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Beachbody fans....roll call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Good morning!!! Please tell what program you are using and what week and how many rounds!


I am in Round 2 of P90X. I did Round 1 starting with the Lean Program for the first 2 blocks then switching to Classic/doubles for the final block. I took a week off ... well, sort of...I did do KenpoX and PlyoX that week. Then I started over! I'm doing a modified schedule this round. I'm doing Classic/doubles but I'm adding in doubles during the first block rather than waiting for the 2nd block. I switched out one CardioX routine for KenpoX. I'm going to try to do a short run the evening of YogaX.


While I've not lost any weight....only about 10lbs to lose...I have significant amounts of muscle. I used to be a body builder oh about 11-15yrs ago so P90X was along the lines of what I used to do BK (Before Kids).


I have lowered my resting heart rate by 10bpm. I've all but cured my insomnia which I've suffered with for years.

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Three rounds of P90X here, as well as one of Insanity and a short stint with Chalene Extreme.


Currently doing a P90X/Insanity Hybrid. I do the P90X weight training days, and the alternating three I do the Max Insanity workouts. LOVING IT!! I also do 30-40 minutes of yoga most days following my workouts.


Anxiously awaiting for the release of Asylum. Can't wait!

Tara B

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I am doing Insanity and currently am on the 3rd week of the first "round". I am truly enjoying the program, although it is tough. My dh will do one of the cds here and there and cannot believe I get up every day about 4:40 to go get more of it. I am thinking about incorporating some other abs program, as unfortunately I still have flab to loose. I can see that some muscle and some abs starting to take shape, so I am excited with it all. I have about 15 pounds to shed, and am hoping to get toned. Anyone doing a effective ab program?

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What's Asylum? I'm waiting for MC2 ... Tony's new post-P90X workout. It's do out in the Fall.


I tried the 20min Insanity video but didn't care for it. The transitions were too quick and I just didn't find it motivating or fun. My friend has just started the full Insanity so I hope to get to see the regular videos and hopefully those are more to my liking as I've read so many great reviews of Insanity.

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What's Asylum? I'm waiting for MC2 ... Tony's new post-P90X workout. It's do out in the Fall.


I tried the 20min Insanity video but didn't care for it. The transitions were too quick and I just didn't find it motivating or fun. My friend has just started the full Insanity so I hope to get to see the regular videos and hopefully those are more to my liking as I've read so many great reviews of Insanity.

Asylum is the follow up to Insanity. I too am overly excited about MC2, have you been getting the MC2 One on One discs? I love the Yoga and stretch one, and shoulders and arms, and the ab one is GREAT. Good stuff!


I am not a huge cardio fan, and didn't think Insanity would be my cup of tea, but what sold me is the results. P90X gave me the muscle I want, but Insanity has given me the definition I want and for the first time in my life ABS!! I suspect P90X and the One on One ab routines gave me the six pack, but Insanity burned the fat layer to make them show. Still not perfect, but it's the closest I've gotten. I am hoping the hybrid will give me the best of both worlds.

Tara B

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I am doing Insanity and currently am on the 3rd week of the first "round". I am truly enjoying the program, although it is tough. My dh will do one of the cds here and there and cannot believe I get up every day about 4:40 to go get more of it. I am thinking about incorporating some other abs program, as unfortunately I still have flab to loose. I can see that some muscle and some abs starting to take shape, so I am excited with it all. I have about 15 pounds to shed, and am hoping to get toned. Anyone doing a effective ab program?


I have found the fat burning of Insanity, gave me the best abs I've ever had! I suspect though that I built my abs up a bit with P90X and the One on One ab routines I did, but it wasn't until I did a complete round of Insanity that they actually showed. The secret to great abs is diet and fat burning. You can build a six pack, but it will never show until you burn the fat covering them, and I believe Insanity is the best way to do that! So, you are on the right path, just stick with it.


It's a tough program, but if you follow it, the results will come, and they are SO worth it!!

Tara B

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Well, dh and I are in our first round of p90x..at least until the snow melts and we can start running again. I am dying for spring and getting out of my house! When that happens, I am NOT exercising in the house. :tongue_smilie:


We are doing the 'lean' schedule because we like more cardio.


