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s/o Anyone else going Zen?

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I wanted to start a thread for anyone who is going zen on their house and wanted to share pictures (Parrothead - I didn't want to infringe on your thread). Right now I'm focusing on the bookcase in our dining room, which houses our homeschool materials; the end of the countertop in the kitchen (which is open to the dining room), which seems to catch all the paper (bills, tax materials, junk mail, stuff the kids print, etc.), and my bedroom (the dresser top, next to the dresser, and my nightstand). Here's the before pictures:


Kitchen/Dining Room: (And sorry about the lighting; if I sat down on Photoshop to correct the lighting, I'd never get anything cleaned! :lol: And, the baby is currently sleeping in the bassinet in the picture; she will determine how much I actually get cleaned today. ;) )






(Didn't know they'd come up so HUGE!)

Edited by MyLittleWonders
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It always makes me feel better when other peoples' homes look like mine :lol:


I'll be joining the "Zen" movement, but probably not until after my 1st trimester ends and I have a little more energy. The kids' rooms are a disaster area anyway, but this summer we are putting up bunk beds in each room and painting. That will be the perfect time to seriously get rid of some of these toys and better organize the ones we keep!



Good luck with your cleaning!!

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I like your house and your style, but am stumped as to how this is all Zen?

Thanks ... and it's a spin-off of Parrothead's thread about getting rid of everything on shelves, in cupboards, etc. I needed inspiration to clean out the clutter and pare down to the essentials. But, I didn't want to jump into her thread with my own pictures, but wanted to keep the spirit of the thread going, hence my thread title. :) Now only if baby girl will stay asleep long enough for me to make something for the boys' to eat and actually clean something! :lol:

It always makes me feel better when other peoples' homes look like mine :lol:


I'll be joining the "Zen" movement, but probably not until after my 1st trimester ends and I have a little more energy. The kids' rooms are a disaster area anyway, but this summer we are putting up bunk beds in each room and painting. That will be the perfect time to seriously get rid of some of these toys and better organize the ones we keep!



Good luck with your cleaning!!

(Bolded mine - I love that too!) I couldn't imagine doing anything during my first trimester, I was so tired. Actually, before I realized (or admitted, depending on one's perspective! :) ) I was pregnant, I couldn't figure out why I couldn't stay awake when the kids and I would read together in the afternoons. :tongue_smilie: And my boys would LOVE bunkbeds, and their rooms (well, the whole house) could use a new coat of paint. But, that will have to wait. For now, I'm just hoping to have removed enough stuff from the house that isn't being used that we aren't tripping over things. (I should take a picture of the wooden train track explosion that happened in my living room or the Lego throw-up in one of the bedroms. :glare: I guess it's one small step at a time, right?
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It is nice to see "real" homes of other families. So often you see these pristine houses that look like they've never been touched and kids couldn't possibly have set foot in there and it gets very disheartening like I am the *only* person out there who can't keep up with the lego mess!

I so agree - I feel the same way with siblings that fight (homeschooled ones at that) and parents that sometimes lose their cool and raise their voices. I often feel like we must be doing something wrong because we don't have the homeschool family that gets along so well all the time and sings Kumbaya all day. ;)

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It is nice to see "real" homes of other families. So often you see these pristine houses that look like they've never been touched and kids couldn't possibly have set foot in there and it gets very disheartening like I am the *only* person out there who can't keep up with the lego mess!



Sweet Mother, Legos are my arch enemy! Those along with Littlest Pet Shop and Polly Pocket crud will be the death of me, I am certain. But alas, they actually play with them every single day so I can't even throw them out for that.

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Oh, I would so love to! I just told work that I'm off duty until mid-next week, so now would be the time to get some dejunking done! My camera is dead at the moment, but I'll post some pics when I can get them. In the meantime, my plan for tonight is to:



  • Clear out my plasticware cabinet now that I've invested in more Pyrex storage containers
  • Clean out the cabinet above the fridge
  • Get some stuff gone from the storage cabinets above the kitchen



Once all this is done, maybe the things I actually use won't be exploding from my lower cabinets anymore! I'm starting right now... :gnorsi:


ETA: I love you for sharing your chaos with us! It does make me feel better. Of course, I don't have your very excellent newborn excuse for actually HAVING chaos, so... dang it!

Edited by melissel
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Thanks for posting pictures! That's how our house looks all the time when we aren't expecting visitors. Then when we are expecting guests, we do mass cleaning and it looks sparkly and zen. I wish that we could just could keep it that way though (guests-are-coming-over zen-look.)

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Thanks for posting pictures! That's how our house looks all the time when we aren't expecting visitors. Then when we are expecting guests, we do mass cleaning and it looks sparkly and zen. I wish that we could just could keep it that way though (guests-are-coming-over zen-look.)


