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I am in need of your immediate opinion/birth related

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Hello All. I'm all in a twist. Here's the deal. I am in WI and my very pregnant daughter is in CO. Our plan is to go when she is getting 'close' to birth. I should have an idea of the call I should make since I've birthed 12 but my mind is frozen. I have 9 people to prepare for this trip when given the go ahead so preparations won't be easy. I spoke to her today and doc. said she is 4 centimeters dilated 80% effaced. What say you? Should I pack and get all frantic about this road trip or do I sit a bit? She is NOT officially in labor and is not due until the first of Feb.


thanks for your ideas

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How long is the road trip? My first gut, when I read 80% effaced and 4cm, was that you should be traveling. However, I do remember that with some first time moms, they spend weeks effacing. So, my next question is whether or not you can spare the extra time spent there, if you go ahead and travel, and then she doesn't deliver for a few more weeks.

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when is her due date?


does she really want/need all of you there?


ie. if it were just you going, and the others following afterwards, you could leave the "when to leave" decision much closer to the time than if you all need to go together...




thinking out loud here.... is this her first? if this were you, how close to delivery would you be? (if it were me, i'd have had the baby by the time you got there if you left now....)

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Sorry, I should have been more specific. This is her 3rd. The trip is 16 hours on a good day. But I will have my 5 youngest children with me but I will leave older ones behind and I really haven't made any preps. for them yet at home. Dinners, making sure everything is in order before leaving. I think I'm just thinking out loud and wondering if I should begin to scoot. She isn't due until Feb 2 but these statistics from her doc. are red flags for me.

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Sorry, I should have been more specific. This is her 3rd. The trip is 16 hours on a good day. But I will have my 5 youngest children with me but I will leave older ones behind and I really haven't made any preps. for them yet at home. Dinners, making sure everything is in order before leaving. I think I'm just thinking out loud and wondering if I should begin to scoot. She isn't due until Feb 2 but these statistics from her doc. are red flags for me.


Yes, begin to scoot.

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Sorry, I should have been more specific. This is her 3rd. The trip is 16 hours on a good day. But I will have my 5 youngest children with me but I will leave older ones behind and I really haven't made any preps. for them yet at home. Dinners, making sure everything is in order before leaving. I think I'm just thinking out loud and wondering if I should begin to scoot. She isn't due until Feb 2 but these statistics from her doc. are red flags for me.



Honey, get in the car already. With her effacement and dialation and the fact that this is her third child, labor is probably going to go very quickly. When my dd was due I went about a week before her due date but that was her first child. Given your dd's situation, I would be there already.

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short version: scoot, scoot!


long version:

oh yes, i would get everything ready to leave for the olders, starting today.


then i'd work on:

1. laundry:we wash every day, but if you don't, then i'd have olders help with getting everything the youngers and you need clean ready to go.


2. packing prep: i would ask the littles to start a packing list (and the olders to help them with that), so that they could pack by the weekend. (that way, what they're wearing next week isn't what you need clean at the drop of a hat)


3. school work: i'd put their school work into portable bins so that it goes back into them each day.... that way, its all in one place ready to go when you need to.


4. i'd take the car in this week to have its oil changed and fluid levels checked, so that its ready to go.


5. i'd pack non-perishable car snacks this week, too.


6. and i'd put together a little "loving you" kit for dh... maybe chocolate kisses, a few photos, etc,


what an exciting time!


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I'd be in the car and going already!


80% effaced and 4cm already and it's her 3rd?? She can go into full blown labor in the middle of the night and have the little bean in her arms by morning! I know I'm not helping but some births can go slow...and some can ZOOM by so fast. I'd rather be there early, getting everyone settled...helping her tidy the house, prepare for baby and letting her rest rather than be there mintues before the baby arrives.


Get going mama! :auto:

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You guys are great. I'm at piano right now but upon my return home I definitely am going to get on the packing, laundry, etc. I think what I needed was a mental boost and a bit of affirmation. Thanks for the tips and suggestions. I guess I know what I'll be doing for the rest of the day!! My boys are going to love cleaning the van in 2 feet of snow since we have no garage. That I've been putting off for far too long.

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Or.....you can get everything ready, drive to her house and sit around for a week. I'm just feeling pessimistic today because my duedate was last Wednesday and I just had to put my sister back on a plane to go home because we thought for sure baby would come last week. I convinced my mom to stay until Saturday. Fingers are crossed. This is number four and I was 2 1/2 cm and 60% effaced last week. You just never know.

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You are right, it's so hard to tell. My daughter (the one expecting) and I did the same thing 5 years ago when my last was born. She flew out to be with me during the birth of her newest sibling and brought along her baby. She too sat around the whole time waiting for me to deliver and I went 2 more weeks after she left. And that was my 12th!!

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After speaking with my dh we decided for sure to be packed. It would be so different if it were just me going but that isn't the case!! So we are on our laundry, making a packing list and will shop in the morning. Her last 2 babies came before her due date. But not real early.

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First, I'd make the preparations for leaving right away. She must be 38 weeks already.


As for whether to go ahead and leave, it depends on your particular goal here. Are you wanting to be there (a) ASAP after the baby is born, (b) by the time she is discharged from the hospital, if she's delivering in one, or © when the birth happens? If you really want to be there when the birth happens, the only option is to leave now, before labor has started.


Good luck and congratulations!

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