I am using p90x but I wouldn't call myself at 'beach body fan'. I find their marketing very annoying. I would never buy their overpriced 'nutrition supplements'


p90x is a nice way to pass the winter, doing something different. It does have some very good points. But there are lots of good programs out there.

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I have found the fat burning of Insanity, gave me the best abs I've ever had! I suspect though that I built my abs up a bit with P90X and the One on One ab routines I did, but it wasn't until I did a complete round of Insanity that they actually showed. The secret to great abs is diet and fat burning. You can build a six pack, but it will never show until you burn the fat covering them, and I believe Insanity is the best way to do that! So, you are on the right path, just stick with it.


It's a tough program, but if you follow it, the results will come, and they are SO worth it!!

Tara B


So which ONe on One's do you like? I think there are three groups? I was looking at some of the ones in the 3rd group that he put out.


I know about the abs. Back in my late 20s, I had 6-pack abs but still had this layer of fat over them. It took some serious cardio to burn that. My body fat got so low by the time I burned off the goo around the middle. Now that I'm in my 40s, I'm sure it will take twice the intensity back then to do the job. We'll see if my old body is up to it! I hurt my ankle falling on the stair the other day and 3x when I came down on it doing PlyoX this AM, I felt pain. I'll be icing it today.

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I'm just beginning week 4 of Slim in 6 and am trying to decide what I'll do next. Today I'm considering ChaLEAN Extreme, Slim Series, and a couple of non-Beachbody workouts. I had dumped the idea of Slim Series since a couple of the workouts are nearly an hour and a half long, but asked about it someplace else & was told that it really slims hips & thighs--my problem areas. Thankfully my library has some of the Slim Series dvds so I can try before I buy. ;)


I agree with the above poster re: Beachbody's annoying marketing. I also hate their website. There's just not enough information available & most of the video clips are terrible.

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What's Asylum? I'm waiting for MC2 ... Tony's new post-P90X workout. It's do out in the Fall.


I tried the 20min Insanity video but didn't care for it. The transitions were too quick and I just didn't find it motivating or fun. My friend has just started the full Insanity so I hope to get to see the regular videos and hopefully those are more to my liking as I've read so many great reviews of Insanity.


Asylum is not to mid-April now. I am going to do a P90X/Insanity hybrid.


So, do people buy these individually? Our library system does not carry anything like this so no go there.

I would LOVe to try one of these but how do you choose can you exchange if you do not like them?


Yes, you can exchange them.


I am currently doing Insanity (round 3), Brazil Butt Lift, and House PaintingX. I was going to post but hadn't gotten around to it. I am in a weird place now. I am officially not fat, not chubby, not even plump. I am medically classified as LEAN. A novel experience.

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I'm in week two of the second month of Insanity. I've not lost any weight, but I've lost 5 inches off chest, waist, and hips!!! And, I lost two sizes. I have SO much muscle tone. I love watching my legs when I walk - the muscles are really well-defined.


I don't know what to do next. Another round of Insanity? I need to start running again, so I don't know if I run AND to an Insanity workout in the same day? Or alternate. I just know I don't want to lose this tone!!

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I'm just beginning week 4 of Slim in 6 and am trying to decide what I'll do next. Today I'm considering ChaLEAN Extreme, Slim Series, and a couple of non-Beachbody workouts. I had dumped the idea of Slim Series since a couple of the workouts are nearly an hour and a half long, but asked about it someplace else & was told that it really slims hips & thighs--my problem areas. Thankfully my library has some of the Slim Series dvds so I can try before I buy. ;)


I agree with the above poster re: Beachbody's annoying marketing. I also hate their website. There's just not enough information available & most of the video clips are terrible.


For that, you might try Brazil Butt Lift. You might also like Turbo Fire. The music sounds really good.

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I'm in Phase 2 of ChaLean Extreme (working my way up to P90X!), and it's a great fit for me right now. Under this program I've lost something like 12 pounds and 4" (combined with 30 Day Shred, which is what I started with, I've lost 28 pounds so far--hoping for 30 at my next weigh-in!).


I've found a great community on the BB message boards; in this group we're all about at the same place with ChaLean Extreme, which makes it fun and encouraging.


I also have Miz LG up there as my coach, so it's even better!

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For someone who is still 40-50 pounds overweight, which of the BB programs would be best? Just plain old P90?


