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Are we crazy?!?!?!? (dog-related)

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As I posted earlier, we had to put our sweet lab to sleep on Saturday. We have only 2 children left at home, with the baby a Sophomore this year. We have planned for years that, once the children had graduated and left home, we would be a missionary couple. We also decided that we wouldn't replace the pets once they died, since the pet would still be around when we wouldn't be.




Now we're considering getting another dog??????:eek::scared: (Only dog-lovers can understand this temporary insanity I'm experiencing!:001_rolleyes:)

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As I posted earlier, we had to put our sweet lab to sleep on Saturday. We have only 2 children left at home, with the baby a Sophomore this year. We have planned for years that, once the children had graduated and left home, we would be a missionary couple. We also decided that we wouldn't replace the pets once they died, since the pet would still be around when we wouldn't be.




Now we're considering getting another dog??????:eek::scared: (Only dog-lovers can understand this temporary insanity I'm experiencing!:001_rolleyes:)


Nope. I would do the same thing. We had to leave our two cats behind with my brother in the U.S. when we moved here. About a month after we arrived we got two new kittens. I just NEEDED them around. :D

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Our dog past away (also a lab) about a year ago. I know what u say. It just feel so weird without something following around. We did wait for 6 months because we have small children and just moved in new house. Now we have another lovely chocolate lab. They are just the best

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We waited two years between dogs. It was pure torture for me. I missed having a dog. In fact my dog and I are having some girl time in the classroom right now, I kicked all the boys (2 human, 1 cat) out and shut the door.


However, in your case I would pray and consider. If you truly want to be missionaries do you have the plan? Would a dog become a source of distraction down the road, ie: "Well we would do this, but we have the dog." Would you be able to rehome it to one of your dc? Do you feel like you'll be led somewhere overseas?


Not questions you need to answer here, but ones I would prayerfully consider, from one dog lover to another.

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Would you consider fostering dogs instead? Especially since you don't have young children, you may be a perfect candidate for fostering. Contact a few rescues in you area and talk to them. IF you are willing to keep an animal for a bit and then pass on the love, you could really help out an organization and yourselves without the longterm commitment.


Another consideration is volunteering for the seeing eye dogs programs where you train the dog and then give it away after a set amount of time.


A 3rd idea is to contact a senior services organization and ask if anyone needs pet care. Sometimes when people go into nursing homes, they have to rehome a much loved older pet.


My MIL specifically searches and rescues older (4-6yo) large dogs from homes that can no longer care for them. She is careful to not take abused dogs due to young grandchildren who visit. She is willing to make the financial commitment to care for an older dog, and in return she gets a mellower adult dog instead of a puppy. She usually has about 4 at a time. She has a meticulous list of 'matching criteria' before she brings home a new pet (including required visitations between the new pet and her current pets before a decision is made).

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As I posted earlier, we had to put our sweet lab to sleep on Saturday. We have only 2 children left at home, with the baby a Sophomore this year. We have planned for years that, once the children had graduated and left home, we would be a missionary couple. We also decided that we wouldn't replace the pets once they died, since the pet would still be around when we wouldn't be.




Now we're considering getting another dog??????:eek::scared: (Only dog-lovers can understand this temporary insanity I'm experiencing!:001_rolleyes:)


Consider adopting an older dog. They are so hard to place and need loving homes. Your situation sounds ideal for one.

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I think tap, tap, tap has some great suggestions. If you don't want to foster, you could also just volunteer at a rescue organization or county shelter.


It doesn't seem quite fair to adopt a pet into your home when you know the plan is to leave it behind in a few short years.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your lab. I definitely understand wanting a puppy...ours is just turned 2 and I already think we need another puppy!! I was just looking online at youtube videos of lab pups just to get my fix lol.


I would wait though to see what's happening and see if you can volunteer to foster or even just puppy-sit for another family in the meantime. It would be so heartbreaking for you and the dog if you were called to the mission field.


On the other hand, who knows what is in your future, maybe you'll be able to tie your mission work in with working with dogs?? A dog therapy kind of thing?

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Now we're considering getting another dog??????:eek::scared: (Only dog-lovers can understand this temporary insanity I'm experiencing!:001_rolleyes:)


Pssst....it's not "temporary." :D


Pets add so much to our lives and leave a hole when they leave us. Get another dog. It's part of the fabric of your family and part of makes you who you are.



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As I posted earlier, we had to put our sweet lab to sleep on Saturday. We have only 2 children left at home, with the baby a Sophomore this year. We have planned for years that, once the children had graduated and left home, we would be a missionary couple. We also decided that we wouldn't replace the pets once they died, since the pet would still be around when we wouldn't be.




Now we're considering getting another dog??????:eek::scared: (Only dog-lovers can understand this temporary insanity I'm experiencing!:001_rolleyes:)


We have our 2nd lab and can completely understand as labs are "lap" dogs and just the best furry canine. There are a couple other breeds we like too, labs are special. Would you be getting a puppy or adult lab?

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