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so.. how different personalities between your children

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Think it will be a fun thread.

My boy 6 yrs old is very shy, very focus and very observed, do not want to do anything unless he know he can do it perfect

my daughter (3yrs old) is 180 degree different. she is very outgoing, very let's try and see what happen. very vocal.

When they learn how to read. The boys is all interested what the letter sound makes the word, my girl is all interested in what the words mean,


I thought it is so funny that those 2 are so different coming from same parents, same way of teaching.

So, how different ae your kids??

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2 kids, boy girl, close in age, very different in some ways. Firstborn Dd16 is easygoing and has been just so easy to bring up. Its hard to explain how easy it is to be her mum, most of the time. If I had only had her, I would never have any compassion for parents of difficult kids- I would probably think it was their parenting, honestly. People told me I must be such a good parent after I had her. She is also smart and learns easily.


But then along came ds15. A nightmare, screaming, never ever put me down or I will scream non stop, child. Clingy, demanding, angry from birth, and very manipulative. But wow that child has made me grow and I adore him so much. HE is what has given me compassion for other parents. And he loves his mamma like nothing else. He does NOT learn easily and its always been a challenge. If I had had him first, he might have been an only child. But you know how it is- I love him just the same. Totally.


But both are outgoing and incredibly social creatures. Dd16 and i were talking about that yesterday and she said "its ok mum, dad had enough self confidence for 2 kids". I was very shy as a teenager and under confident- not my 2. They inherited their dad's outgoing nature. I am glad.

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Dd 1 - Loves to read. Is very precise in her school work. She is pretty easy going and can go with the flow.


Dd 2 - VERY creative (makes up her own crochet patterns!). Musically inclined. Is very tenderhearted and sensitive.


Dd3 - The nut. lol I have to work with her on focusing with her school work more than the others. She is my most girly one.


Ds - A typical 5yo boy. He LOVES math and is very good at it! Most days he doesn't really care about doing Phonics/Language Arts, he'd rather do Math. Right now he pretty much loves the Wii.

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I have 2 dds who are 2.5 yrs apart and they could NOT be more different. My oldest is sooo organized and it quite the perfectionist. Everything has its place and she is such a hard worker. My youngest is the MESSIEST child I have ever encountered. She just does not care about mess and, in fact, loves it! She also tries to get by with doing the least possible amount of work. It's fascinating sometimes to just really focus on the differences. The great thing is that, despite the differences, they are the best of friends.


ETA: Oldest is also very outgoing while the younger is incredibly shy.

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My two oldest are night and day.


ds16 could be in a room and you would never notice him. He is sweet, kind and looks for ways to make things easier on any one around him. If you give him a boundary, he stays a good ways inside, never wanting to push any rules. He is academic, and loves math and science. He is not the creative sort. He airbrushes models, but that is the extent of his artistic pursuits. He is musical and sings wonderfully, but doesn't like Ipods or the radio on except in the car. His dress is simple (plain t-shirts and jeans) and lives a simple life (doesn't like any clutter).


Dd12 walks into a room and everyone notices. She is full of life and goes at everything headfirst. She is obedient but will use every bit of her boundaries. She is very artistic and has a room full of creations. She is a good student but spends more time decorating her homework pages than doing the work. She is not musical herself but loves to listen to her Ipod and have music/noise constantly. She dresses very eclectically. She layers her clothes and mismatches on purpose. She is the kid who will throw a random skirt over her outfit and take apart pairs of socks to mismatch them. (Think Punky Brewster if you are old enough).



I could go on all day about their differences. BUt one thing is the same. They love each other dearly, respect each other's differences and are very close considering they are boy/girl and 4 years apart in age.

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My oldest two are total opposites. They don't even look like sisters (even though they share the same mom and dad).


Dd1 is outgoing, hyper, forgetful, easily distracted, active, and goofy. She likes to say up late. She told me she is nocturnal. :tongue_smilie:


Dd2 is an introverted, quiet, task-oriented perfectionist. She likes to go to bed at eight on the dot.