Also, do you know if BB allows groups to show their DVDs (like at a rec center--where it is FREE, no charges to view or enter) so that a bunch of people can work out together? I do not have room in my house do do these, but I might be able to get a free room at the rec center and join others of the same fitness level (and weight) for a fun workout!


I need something beyond getting on the treadmill day in and day out--and even in the spring, I don't live where there are sidewalks or paths!

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Asylum is not to mid-April now. I am going to do a P90X/Insanity hybrid.




Yes, you can exchange them.


I am currently doing Insanity (round 3), Brazil Butt Lift, and House PaintingX. I was going to post but hadn't gotten around to it. I am in a weird place now. I am officially not fat, not chubby, not even plump. I am medically classified as LEAN. A novel experience.


Thanks! I exercise a lot with cardio kickboxing at the dojo but love to exercise at home as well and these sound fun!

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For someone who is still 40-50 pounds overweight, which of the BB programs would be best? Just plain old P90?


Also, do you know if BB allows groups to show their DVDs (like at a rec center--where it is FREE, no charges to view or enter) so that a bunch of people can work out together? I do not have room in my house do do these, but I might be able to get a free room at the rec center and join others of the same fitness level (and weight) for a fun workout!


I need something beyond getting on the treadmill day in and day out--and even in the spring, I don't live where there are sidewalks or paths!


I believe so if it is like a community club house or church hall but maybe not the Y. I will try and find out for you.


A lot of women really like Chalean Extreme, Turbo Jam, and Turbo Fire. You can do P90X or even Insanity despite having 40-50 lbs to lose. Some go for the hardest workouts because they have that amount of weight to lose.


A real person exercising with Beachbody.



Edited by LG Gone Wild
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So which ONe on One's do you like? I think there are three groups? I was looking at some of the ones in the 3rd group that he put out.


I know about the abs. Back in my late 20s, I had 6-pack abs but still had this layer of fat over them. It took some serious cardio to burn that. My body fat got so low by the time I burned off the goo around the middle. Now that I'm in my 40s, I'm sure it will take twice the intensity back then to do the job. We'll see if my old body is up to it! I hurt my ankle falling on the stair the other day and 3x when I came down on it doing PlyoX this AM, I felt pain. I'll be icing it today.

Yes, there are three volumes of the One on One's. I like certain ones in each, then there are some in each that I am not overly impressed with.


In volume three, my favorites so far are: AB RipperX 2, and the yoga(the best of ALL of his yoga routines IMHO).


Volume 2 I like: Patience Humming Bird(did this one this morning!)

Cardio Intervals

Butt and Belly


Volume 1: Fountain of Youth Yoga

One on One Leg(this is a VERY favorite of mine. Upper body workout all done on one leg, alternating legs! AWESOME!)

Bun Shaper

Medicine Ball Core Cardio


Watch that ankle! I know what you mean, it is taking me working twice as hard at more intensity to get any results compared to my younger days, as far as the fat burning goes, but it seems my muscle size for some reason is coming along quicker than in my younger years...odd..but I LIKE it! I've always wanted biceps and nice shoulders, and I am getting them!

Tara B

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Yes, I definitely think I could try one of the more difficult ones, I just don't think I have the space and I *don't* want to be a leader of any kind if I get a group doing it! LOL I know I will have to modify some stuff (particularly abs--the separation in my abs from all these births/c-section is just too much), so I'm trying to find the program that will work best for me.


Thanks for the video links! I think the Turbo Jam one looked pretty boring and easy, though. LOL I need to develop *strength* and body weight exercises are challenging for me, so I'd like to do those. I can't believe how WEAK I am! So, I'd like to lose weight and I know cardio is not too tough for me, but strength is my main goal for one of these programs. (For example, on the treadmill my heart and lungs feel like they could keep on going and going, but my legs give out WAY before being tired in the cardio sense, KWIM? I don't think I'll be able to improve speed or distance without some cross-training or working on *strength*.)

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So, I'd like to lose weight and I know cardio is not too tough for me, but strength is my main goal for one of these programs. (For example, on the treadmill my heart and lungs feel like they could keep on going and going, but my legs give out WAY before being tired in the cardio sense, KWIM? I don't think I'll be able to improve speed or distance without some cross-training or working on *strength*.)