Yes. This. Our house looks pretty cluttered on a day-to-day basis, but when we are having guests or a party....super clean! But I am a deranged woman for days beforehand, trying to hide all of our "mayhem and foolishness"!! (love Niecy Nash! :lol:)


These zen posts are inspiring me. Really. As soon as the kids are in bed I am working on a room. :auto:

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I just resurrected my "Halving it All" blog today and came on to find this post. I don't know if anyone on this site today remembers what I was up to two years ago, but essentially I went through my entire house and literally got rid of half of the stuff. Then I moved onto other things, like the food bill, our gas bills, etc.


I stopped because I couldn't think of anything else to do at the time, but have just started again because now I'm working on "halving my life" - or something like that.


I really want to take the simplification thing further - and use it to bring peace into my life and that of my family.

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I just resurrected my "Halving it All" blog today and came on to find this post. I don't know if anyone on this site today remembers what I was up to two years ago, but essentially I went through my entire house and literally got rid of half of the stuff. Then I moved onto other things, like the food bill, our gas bills, etc.


I stopped because I couldn't think of anything else to do at the time, but have just started again because now I'm working on "halving my life" - or something like that.


I really want to take the simplification thing further - and use it to bring peace into my life and that of my family.


I often think of your halving project. It was a big catalyst to help me see that I could have an experience or I could have an item to look at or wear. :hurray: I'll have to check into your blog again, thanks for posting.

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Not sure this qualifies as zen, but this is the bookcase I put together because the nice ones I own are still in storage. Trying to keep a minimalist mindset (and because we're broke :D) I didn't want to spend all my money on a cheap one. This is in the classroom.


Those look similar to the bookshelves I had in ds's bedroom for a few (6?) months when we moved in here. I then found a great tall and skinny bookshelf at a spring yardsale for $5!

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Not sure this qualifies as zen, but this is the bookcase I put together because the nice ones I own are still in storage. Trying to keep a minimalist mindset (and because we're broke :D) I didn't want to spend all my money on a cheap one. This is in the classroom.


I have those same to books sitting on my shelf! Weird!!!! Great minds and all :D

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I have been working towards simplifying. Of course, this does not apply to my BOOKS. I will be adding photos tomorrow, if I have time. I don't have 'before' pictures, as I have been working towards this for awhile, but I still want to do more more more and then have less less less! I'll take pics in the light tomorrow.

My 8 year old has caught the bug, and insisted we get rid of stuff in her room today. It looks awesome! But I still need to pull out her wall-to-wall carpeting. I pulled it out of the upstairs, except her room, and found hardwood floors beneath. Whee!

These threads give me a jump-start when I get behind.

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After baby, baseball, dinner, and bedtime, my cleaning time today was limited, but this is what I did accomplish so far: :D


1. My aunt and our neighbor each gifted us a box of books, mostly older elementary chapter books. I sorted through each box, and either pulled the ones I wanted right now to keep in the house or put them into a clear bin labeled "reading books".

2. I sorted all curriculum currently in the house and put what is not being currently used (but will be used again or was bought ahead of time) into appropriately labeled bin (language arts, history, science, and math).




3. Reorganized and basically cleaned the bookshelves adjacent to the dining room table, wiped down all surfaces, and made it nice and neat again. I also finished putting Story Grammar into page protectors and in the 3-ring binder that also houses Sentence Composing, so it's ready to use.




It's not quite as much as I wanted, but I feel very good about my homeschooling area. I still need to photocopy the rest of our Latin for the year, but other than that, I think my year is planned, prepared, and now organized too. :D


Tomorrow I hope to finish the kitchen countertop and tame the paper monster. My mom should be here to hold the baby, thus giving me at least a full hour to work. Plus, she can help me sort papers.

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I got my three kitchen cabinet sections cleaned out and have a BUNCH of stuff to give away and Freecycle. That's my real downfall--I can't just bring myself to throw it all out, so it hangs around forever waiting to be gotten rid of. But there are two really desirable things in this bunch--a rice cooker and a hand chopper--so I'm going to make it a "must take all" box and make it all someone else's problem :lol:


I won't have much time today--the girls are well again and I have two reports to finish editing for work, plus gymnastics tonight, but my goals will be to finish off the kitchen by clearing off the main table and going through the "school supplies" drawer in the kitchen, because it's about to overflow.




ETA: And wow, you did get a lot done! By that time of night, all I'm usually ready for is my head to hit the pillow! So cool about the boxes of school stuff...

