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We just sent out ds graduation invitations-- to immediate family and a couple of neighbors.


MIL points out(really making a big deal out of it) to both SIL and to Dh that I had a typo(instead of attained, it was attainted. NO ONE else has even noticed the typo..not even US!


MIL is one that loves putting others down especially "me". I am very irritated about it.


She did not say anything nice about them, we had put 4 pictures of ds on the card..age 7months, 8yrs, 18yrs and his prom picture. The only thing she could do is talk about the typo!!:angry:

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We just sent out ds graduation invitations-- to immediate family and a couple of neighbors.


MIL points out(really making a big deal out of it) to both SIL and to Dh that I had a typo(instead of attained, it was attainted. NO ONE else has even noticed the typo..not even US!


MIL is one that loves putting others down especially "me". I am very irritated about it.


She did not say anything nice about them, we had put 4 pictures of ds on the card..age 7months, 8yrs, 18yrs and his prom picture. The only thing she could do is talk about the typo!!:angry:



That was very very rude of her. The rule of thumb I use for pointing out mistakes is I only do it if is something that can be changed or MUST be corrected. For instance, if you had put the wrong time or date down for his graduation--yes I would tell you. If a woman has a run in her nylons--no I would not tell (unless she has not yet left her house and can still change) If her blouse is unbuttoned--yes tell her.


What your MIL did...rude.

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I agree, very rude.


But I have a funny story.....


We once received a wedding invitation to a very posh wedding. We were not planning to go, so we never even noticed that the invitation did not tell what time the ceremony was to begin.


A few days later a postcard arrived. It said something like


Wedding Dress $$

Wedding Rings $$$

Forgetting to tell your invited guests what time to be there, Priceless!


And then it listed the time at the bottom.

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I agree, very rude.


But I have a funny story.....


We once received a wedding invitation to a very posh wedding. We were not planning to go, so we never even noticed that the invitation did not tell what time the ceremony was to begin.


A few days later a postcard arrived. It said something like


Wedding Dress $$

Wedding Rings $$$

Forgetting to tell your invited guests what time to be there, Priceless!


And then it listed the time at the bottom.


Oh that IS Priceless! At the risk of getting bad rep for hijacking, I'll add my funny. The post card we got from the Bride and her family cancelling the wedding. It was the 2nd time this Groom had backed out on her although the first time was BEFORE the invites were sent. Anyway, the postcard was very curt and said 'The wedding of girl and boy will not take place.' My dh said, 'the only word missing from that post card is 'EVER'.' LOL

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Yeah, it's annoying. She's probably a generally negative person, so this isn't anything really new, and she's not going to change. I wouldn't start cutting her out of my life, arranging for her to miss the graduation, etc, because she has a negative personality. Annoying as it is, I would just assume that she didn't really choose to be negative, that she just is, and she can't change it. I know. I know. She actually can change it to some extent. But she is your DH's mother, and I would choose not to focus on a negative view of this. I would try to laugh and make it a funny memory, even though it would, of course, bother me in the short term.



I love that you used a progression of photos at different ages. I bet it was a darling announcement.

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I think my anger comes from 19yrs of dealing with her and then she is in a round about way messing up our sons day...to point this out and make a big deal of it...(I as a parent want it to be a perfect day!)


I am still trying to calm down, I have a knot in my back(literally!) from this getting to me.


I would love to post the card so everyone can see, we are so proud of him!

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I vote let it drop - after you send her a little tiny sticker with the corrected word on it that she can paste over her original invitation.


Let it all be about your son and his accomplishments. I have a mean mil, too, and I know how much this kind of stupid stuff can hurt and gnaw away at your nerves. ((()))

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MIL points out(really making a big deal out of it) to both SIL and to Dh that I had a typo(instead of attained, it was attainted. NO ONE else has even noticed the typo..not even US!



Well, that is so obviously a type-o and not a matter of bad grammar, mispelling, or misuse of a word. I didn't even know attainted was an actual word until I looked it up.


I probaly would have noticed, and I might have told you about it after the party- just as a "hey, did anyone even notice this?" kind of thing. I would be interested in knowing the context of your invitation- could be a really amusing type-o.;)

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