I'm a runner as well. After doing a round of P90X, I had the opposite! My legs felt like they could go on FOREVER but my heart was pooping out on me! I think it was the PlyoX training. My thighs are solid! I need more intense cardio to go w/ my P90X.


Strength training will definitely help you! And something like PlyoX will definitely get those legs in to shape!

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Well, I'm doing the Power-90 disks. I know--it's the baby version of the P-90 and the Insanity disks. Found out two months ago at a gyn appt that I had high blood pressure and jumped into the gym. Anyway, I'm about 2 weeks into this but I just felt motivated to move up to level 3/4 from 1/2, and also ordered a set of higher level bands. I am so proud of how much working out I have been doing! Two days a week I go to the gym just because I'm in love with my spinning class, but other mornings I usually do two rounds of the carb workout or one round of carbs and one of sculpting. You guys really motivate me!!! Can anyone advise about the diff between either P-90 or INsanity? I like the idea of both but need to focus on weight loss (about 30 lbs to go). Also, have a bad right knee so I don't know if Insanity would make it worse. Checked my library for either adn there is a 16 hold backup on P90 and a 3 hold backup on Insanity! What do you all think?





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Well, I'm doing the Power-90 disks. I know--it's the baby version of the P-90 and the Insanity disks. Found out two months ago at a gyn appt that I had high blood pressure and jumped into the gym. Anyway, I'm about 2 weeks into this but I just felt motivated to move up to level 3/4 from 1/2, and also ordered a set of higher level bands. I am so proud of how much working out I have been doing! Two days a week I go to the gym just because I'm in love with my spinning class, but other mornings I usually do two rounds of the carb workout or one round of carbs and one of sculpting. You guys really motivate me!!! Can anyone advise about the diff between either P-90 or INsanity? I like the idea of both but need to focus on weight loss (about 30 lbs to go). Also, have a bad right knee so I don't know if Insanity would make it worse. Checked my library for either adn there is a 16 hold backup on P90 and a 3 hold backup on Insanity! What do you all think?






Insanity is all plyometrics (jump training).


Insanity person


Same crazy person


For fat loss, works like a charm but if you are scared for your knee, go for P90X. It is circuit weight training with a couple of cardio routines. Even with a bum knee, you can do all the videos.

Edited by LG Gone Wild
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So, the One-on-One dvd would work with Insanity? Now, the way I read the posts, it seems to me that most of you are doing several work outs. I am just puzzled at to how many a day are you doing? I do the insanity in the morning and that's about it, except for Mondays when I do a pilates class. I am strongly considering doing some more sculpting arms and abs in the evenings with dh. We can do this after the children are in bed. Do you mind sharing your "schedule"? Thanks. Be well


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So, the One-on-One dvd would work with Insanity? Now, the way I read the posts, it seems to me that most of you are doing several work outs. I am just puzzled at to how many a day are you doing? I do the insanity in the morning and that's about it, except for Mondays when I do a pilates class. I am strongly considering doing some more sculpting arms and abs in the evenings with dh. We can do this after the children are in bed. Do you mind sharing your "schedule"? Thanks. Be well



I work out 6-7 days a week, sometimes twice a day but that is because I do sports. I could get away with just doing Insanity in the morning but I like the results of BBL and I would be very unhappy to give up my sports.


Insanity in the am, sports in the pm 4x a week. I run on Sunday mornings.

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Hi everyone! ChaleanExtreme for me! I started mid-Jan (my 1st BB) and I'm about to start my last 4-wk cycle (Lean) this Sat. I LOVE love love it.


I think I've only lost about 5 lbs but I don't have much to lose and I'm still in decent shape. I have lost inches for sure. I haven't done much for about 10 yrs but was very active before that (8 yrs of ballet, taught aerobics, ran, weights, etc.-my abs were great!!) I can still pound out a 3.5 mile run easily, but I need to tone up a lot from being mostly sedentary after a back injury 10 yrs ago. My back is good now thankfully, but good grief, who gave me these old lady knees? :tongue_smilie: They crunch a lot when I bend them and I'm babying them and taking glucosamine, etc.


I am at a place in my life where I am just enjoying working out so much. I wish I didn't have to be so careful of my knees or I'd be doing even more.