Edited by melissel
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I got my three kitchen cabinet sections cleaned out and have a BUNCH of stuff to give away and Freecycle. That's my real downfall--I can't just bring myself to throw it all out, so it hangs around forever waiting to be gotten rid of. But there are two really desirable things in this bunch--a rice cooker and a hand chopper--so I'm going to make it a "must take all" box and make it all someone else's problem :lol:


:eek: Are you giving the hand chopper away because you have no more hands left to chop in your house? How are you typing this?? ;) :D :tongue_smilie::lol:


Sorry, I know I'm being silly, it just struck me funny. hehehehe


@MyLittleWonders I have that same abacus! You did a great job. That was a lot of work! Way to go! :) :hurray:

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So here are my AFTER shots of my house. The empty shelves are that way because we are having the rooms painted next week, so I am clearing everything for that.

Testing with a pic of my no-clutter kitchen. I am proud of the inside of the cabinets, too! Just don't look in my fridge/freezer!


See my coffee cup and lid there, just waiting for me!


Edited by lovetobehome
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I got my three kitchen cabinet sections cleaned out and have a BUNCH of stuff to give away and Freecycle. That's my real downfall--I can't just bring myself to throw it all out, so it hangs around forever waiting to be gotten rid of. But there are two really desirable things in this bunch--a rice cooker and a hand chopper--so I'm going to make it a "must take all" box and make it all someone else's problem :lol:


I won't have much time today--the girls are well again and I have two reports to finish editing for work, plus gymnastics tonight, but my goals will be to finish off the kitchen by clearing off the main table and going through the "school supplies" drawer in the kitchen, because it's about to overflow.




ETA: And wow, you did get a lot done! By that time of night, all I'm usually ready for is my head to hit the pillow! So cool about the boxes of school stuff...

Way to go! I too need to do a kitchen cupboard declutter, but need to declutter my paper clutter/bills/tax information first, so that's down lower on my list. And don't mention the "school supplies" drawer ... that is my current nemesis! :tongue_smilie:


Are you giving the hand chopper away because you have no more hands left to chop in your house? How are you typing this?? ;)


Sorry, I know I'm being silly, it just struck me funny. hehehehe


@MyLittleWonders I have that same abacus! You did a great job. That was a lot of work! Way to go! :) :hurray:

:lol: And thanks!


So here are my AFTER shots of my house. The empty shelves are that way because we are having the rooms painted next week, so I am clearing everything for that.

Testing with a pic of my no-clutter kitchen. I am proud of the inside of the cabinets, too! Just don't look in my fridge/freezer!


Your house is looking awesome! I hope you also post pictures after it is painted. We need to have the paint "touched up" in every room and are talking about having it done this summer, but I'm not looking forward to all the prep. Maybe the decluttering I'm doing now will help.


They all look so good! I'm proud to be the catalyst of all the Zenning going on.
I'm so thankful you were brave to post your before and after pictures ... you really did give me the kick start I needed to get going on my house.
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I'm so inspired. My living room is once again under construction :lol: I'm also rethinking putting the toys back into the boys room to free up eye clutter in the dining room. I also need to tackle our kitchen which is beyond the state of being condemned. DD16 is going to take pics and I'll post them in a little bit :)

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I'm so inspired. My living room is once again under construction :lol: I'm also rethinking putting the toys back into the boys room to free up eye clutter in the dining room. I also need to tackle our kitchen which is beyond the state of being condemned. DD16 is going to take pics and I'll post them in a little bit :)

Yay! I think your boys' toys are your nemesis. ;) If my garage was clean and organized, you could store some here, but alas, that won't be until the summer more than likely.

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Yay! I think your boys' toys are your nemesis. ;) If my garage was clean and organized, you could store some here, but alas, that won't be until the summer more than likely.



Ironically, I've eliminated sooooo many toys so there really aren't that many....but of course if they go back into the boys room, they will surely reproduce :001_huh:


I moved the Tv and put it on the green dresser....the kids don't like it but whatever, they didn't help me move all of it. Rich is going to have to deal with A LOT of rewiring, untangling when he gets home :tongue_smilie:

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My mom came over today and helped with the beastly paper mound on my countertop. (She forgot to take home my shredding though. ;) My shredder broke and she has one of those industrial strength ones.) While we went through the papers/envelopes/etc., she created files right then (yea, I hadn't thought of that). Tomorrow she's going to help me tackle the paper beast on my desk, and hopefully we'll get my file drawer in order. :D I hope to move into my bedroom on Friday to do that area. Later I'll post after shots of my kitchen counter and before pictures of my desk area. Right now my desk area is just a small-ish hutch that was bought for our first house (we have moved two times since) and it fit well there but now is just functioning until we can do what we really want in the living room (one wall will eventually be built-in bookcases with a desk area, complete with filing cabinets, etc., but we don't know what we want it to look like yet, so we aren't doing anything to it yet).

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