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Teachers Lounge! 2-16-2011

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Today we're adding something new: short courses only available during this lunch hour. On today's menu, we have the following:


*How to be a Snippy Parent/Teacher

*How to be a Snippy Kid/Student

*How to Ask the Impossible of Your Spouse.



Which course would you like to accompany your meal? Sorry, I don't have any antacids to help with the indigestion that's likely to follow. Do you?



What's for lunch? Us: El Monterey Taquitos


Is your day going better than mine? (see above)


Can we all just get together for a Big Chocolate Fest and skip school until tomorrow, or maybe next week?!:tongue_smilie:

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DD is getting over the flu and it's warm here today so we've done zero school.

Watercolors, cutting out magazine pics and gluing them, playing outside - this is our day so far. We did RA a chapter of Farmer Boy.

Eating pb&h outside right now.

Math and practice reading after lunch, hopefully!

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The boys all have upper respiratory crud and aren't doing school work. They are whiney and clingy too. So, I'd like to ask my spouse, "Can I go back to school and get my master's degree while living IN THE DORMS and you can homeschool the children, cook endless meals, wash never ending piles of laundry, and deal with sick people?"


As for lunch, they are all just feeling lousy. So, I fed them scrambled eggs, applesauce, herbed broth with lots of onion and garlic - steeped it for a while - orange juice, hot tea, and yogurt with lots of probiotics. They've taken elderberry extract too and are wearing Vick's Vapo Patches on their chests which is keeping them from being too stuffed up. They have each taken two hot showers a piece and GOT NEW TOWELS OUT EACH TIME AND LEFT THE WET ONES ON THE FLOOR AND TRACKED WATER FROM ONE END OF THE BATHROOM TO THE OTHER SO I KNOW HAVE A LARGE LOAD OF TOWELS TO WASH!


Dh is at his fateful seminars and interviews in the city and won't be home until late. Though I really, really want him to get this new position and out of the mind-sucking, life draining project he is currently burdened with, I really wish he wasn't going to be late. I'd like to hide from my children early. DD went down to grandma and grandpa's for a few days because she considers her brothers to be "Typhoid Mary's" and doesn't want to get sick as she has an ambulance shift this weekend. My mother is avoiding us as if we have the plague. CALGON! TAKE ME AWAY!



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Lunch - It's only 10:30 am so I have absolutely no idea. Dh has a day off today so probably soup.


Day - My day is GOING to go just fine. Can you see the determination there? My ds13 is on day 3 of a cold. He is in training for being one of those men who expects the world to end when he has a cold. The last two days he got off due to illness and other issues beyond my control. Not today. He doesn't seem to realize that I've noticed that he's bright and shiny when talking about computer games but weak and barely able to function when talking about school or chores!


Chocolate is good.:D

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Jean, OH MY GOODNESS YOU HAVE ONE OF THOSE TOOOOOO! My 14 year old, I don't wish him on any woman out there. Honestly, I could have anthrax, ebola, and malaria all at once and still be expected to cook dinner and get the laundry done.....HE, well, one sniffle and he's too weak to do anything but his computer programming. If I even hint at real school work, "OH MOM, FEEL MY HEAD. I'M SURE I HAVE A FEVER!" I actually said to him yesterday that if I had to feel his head again I was likely to slap the back of it when I was done! (Which I would have restrained myself from doing but just saying it at the time made me feel better! LOL) His eyes got big and he announced he wasn't as sick as he thought he was and did his work. Of course, today...he is actually genuinely sick so now I'm having to eat crow and listen to him whine and complain.


Seriously, I am thinking eternal bachelorhood for this one because otherwise, I just know I will end up testifying on my future daughter-in-law's behalf at a domestic violence trial in which she is accused of hitting him with a skillet. I JUST KNOW IT!



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Jean, OH MY GOODNESS YOU HAVE ONE OF THOSE TOOOOOO! My 14 year old, I don't wish him on any woman out there. Honestly, I could have anthrax, ebola, and malaria all at once and still be expected to cook dinner and get the laundry done.....HE, well, one sniffle and he's too weak to do anything but his computer programming. If I even hint at real school work, "OH MOM, FEEL MY HEAD. I'M SURE I HAVE A FEVER!" I actually said to him yesterday that if I had to feel his head again I was likely to slap the back of it when I was done! (Which I would have restrained myself from doing but just saying it at the time made me feel better! LOL) His eyes got big and he announced he wasn't as sick as he thought he was and did his work. Of course, today...he is actually genuinely sick so now I'm having to eat crow and listen to him whine and complain.


Seriously, I am thinking eternal bachelorhood for this one because otherwise, I just know I will end up testifying on my future daughter-in-law's behalf at a domestic violence trial in which she is accused of hitting him with a skillet. I JUST KNOW IT!




:lol: My dh has a cold and started to whine. He stopped at "the look" which was shooting hot lava daggers at him.

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Jean, OH MY GOODNESS YOU HAVE ONE OF THOSE TOOOOOO! My 14 year old, I don't wish him on any woman out there. Honestly, I could have anthrax, ebola, and malaria all at once and still be expected to cook dinner and get the laundry done.....HE, well, one sniffle and he's too weak to do anything but his computer programming. If I even hint at real school work, "OH MOM, FEEL MY HEAD. I'M SURE I HAVE A FEVER!" I actually said to him yesterday that if I had to feel his head again I was likely to slap the back of it when I was done! (Which I would have restrained myself from doing but just saying it at the time made me feel better! LOL) His eyes got big and he announced he wasn't as sick as he thought he was and did his work. Of course, today...he is actually genuinely sick so now I'm having to eat crow and listen to him whine and complain.