I do CE 5x/wk and run on Sat. When I finish CE in mid April I think I will mostly just run and do my own weights and Turbo Jam for the 6 wks before my 5k in June. Then probably run and bike and do weights this summer since I can be outside. I like BB but I can't afford more programs and I don't want to get sick of it so I'll save it for winters. I'll prbly do CE again in the fall, and then after that I am toying with doing p90X.


I would LOVE to get more programs and keep up with it all summer, but I just can't afford it so this way I can stretch it out.


I would like to have a whole library of BB to pick and choose from! This is the way I used to work out when I used to train w/ dh (he was a natural bodybuilder). I don't love their marketing, etc., but they do know how to put good solid programs together. The best part for me is the VARIETY in the programs that keeps me from getting bored, and also that they actually WORK!


I'm having so much fun reading this thread! Keep up the good work! :D

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So, the One-on-One dvd would work with Insanity? Now, the way I read the posts, it seems to me that most of you are doing several work outs. I am just puzzled at to how many a day are you doing? I do the insanity in the morning and that's about it, except for Mondays when I do a pilates class. I am strongly considering doing some more sculpting arms and abs in the evenings with dh. We can do this after the children are in bed. Do you mind sharing your "schedule"? Thanks. Be well


I typically workout only once a day, but most days have two dvd's back to back. Even with P90X or Insanity somedays are your main workout followed by an abs workout, which is similar to what I am doing. A typical week is close to this:

M-P90X Chest and Back & CE Extreme Abs

T-Insanity Max Cardio & 40 minutes of Yoga

W-P90X Arms and Shoulders&Insane Abs

Th- Insanity Max Plyo& 40 minutes Yoga

F- P90X Legs and Back& CE Extreme Abs

S- Insanity upper Body workout& 40 minutes Yoga

S-either off or Yoga

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What is the Lean, Classic, and Doubles in P90X? Thanks.


And can I ask how y'all afford all these? :D And do you just get up really early to fit it in time-wise? (Those of you that do more than one thing per day, would you say it's about 1 1/2 hour? I think I could manage that.) Don't your joints etc hurt w/out much rest time? Or am I just old? (42)

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Happy Grace, I explained Lean, Classic and Doubles I think on the first page.


Hhmm maybe it was another thread.


There are 3 programs in P90X. There is classic P90X which is what you see on the videos. Lean program has 1 less strength training workout each week. Instead you do Core Synergistics which is like an all over body workout. Doubles if the Classic program with an added cardio each day so you're working out 2x/day...well 3x if you count Ab Ripper X separately.


So for example:

Classic Day 1 Back and Biceps, ARX (ab ripper X).

Doubles Day 1 back and biceps, ARX, cardio X

Lean Day 1 Core synergistics.

Edited by Capt_Uhura
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Thanks, C_U, for explaining it-the example really helped. So if you buy P90X, you get all that, then just decide what schedule to use, I assume?


I reread my other post and realized it sounded rude asking how you can afford the programs-sorry! I didn't mean it like that-I just meant is there some deals you are getting or something that I am somehow missing.

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Yes, you get all the DVDs and a handy sheet which outlines all three programs in a row. You pick which you want and then follow that schedule. I started w/ P90X lean as I heard it was easier for women to start w/ since it has less of the pull ups and pushups. I did Lean program for 2 blocks, for my 3rd block, I switched to Classic/doubles. I'm now on Round 2 and doing Classic/doubles the whole 90days. Also, if you want more cardio and decide to do Classic/ doubles, the doubles doesn't start until block 2. Each block is 30days. that gives you the first block for your body to adjust the program before adding in extra cardio.


I bought P90X as a treat for myself. I figure, as old as I am, I'll be in my 60s when my youngest goes to college. I'd better take care of the body I have. I'm much happier and am handling the stress of HSing much better. My oldest agreed I was quite cranky the week off I took after finishing P90X. :001_huh:

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Well,I only have p90x and I got it from a friend. If you look on craig's list or whatever you might come across it cheap. There are LOTS of people who bought it and never really used it. They are happy to sell it or pass it on.


I like it but IMO, it is not 150$ of goodness. However, it is a LOT of exercise DVDs. It is not skimpy. And the instruction is good as is the production. I just would never have spent that on something I wasn't rock solid on.