They currently share a room, which is trying at times!

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Ds14, introvert, few friends, loves old movies and reading, figures things out easily, tends to bottle things up and has to be pressed to tell if there is a problem.


Dd11, extrovert, lots of friends, has to be busy, can't stand down time, likes to read but doesn't make much time for it. Has no problem speaking her mind and we nearly always know her opinion on things, often repeatedly. Will stand up for the underdog. Very family oriented. Thinks about others feelings to the point that she organizes her birthday party so that her guests have a great time, even if it is something that she doesn't care for.


Ds9, introvert that likes people, loves performing, likes to read, tries to keep up with sister, not very aggressive, but easily hurt. Enjoys theater. currently fighting to separate from sis and not be lumped in together (hard since she has a forceful personality and tries very hard to be involved with everything).


Ds5, extrovert, very aggressive, will not be left out or behind. very smart, but uses it to get out of cleaning or school, unless he thinks it's fun or we'll leave him out.

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Ds10, bossy, likes to be the leader and be in command, very vocal and will talk your ear off if you let him ;), incredibly stubborn, hates to do any kind of schoolwork that requires him to put out an ounce of effort, loves to sing and dance, so close to his papa that we worry how he would handle it if anything happened to papa, loves to go on a trip and promptly falls asleep in the car on the way. Very laid back and doesn't get upset very easily. Is rather timid and shy when he meets someone new, but opens up pretty quickly. He was our easy baby. Very independant.


Ds9, easily aggitated and gets upset over the slightest thing, extremely emotional, hyperactive, not much of a talker until he gets going on a favorite subject then you are in it for the long haul, competetive, has no patience, loves to do certain subjects of school but the ones he doesn't he will fight you big time, doesn't like crowds, can't sit still for very long or stick to one activity for long, kind and considerate he can't stand it when someone is upset, will pray for anyone about anything, needs constant attention and can't stand to be alone. He was our difficult baby.


Dd2, she is her oldest brother all over again, she looks like her 9yo brother but her personality is exactly like her 10yo brother. Very easy baby.

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DS - Asperger's, so not social - severely introverted.

DD - Social butterfly who bawled last night because she hadn't seen her friends in four days - severely extroverted.


DS - Messy, destructive, doesn't like to help unless required to do so.

DD - Neatnik, likes to fix things, constantly asks for chores.


DS - Auditory/visual learner who is self-motivated.

DD - Visual/kinesthetic learner who requires competition to excel.


DS - Likes quiet time, loves science, despises art.

DD - Hates quiet time, hates science, loves art.


DS - Red hair, brown eyes, induced after due date

DD - Blonde hair, blue eyes, broke my water three weeks early because she could


I could go on. They're almost exactly 2 1/2 years apart. They get along sometimes, but their differences are making it extremely difficult for them to find things to do together because they are so opposite. The only similarity is that neither of them would be considered an 'easy' child!

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My eldest is easy-going, happy-go-lucky, and predictable.


My youngest is hot-and-cold, flip of a dime, and unpredictable.


I think we all manage to survive simply BECAUSE they have such different personalities! My eldest isn't phased by my youngest, and my youngest isn't as out of control as she could probably be because the eldest somewhat grounds her. It helps that there is a huge age difference to accompany their huge personality differences :)

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I think the biggest way I can see a difference in my children is how they responded to discipline as toddlers. I saw this really clearly when I first took them for a walk last spring, the first time DS2 was able to walk on his own. We don't have sidewalks, so I insisted that he hold my hand or be carried. He protested a few times but eventually settled down and realized that that was the rule, and it's not been an issue since.


DD at that age (and still) would have continued to test me. "Does she mean it THIS time? How about NEXT time?" And so on. She could defeat pretty much any child safety lock or anything at a year old. She is creative and curious and marches to the beat of a band only she can hear. Everyone notices her when she arrives, as she is all drama and sparkle.