Seriously, I am thinking eternal bachelorhood for this one because otherwise, I just know I will end up testifying on my future daughter-in-law's behalf at a domestic violence trial in which she is accused of hitting him with a skillet. I JUST KNOW IT!




Have you seen that TV ad for the cold medicine where it says, "It even works on the Man Cold." I die laughing every time I see it. DH says it isn't funny, but it darn well is. When HE gets sick, he spends the whole day lying in bed asking to be waited on hand and foot. When I'M sick (heaven forbid), he says, "Call me if you need to go to the ER," and dashes out the door. :glare:


My DS is sick today, too. He's napping now. We were supposed to go see friends today, the first time in a LONG time, and I had to back out. This was an event that was on its third rescheduling due to snow, the hostess had made a vegetarian noodle dish especially for DS, and I had to call and back out. I felt AWFUL. DD is mad at me, too, because I reiterated today (just like I have been since last March) that she will not be having a big birthday party this year. She refused to give me a hug or a kiss before marching out of the van and into the school. Oh, and my MIL is on her third day in the hospital and I can't go see her because the boy is sick. They don't know what's wrong with her, but they've - thankfully - eliminated the heart attack we thought it probably was. Now they're thinking it's esophageal. Did I mention DH is out of town all week?




I have taken most of my frustrations out on the chicken coop, which has now been successfully mucked out. I have eaten a Lean Cuisine pizza for lunch. The boy ate a biscuit and three Nilla Wafers.


I shall now join you in that chocolate fest. Does that include chocolate martinis??

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"It even works on the Man Cold.":lol::lol:


We don't have TV so I haven't seen it, but yep...I'd be laughing too.


I think some sort of spore must be in the wind and all of our children have breathed it in because going by what we are all posting today, I'd say that the children are driving the HIVE insane!



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Oh, the snorts and chuckles coming from this Mama! Thank you all for sharing the foibles of your day today! So glad to know we're not alone, isn't it? The "Man Cold". Too funny! :lol: My husband asks me about a million times a year to go get a job and says he'll stay home, take care of the house, and homeschool the kids. you know, one of these days I may just surprise him and take him up on that! :auto:Not that I don't want to be my kids' teacher. I just want him to realize that it's not near as easy as he thinks it is! :glare:


And isn't it so true that just because you and I might actually be conscious while we're sick, when the men are usually not, they think we're not actually sick because we're:


a) Not asleep


b) Not constantly asking for help.


I can honestly say mine does not whine when he's sick. I'd probably beat him over the head, or go to the movies by myself, if he did!:tongue_smilie: But I know he must think I'm not really sick sometimes when I still try to get things done.


Hey! No one else took me up on any of the courses! Oh, wait, we're just on the spousal one today, is that it?


Maybe we could all forge a frontier town together and have a quilting (scrapbooking,crafting, knitting, etc) bee when our spouses and/or children are just.not.cooperating, leaving them at HOME! :D

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Well, I am grumpy enough now to not even want to answer the questions. We have had someone sick here with either strep, the flu or multiple ear infections for so long I don't know how long it has been. Now trees are budding out and my allergies are exploding. I think ds's are as well which makes the child, well, not so likeable.


Lunch today was a cheeseburger at a local restaurant. Just me and my dd. After the art show ds's art class presented my mom was in a bad mood and ds was in a bad mood, dh had to return to work, and I didn't want to go with them so I didn't.

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Well, I started the day off with a wonderful, perfect homeschool family moment, complete with older children reading to younger ones. I savored the moment, thinking "Perhaps my children may actually be human after all, instead of rabid monkeys." That lasted all of about 5 minutes. The rabid monkeys came out and were destroying the house. We still haven't done any schoolwork today due to my head being filled with snot. I was hoping the perfect homeschool children of those five minutes this morning would hang around and read/do something constructive, but nope.

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My husband asks me about a million times a year to go get a job and says he'll stay home, take care of the house, and homeschool the kids. you know, one of these days I may just surprise him and take him up on that! :auto:Not that I don't want to be my kids' teacher. I just want him to realize that it's not near as easy as he thinks it is! :glare:



Mine never says this,but I'm sure he thinks it!! I get to leave him in charge Friday and be gone all day working at a consignment sale. We'll see if school is done, dinner is cooked/cooking (just heat a casserole and make salad!) and the house is picked up when I get home. any bets?


I'm not expecting miracles like laundry done, bathroom cleaned - just basics like dog fed and beds made. :D

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What's for lunch? Leftover spaghetti and meatballs.


Is your day going better than mine? My day is going fabulously! Ds is on a fieldtrip and I am painting my front door and replacing its hardware.


Can we all just get together for a Big Chocolate Fest and skip school until tomorrow, or maybe next week?!:tongue_smilie: Good day or bad, I'm always down for a Chocolate Fest!


Oh, and I'll also take "How to ask your spouse for the impossible" - I want to remodel our half bath even though I know there are other things I should spend the money on. But it is the LAST room in our fixer upper that hasn't been fixed up.

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Lunch was chicken alfredo leftovers. The day is going ok. I'm really not motivated to do much today. Still recovering from our first day of co-op yesterday. Ds started the day by being a pill, but he has pulled through nicely. He pushed through 7 pages of math in order to finish Singapore 2A. :party: We've been on a lunch break for 1 1/2 hours and I somehow need to pull through in order to finish mfw for the day. Ds 10 is home with a bad cold, otherwise I would head for the library. Good new is that dh is out for dinner, so I will not be cooking a thing tonight. The kids can scrounge for leftovers.

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