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I have always hated exercise...ALWAYS! But, last spring I got motivated and started Power 90. I completed one round and was SSSOOOOO proud of my self. I couldn't believe how much stronger I felt. My back pain disappeared, I started sleeping better, and I loved the way I had toned my body. I actually started craving exercise. I went straight into Chalean Extreme after that and love it as well.


In December, I had my wisdom tooth pulled and my dentist told me not to workout for a few days. Apparently, my body thought she said a few months. Amazing how quickly a habit can skip town. I am sad to say that my muscles have disappeared and the flab is returning. The scales haven't really moved up, but I see the changes in my body. I am not really overweight....could stand to loose 5-10 lbs, but I am flabby now.


So, dh and I started back to it on Monday. It is kind of disappointing because we were about to move up to P90X and now we are starting over. But, with the tooth and then the holidays, I just got lazy.


Oh well....the results will be back! I love being sore!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I haven't ordered anything, but for me, I figured it's cheaper than a gym membership, plus they do take payment plans. I am currently doing a Turbo Jam Dvd that I got for $10 at a garage sale and I love it. I am thinking of getting Turbo Fire and then we'll see if I go anywhere from there. I really like Chalene and I did kickboxing class years ago and loved it.

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I just started my second round of Insanity and added Brazilian Butt LIft to it. I will also run a couple times a week.


I'm not sure what to do when I get to the second month of Insanity when the workouts are longer. Not sure I want to be working out that long. At that point I may alternate days. What do you think?

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Doing BBL, kickboxing, gi and no gi BJJ - without Insanity, I feel adrift.


BUT hey! I took the kids to the zoo and I managed it. It was like herding cats so that made me exhausted plus the breakdowns plus having to carry a persona here and there.


Being fit has benefits. Plus, I got to wear a super, super cute skirt from Athleta in an XS (and it was still comfy, no muffin top).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yay! More P90xers .. I was just telling Capt. on the update site that I am on Day 30 of my first round.. I did it two years ago and loved the results. I get up at 6 ish ... depending on the day and the amount of sunlight streaming in my window. ;-) I get it done and dh gets the kids up and fed for me. Love that man! I also do a 3-4 run/walk on the treadmill in the afternoon during little guys nap .. o.k. mostly walking uphill, while I am reading a book.

;-) I call it moving meditation. I love walking.. I love running, but am building up to it after tearing my inguinal ligament (groin) two years ago. I have about 5 pounds to lose.. not much.. but after a full month of P90x I only lost 1 lb!!!!!! I did take photos though and both dh and I could see big changes and firming up, so I will just continue full speed ahead until I reach my goal weight. ;-)

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  • 1 month later...

How is everyone doing! Last week I finished Round 2 of P90X!!!! I am sooooo much stronger. I'm taking the week off to let my shoulder heal but I did do PlyoX yesterday and I am proud to say I kept up w/, oh darn, forgot his name, doing the fast jump knee tucks as well as all the rock star hops! WOOOHOOO!


Next week, I'll be starting Insanity!!!! I'll also continue w/ 2-3 days/week of resistance training from P90X.


What are you doing?

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I think, I could be wrong, that it's hardest for those of us w/ 5-10lbs to lose. I haven't really changed all that much after 2 rounds but the before and after photos tell a WHOLE different story. And people comment on how much weight I lost. Well, I lost fat and gained muscle so it all about evened out. I think I'm down 3lbs finally. I have about 5 to go. But even better, my resting heart rate went from the mid 70s (still in the good range) to 63-64bpm, in the excellent range. I was just watching Dr. Oz and he said the number one indication of a healthy body is your resting heart rate.



Yay! More P90xers .. I was just telling Capt. on the update site that I am on Day 30 of my first round.. I did it two years ago and loved the results. I get up at 6 ish ... depending on the day and the amount of sunlight streaming in my window. ;-) I get it done and dh gets the kids up and fed for me. Love that man! I also do a 3-4 run/walk on the treadmill in the afternoon during little guys nap .. o.k. mostly walking uphill, while I am reading a book.

