and fancy parties with well-known people and trips to the salon and all that, so I guess I feel kind of embarrassed about it. I mean, in relation to worldwide injustice and environmental degradation and all that, my little evening is pretty superficial.


But I still had a really good time! (Blush!)

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Did you two meet IRL? I'm jealous. :)


No, lol. I was crying in cyberspace on Rosie's shoulder! I really felt underdressed at that Bastille Day party last summer, but I feel like I redeemed myself Tuesday night. Onwards and upwards, lol!

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I was crying in cyberspace on Rosie's shoulder! I really felt underdressed at that Bastille Day party last summer, but I feel like I redeemed myself Tuesday night. Onwards and upwards, lol!

:hurray: :D :grouphug:


I can relate to much of this thread. When my dc were younger, the way I dressed, really wasn't uppermost in my list of priorities. I now love to dress as nicely as I can (while being practical, however), even for heading out to the grocery store. I refuse to buy non-flattering, baggy, ill-fitting clothes anymore.


If anyone wants a really nice style book, this one is my favorite.




Dd and I have such fun shopping together. She's quite the young designer and recently had some of her designs presented at a local fashion show. :) She's always sewing. We often enjoy watching What Not to Wear. I just need to watch that show more. Been a bit neglectful lately.


BTW, for dry and cracked heels ... wear socks as often as possible in the home. Even sleeping with them helps. Not the most romantic, however. :lol: Before putting on socks, coat heels them with a thick layer of cream, Vaseline, whatever. Works like a charm. :D

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:hurray: :D :grouphug:


I can relate to much of this thread. When my dc were younger, the way I dressed, really wasn't uppermost in my list of priorities. I now love to dress as nicely as I can (while being practical, however), even for heading out to the grocery store. I refuse to buy non-flattering, baggy, ill-fitting clothes anymore.


If anyone wants a really nice style book, this one is my favorite.




Dd and I have such fun shopping together. She's quite the young designer and recently had some of her designs presented at a local fashion show. :) She's always sewing. We often enjoy watching What Not to Wear. I just need to watch that show more. Been a bit neglectful lately.


BTW, for dry and cracked heels ... wear socks as often as possible in the home. Even sleeping with them helps. Not the most romantic, however. :lol: Before putting on socks, coat heels them with a thick layer of cream, Vaseline, whatever. Works like a charm. :D


Hey, this sounds like it could be a fun thread of its own: How to Dress Your Best, or something like that.


I think before, when I was just so busy with all little kids, and was toting around that extra 30 pounds, and after dc#5, nearly 40 (!), clothes just weren't a priority, other than having some clean ones. Now it's fun to find some new things. I've just started wearing short-sleeved kurtis with leggings. I looked for a picture but didn't really find anything just like what I'm wearing. I have one on right now, for example, with a cream background, big orange flowers with green and yellow vines, and orange leggings to match. I feel very colorful, lol!


That is great about your daughter having designs at a fashion show!!! Wow! Is this a possible career for her? Dh once worked with a man in France whose sister was a lingerie (!) designer in Paris. Pretty hard field to make a living in, I would think, but she managed to do it.


Dd suggested Lansinoh for the dryness. They look okay right now, but I will keep that in mind. It's just too hot here for socks, lol. But thank you!:)

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I am glad you had a great time.


I am a jeans and t-shirt girl all the way.


BUT, I love to get all dressed up in a new party dress and have a nice night out with dh....It is nice to feel like a girly-girl sometimes. LOL

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Hey, this sounds like it could be a fun thread of its own: How to Dress Your Best, or something like that.

Yes. :D


I looked for a picture but didn't really find anything just like what I'm wearing. I have one on right now, for example, with a cream background, big orange flowers with green and yellow vines, and orange leggings to match. I feel very colorful,

Would love to see a picture.





That is great about your daughter having designs at a fashion show!!! Wow! Is this a possible career for her? Dh once worked with a man in France whose sister was a lingerie (!) designer in Paris. Pretty hard field to make a living in, I would think, but she managed to do it.

Thanks. Yes, she would love to do this as a career. She absolutely loves fashion, sewing, and designing.


Dd suggested Lansinoh for the dryness. They look okay right now, but I will keep that in mind. It's just too hot here for socks,

Yes, I forgot about good 'ole Lansinoh. :)

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Would love to see a picture. :)


It's like what you posted, but sleeveless and longer. It hits about 6 inches above the knee. The lycra leggings are really comfortable with them, too, though I do see women wearing even jeans with them.


Dh already went to bed, but I'll see if he can post a picture of the garments tomorrow. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time finding a picture of this on the internet; tons of women here wear this type of outfit.

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Darn. Remember that paunch I was trying to avoid in the dress line? Well, I just saw some photos some friends took, and it's there, anyway. I thought the dress hid the evidence that I've had five children, but I guess not.


Oh, well. It was still a nice evening.:D

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Dh already went to bed, but I'll see if he can post a picture of the garments tomorrow. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time finding a picture of this on the internet; tons of women here wear this type of outfit.

Would love to see it. Dd also. :)


Darn. Remember that paunch I was trying to avoid in the dress line? Well, I just saw some photos some friends took, and it's there, anyway. I thought the dress hid the evidence that I've had five children, but I guess not.

You're too hard on yourself. Most people do not look like super models. We're all human. I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you think. Most people are overly critical of how they look. Be kind to yourself. :grouphug:

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Would love to see it. Dd also. :)



You're too hard on yourself. Most people do not look like super models. We're all human. I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you think. Most people are overly critical of how they look. Be kind to yourself. :grouphug:



Well, this is the best we could do, lol. I hope you can see it okay!


Negin, that is exactly what dd was telling me. I'm laughing now, but I was mortified when I saw those photos last night! :lol:



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