DS1 at that age never would have tested the rule. If I said to hold my hand, he would just have accepted it. (That is, if he even agreed to walk, since until he was 2, he barely left my lap or a baby carrier on my back.) Never had to childproof with him; he just didn't get into things or try to climb much. He's generally sweet and shy, less curious and less likely to jump into something, but he does well if we suggest something to him (DD's make believe games, for instance, and while DD taught herself to read, DS1 is really thriving on reading lessons from me; he's also the first to volunteer if DH suggests an outing or something).


DS2 has been much more typical. He's rough and tumble and will get into stuff; a lock on a cabinet actually works with him, as did a gate when he was first mobile (to keep him away from our very steep stairs). He tests limits but accepts authority after a bit. He's out to prove that he's not merely a miniature of his big brother and is determined to keep up with the big kids. Better not leave him out! (Took the big kids for eye exams; they did great, but DS2 was very annoyed that HE didn't get to look at the pictures too, wasn't happy until they let him look at a few. Same thing at the dentist -- he wanted to get a cleaning too, have the light over his chair turned on, etc.)


It has always amazed me how different they all can be. I can't wait to see who this fourth baby will be!

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DD20: Perfectionist, guarded, centered, self-labeled beautiful science geek and consumed with making the world a better place.


DS18: Developmentally Disabled/Mentally ill. Full of love, full of humor, artistic and able to laugh at himself like no one I have ever seen!


DD11: Extremely outgoing, avid reader who likes a lot of structure in her schooling, social butterfly who can fit in anywhere and with anyone, inherited big sisters quest to make the world a better place!


DD10: Sweet and loving, emotional, girly-girl who aspires to be a mother and a princess. Loves to sing and dance and quite joyful.


DS9: Goofy, funny, biggest Star Wars fan on earth, full of energy! Dyslexic and suffered TBI - my most challenging student.


DD8: Hilarious, blossoming into a prolific reader, perfectionist - wont try anything unless sure she can do it, quick tempered, extremely artistic and loves to cook!


DD6: Human bouncing bean! Very athletic, silly, loves pink and her brothers. Loves to create houses, castles, furniture for her dolls and animals.


DS4: Rules the house. He's the youngest and he's not afraid to use it to his advantage. Loves the Super-Hero squad and all things Batman. 100% boy!


I have eight completely different personalities and am amazed by them every single day! What a blessing and a challenge!

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Dd very much belongs in the man made world, and it has been fun watching her gradually allow nature to enter her little world. She certainly has her own little time table for doing things. Her first word for meaning was 7 and a half months, and she'll be four in April and still can't speak in proper sentences because she has only just decided to learn how :glare: Apparently language was an over-rated form of communication, or something... Anyway, she was busy. Busy learning to climb (often found on top of the clothes line; our school is called Couchtop College for a reason) then she dedicated a year to doing jigsaw puzzles. This year she seems to be focused on drawing and "writing." I'm glad I'm here getting to read the "out of the box" threads because I think I might need them with this one... She's petrified of dogs and poultry, but we were at a kids fun day about six months ago and watching the reptiles being put away, and a snake tried to escape it's box, so she grabbed it and shoved it back in. :confused::lol:


Ds is at one with nature. Dd will be on my hip, screaming at my aunt's dog or chooks, and ds just wanders around, barely concerned even when the turkey, who is bigger than him, tries to intimidate him. He talks even less than dd did at that age, even though his first word for meaning was 5 and a half months, but is the happiest little kid I've ever met. Left to himself, he walks around chuckling. I'm always hearing "ha ha ha" from behinds curtains and whatnot :lol: He's not necessarily more agreeable than dd. He's still in the pram because he won't hold my hand, but he's more amiable about not doing what he's told. For now anyway. He only just turned 2, so perhaps that toddler attitude is waiting around the corner for us... Dd started being 2 at 18 months and hasn't stopped yet. :glare:



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