;-) I call it moving meditation. I love walking.. I love running, but am building up to it after tearing my inguinal ligament (groin) two years ago. I have about 5 pounds to lose.. not much.. but after a full month of P90x I only lost 1 lb!!!!!! I did take photos though and both dh and I could see big changes and firming up, so I will just continue full speed ahead until I reach my goal weight. ;-)

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I have been exercising for 2 years now. Started with 30 day Shred. Moved on to other Jillian stuff exercising three days a week. Gradually built up and added in Jackie Warner stuff. So, for probably a year now, I have been exercising six days a week. I currently (and have been for awhile) alternate Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones and Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training. So around 40 - 45 minutes per day. I love it, but I feel like I need something "more." I use five pound weights with both. I really hate cardio, but I know I need to do some. The Insanity thing is out of the question - it's all jumping, isn't it? I will NOT do jumpy. I will not run.


I am thin and do not need to lose any weight. My biggest "issue" are my thighs. Really, more the front than the back where I have a lovely layer of cellulite. Will the Brazil Butt thing work? I have been told (here and other places) that I need to add in cardio for help with the cellulite.


Please tell me what to move on to next. Pretty please :D Also, how much room does one need for these programs and how much "stuff" (equipment). I know nothing.


Thank you!

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I have been exercising for 2 years now. Started with 30 day Shred. Moved on to other Jillian stuff exercising three days a week. Gradually built up and added in Jackie Warner stuff. So, for probably a year now, I have been exercising six days a week. I currently (and have been for awhile) alternate Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones and Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training. So around 40 - 45 minutes per day. I love it, but I feel like I need something "more." I use five pound weights with both. I really hate cardio, but I know I need to do some. The Insanity thing is out of the question - it's all jumping, isn't it? I will NOT do jumpy. I will not run.


I am thin and do not need to lose any weight. My biggest "issue" are my thighs. Really, more the front than the back where I have a lovely layer of cellulite. Will the Brazil Butt thing work? I have been told (here and other places) that I need to add in cardio for help with the cellulite.


Please tell me what to move on to next. Pretty please :D Also, how much room does one need for these programs and how much "stuff" (equipment). I know nothing.


Thank you!


What you really need is muscle and less body fat so that is a combination of strength training and cardio vascular.


BBL is fits your restrictions. You have a 30 day money back guarantee. BBL has 3 different schedules. If you get BBL, then I suggest the Lift and Shape schedule. Here is the link for that program.





You have the hand weights already (although 5 lbs is a little light). If you want, you could go for ankle weights for BBL. But really, all you need is a towel and a spot in front of your TV. There is a *tad* bit of jumping but you can do the modifications. I am doing BBL with a friend who can't jump at this time and that is what we do.


We do this program barefoot.


Good luck. :)

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I have P90 (as opposed to P90X) and LG Gone Wild is my online coach! I'll do a shameless plug for her now! Sign up for free on teambeachbody.com and sign her on as your coach!




(LG did not ask me to do that. I'm just a cheerleader/salesman by nature. :D)


I'm in okay shape and have chosen a horrible time to start 90 days of exercise (wisdom teeth out last weekend; visiting friend next week). But I'm going to keep on truckin'!


I can do Phase 1-2 pretty easily now, with minimal soreness. I'm starting Phase 3-4 (Sweat) today.


My goal is to be ready for P90X by the fall.

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I have P90 (as opposed to P90X) and LG Gone Wild is my online coach! I'll do a shameless plug for her now! Sign up for free on teambeachbody.com and sign her on as your coach!




(LG did not ask me to do that. I'm just a cheerleader/salesman by nature. :D)


I'm in okay shape and have chosen a horrible time to start 90 days of exercise (wisdom teeth out last weekend; visiting friend next week). But I'm going to keep on truckin'!


I can do Phase 1-2 pretty easily now, with minimal soreness. I'm starting Phase 3-4 (Sweat) today.


My goal is to be ready for P90X by the fall.




P.S. (http://www.teambeachbody.com randomly assigns coaches)

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Great job Capt_Uhura. You should be very proud! I am cycling back through month three of P90x trying to be consistent with it. We travelled and I spent a lot of time running up and down our gravel road pushing a stroller, so I end up having to be less consistent with P90x in order to spend the time exercising outdoors with the kids. I think until the next edition of P90x comes out, I will probably continue to rotate through month three and mix it with the running outside as it seems to be working. I am not quite as energetic right now as I would like, but it's been a busy couple of years. I am 'satisfied' with my progress, but hope for better in the coming year. ;-)

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