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To whomever posted about "Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction"...

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My dd10 made a safety vest for her sister (large coat with a pillow stuffed in it) and setup a blast shield (pillow barrier) in the hallway to test the weapons. They have a lot of fun firing them after she makes them. It is so nice to see them playing together and picking up plastic BBs, beans, coins, pens, etc from the floor together. :)


DD even explains the science of it to her sister thanks to years of watching Myth Busters.


I have her keep her completed weapons, her book, safety gear and supplies in a big bin so it can all stay together. She was even pricing wire cutters at Home Depot so she could quit having to borrow mine :) Every girl should have her own pliers and wire cutters.

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Okay, I have to admit it. I looked it up on Amazon and thought, "My ds would love this, but I would NOT". Then people started posting about getting it at the library. My library had it too, so I put it on hold. I figure he can only do so much damage in 3 weeks, right:001_huh:?

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My dd10 found those little blast caps, like snap-pops on a roll, at the store Friday night. I'm afraid to give them to her. Watch out for the pea-shooter, my dd cut her hand with ricocheted peas that cracked open.


Safety goggles are important.


Thank you!!


Good thing both of my DC already wear glasses.:D

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Angel, if it's for your dh, make sure you find the book by the same author that has cubicle weapons. Add a little fun to the work day. ;)


He has no cubicle BUT he does teach our Science lab at co-op ;) Last year they did a lot of chemistry but this year I think he is teaching them to take over the world :lol: They have made blow darts with straws (wondering if this is what your dd did), made their own Nano Hexbugs, and last week was the potato launcher. Dd10 loves to do these kinds of things with her dad. We haven't had the time to open the book up yet but I'm sure we will this weekend.

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