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why would I want an ipad?

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I am curious as to what you use an ipad for.


I do travel, but no enough to need/want something like this. I take my laptop when I go on vacation.


I am looking at getting an ipod touch for wifi and such, but not heavy internet use. Just quickly check email maybe and download apps, etc....


It seems too large to carry around all the time, but too small to use as a real computer replacement.



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I think the better question would be.... Why would you not want one? :tongue_smilie:


Actually, I held out for a long time, thinking it would be nothing more than a bigger iPod Touch, but I finally got one for Christmas, and I really love it. It's so cute! (And really, isn't that a good enough reason to want one? ;))


I use mine for reading this forum, because I can even hold it in one hand while I'm standing at the stove, stirring sauce or whatever. I also use it to watch YouTube videos, shop on Amazon and eBay, read Kindle books, etc.


The onscreen keyboard seems weird at first, but I got used to it very quickly, and like it -- although I did buy a ZaggMate metal case/stand for it that has a bluetooth keyboard inside, and I think that was an excellent add-on.


It's definitely not a computer replacement, but if you bought a refurbished iPad online at the Apple store, the price isn't really that much higher than you'd pay for a nice iPod Touch, and there's a huge difference in usability in terms of things like screen size.


I have other computers, too, but I'm still glad I got the iPad. It's great to take with me if I go out for coffee or if I want to do some comparison shopping online while I'm also shopping at the stores in the mall. It's quite small and portable, and I think it's a good value.


A new version is supposed to be released in the Spring, but I didn't bother waiting for it, because it sounds like the only real "improvement" will be a camera, and I don't need that at all.



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I was just on the forum on my ipad while I was nursing younger ds (I'm on the computer now). Older DS is now watching Dora on it as a reward for playing nicely this morning. It's definitely not a computer replacement, but for times when you want to browse the net on the go, better than my iphone.

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It does have anywhere to put a CD or DVD in, right?


I can't see myself taking it shopping or carrying it around with me.




Can't insert anything into it.


You can rip a DVD or a CD and then using iTunes, put in on the iPad.


I had food poisoning in December. NOT fun days. When recovering, I spent a lot of time lying in bed. Too tired to sit up (or slouch) at my desk on my laptop. I could surf on the iPad in bed - and I ended up watching a streaming movie from Netflix. Nice.


When my son is at a class, I can surf (if there's free internet access) or read a book I have on the Kindle ap. I can also play a game (like Angry Birds or Nonograms or Fairy Cubes). I can listen to music we have downloaded through our iTunes library. I bring the iPad to the kitchen when cooking to have the music.


It is by no means as convenient as a computer. Typing on it really stinks. But it is neat to have.


At this point though, if you don't urgently want one... wait until the next iteration comes out :)

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  • 6 months later...
Guest Kibodeaux
I am curious as to what you use an ipad for.


I do travel, but no enough to need/want something like this. I take my laptop when I go on vacation.


I am looking at getting an ipod touch for wifi and such, but not heavy internet use. Just quickly check email maybe and download apps, etc....


It seems too large to carry around all the time, but too small to use as a real computer replacement.





It's definitely not a computer replacement, but if you bought a refurbished iPad online at the Apple store, the price isn't really that much higher than you'd pay for a nice iPod Touch, and there's a huge difference in usability in terms of things like screen size.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was a bit surprised to find this thread as it is over 6 months old. I GOT an ipad! :D




It's definitely not a computer replacement, but if you bought a refurbished iPad online at the Apple store, the price isn't really that much higher than you'd pay for a nice iPod Touch, and there's a huge difference in usability in terms of things like screen size.
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I was a bit surprised to find this thread as it is over 6 months old. I GOT an ipad! :D




So, what convinced you to get it? What do you love about it and what is a disappointment for you? I keep thinking I need one and then convincing myself that I don't. :tongue_smilie:

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What changed my mind?


I was offered one for FREE! :D My dad got one through his work sometime around early April and he has no use for it so he asked if I would like it for my birthday!




So, what convinced you to get it? What do you love about it and what is a disappointment for you? I keep thinking I need one and then convincing myself that I don't. :tongue_smilie:
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I am curious as to what you use an ipad for.



So you can surf this board from the couch without getting a hot lap :-)


To easily display recipes in the kitchen without printing.


To watch Netflix from the bubble bath


So you can update Facebook from the coffee shop . . . easy to carry in a large purse.


It doesn't replace a laptop for work, but it's a LOT lighter and more convenient for 'play.'



Oh, and the battery lasts forever. I've watched movies ALL DAY without having to plug in

Edited by KungFuPanda
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I got one a week ago with the last of SillyAutismMan's initial SSI check - it is HIS iPad and he is getting a lot of use out of it. SAM can not read (beyond a few simple sight words) and has not been able to play most computer or wii games. On the iPad, with its touch screen, he can do so much! Plus, I have found him various e books that read to him and/or have simple animation!! Every morning before he gets up I charge the iPad and search for more free or cheap apps he might like (today's big hit was Google Earth!!!) that he can be easily shown or figure out on his own.


Plus - I get to kill zombies on it ;)


PS we don't have laptops here. All our 'puters are desktops.

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I got one a week ago with the last of SillyAutismMan's initial SSI check - it is HIS iPad and he is getting a lot of use out of it. SAM can not read (beyond a few simple sight words) and has not been able to play most computer or wii games. On the iPad, with its touch screen, he can do so much! Plus, I have found him various e books that read to him and/or have simple animation!! Every morning before he gets up I charge the iPad and search for more free or cheap apps he might like (today's big hit was Google Earth!!!) that he can be easily shown or figure out on his own.


Plus - I get to kill zombies on it ;)


PS we don't have laptops here. All our 'puters are desktops.


We did the same with our youngest's (autism/selective mutism) SSI. It really works well to help him communicate when the anxiety takes over and he can't talk.


I have about $750 bucks of educational apps on my Itunes wishlist that can help him a great deal. :D


My mother bought one so she can check her email, watch TV and movies and not have to get out of bed. She's facing breast cancer surgery and recovery. We've had a blast playing Stack the States and Stack the Countries while waiting on Doctors.


Apple has really made a wonderful product that has so many uses.

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HEY ALL, this is a thread from JANUARY that was resurrected. I HAVE an ipad now!


I cannot edit the original post or I would!!!!!!!!


I HAVE AN IPAD! I don't need convincing anymore!!!!!!!! :tongue_smilie:



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I just got one a couple of days ago!


I do writing for online businesses, and I'm a VA. Both of those things requires a lot of internet use. However, when I am running the kids all over town and waiting for them to finish piano, choir, 4H, sports, dentist, etc., I am wasting valuable work time.


I bought one with 3G so that I can keep working even away from home, without always having to take my laptop with me.


So far, I am having a blast with it. I'm still trying to learn how to make it work for me exactly the way I want it to, but I'm getting there. I love the compact wireless keyboard that I bought to go with it.


Just found out about having multiple apps open! That is exactly what I need. Still learning how to use that function :)

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HEY ALL, this is a thread from JANUARY that was resurrected. I HAVE an ipad now!


I cannot edit the original post or I would!!!!!!!!


I HAVE AN IPAD! I don't need convincing anymore!!!!!!!! :tongue_smilie:




Yeah, but I do need convincing...I'm almost there.....;)

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