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Have you ever felt disappointment when you found out you were pg?


Have you felt disappointed?  

  1. 1. Have you felt disappointed?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Other-just because there is always an other :)

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I voted other. I wasn't disappointed that I was pregnant with my two, but I was disappointed that I didn't get a girl.


Mostly I voted other because if I were to find out that I was pregnant now, I would be beyond disappointed and right into depressed. (and I'm a very cheery person by default.) In fact, after reading Pretty In Pink's post about being disappointed that she's unexpectedly pregnant, I'm seriously thinking of doubling my birth control. I reeeeeaally don't want any more babies! (But I know myself and I know that if I did have a baby, I would love it without reservation and wholeheartedly!)

Edited by Garga
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before I found out I was pregnant with my third, I had just had a conversation with dh and we both said maybe more kids eventually, but that then was the worst time possible. what made it worse was that a dear friend at church had gotten pregnant a few weeks before me and was so happy and then she miscarried. here I was with mixed feelings and she wanted it so badly and then was grieving. I had to trust that God was in both of our situations and directing both of our paths.

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Yes. Our second was a very difficult baby. He had severe reflux and would only sleep for 30-45 minutes at a time and then be up for 1.5 hours. I never slept. When he was about 4 months old I found out I was pregnant with #3. I was extremely upset. We were done and so she was a surprise because of that. And also since I was never sleeping it was a VERY hard pregnancy. Not to mention that when she was born #2 and #3 would be 12 months apart *and* I'd have 3 under 3. it was rough!


But I love her to bits now and we went on to have another!

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I voted Yes b/c #3 & the timing. Discovered I was pg while moving 4 states away from previous house. We moved for dh's job, no family or friends in new place. This was my 7th pregnancy, only had 1 other pregnancy that didn't result in a miscarriage after 16 weeks. All of my pregnancies were high risk and involved bed rest & hospitalization. And, we were weeks away from receiving our referral from China for 1st dd. So, the emotion upon discovering I was pg was disappointment, overwhelmed, fear ...


And, of course, all ended up great!!!! Even waddled around China 20 weeks pregnant...


Could also vote Yes w/ #4's adoption. Got caught up in China's slow down, though early on, not like it is currently. We had requested an older child & then w/ the slow down, it had not occurred to us that we would receive a child 5 years younger than paperwork request. We hadn't planned to start over in our 40s.


And, again, she is such a blessing and exactly what our family needed to be complete. I am such a lucky mom. :001_smile:

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It was my 5th... I cried a lot. I was holding down the fort at the store, my mom was 15 hours away caring for my grandmother. We were still in the 1000 sq. ft. basement... I didn't have a clue where we would squeeze another baby. I was tired.


It took me about 4-5 months to accept the idea. It wouldn't be so bad to find out I was PG today, though :D

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I said "yes," but it was not disappointment so much as stark terror ;) I just figured that fit under "similar feelings."


Same here. With my first pregnancy, I was just in shock, I guess. We'd been married nearly 10 years, had been trying for awhile, and when it finally happened, I nutted up.

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Shocked, terrified and more. My husband and I had only been married a year, I was in grad school, little money when I found out I was pregnant. Quite shocked as we were using BC even though I had been told I would never concieve without the use of fertility drugs. And to be honest, I had always planned on forming my family through adoption only since the time I was about twelve.


Of course I stopped crying by the time our son was born, and after we adopted our first daughter several years later, we opted for permanent BC since the doctors were obviously not right before and I don't like suprises :)

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I went with other because it wasn't disappointment... more like terror! I burst into tears and took about eight tests. We'd been saving up for a couple of years and were a couple of months away from leaving for a two year long backpacking trip around the world.


It didn't take long though before I became used to the idea. And then fell in love with the reality that I was a mom! Now everyone in the house is disappointed when I take a pregnancy test and it's negative!

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I voted other because I was thrilled when I got pregnant but then, when I found out it was twins, I think "disappointed" is probably the understatement of the year. I become pretty depressed. We had only planned on having one kid at all. But, hey, it's all good now and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Man plans, God laughs, right?

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Yes, with my fifth. I was surprised and, maybe not disappointed, but definitely not excited. After a little while I got used to the idea and became excited and attached to the baby. I miscarried a couple of months later. And there was guilt.


The same happened to me, but my circumstances were different. I was in a horrible marriage at the time-he had been cheating on me since our son was 2 months old (he was 2 1/2 at the time). All I could think was, "The last thing I need is to have his baby again. I've been stuck here all this time, because J's so little and I need the help, but this will keep me from leaving him all that much longer."


I was just getting used to the idea when I miscarried. Not only did my husband accuse me of cheating on him (pot, meet kettle!), but I felt like I received the most beautiful present and then walked right up to God and threw it down and spit in his face.


Took me a long time to get over that.

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