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Waiting for a call from the doctor ... I think I broke my ankle.

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harumpff! I have been having ankle problems for the last couple months - ever since I got my new shoes and tried running in them without my anti-pronation insoles per the advice of the "technician" at the running store. I kept saying I was going to the see the doctor about it, but it would feel a little better and fall off the to-do list.


Well, last night, we had a family Xbox Kinect Track and Field tournament, I knew I shouldn't do it because it involved running in place and jumping - big no-no's for me, especially on a carpet-over-concrete floor. I ached a little while doing it and thought nothing of it. But, in the middle of the night, every time I rolled over (or dh moved and caused vibrations in the bed) I felt like someone stabbed me in the ankle. In the morning, I had to crawl to the bathroom. So, on my busiest of chauffeuring days, I went to the doctor and got it x-rayed. Now I am just waiting for the results.


So, any advice for keeping up a fitness routine for a possible broken ankle and bad knees?

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I just arrived home from being in the hospital with my mom -- she had a nasty break - tri-malleolar fracture -- required surgery.


I had a 'clean' ankle break three years ago -- no surgery, just a hard cast for 8 weeks -- totally non-weight bearing which is the difficult part.


The non-weight bearing part meant upper body only - strength, etc.


Good luck!

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I'm so sorry about your ankle. I wonder if you fractured it. A stationary bicycle might work for you to get the weight of your feet and knees. I hope the doctor says it's just a sprain or something less than a break. I hope you feel better soon, honey. :grouphug:

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No broken bones. According to the radiology report, I have a subchondral lesion of the medial talar dome. Could be a cyst or osteochondritis dessicans (broken cartilage if I understand it correctly). I will probably need surgery since I have had the problem for 4 months (it just flared up again after the XBox game.)


Off to call the orthopedist. Still need to work on a fitness routine, though. I can't bear the thought of regaining those 20 lbs I lost. It doesn't look good for the rock climbing competition in March.

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