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New Weight Watchers program?

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If you joined on the new program, did you get a sliding points scale with a basic new member kit? I'm not talking about the electronic calculator, but the cardboard thing. I'm going to order some stuff online and wondered if the essential member kit had it. That thing alone is worth $20. :)

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If you joined on the new program, did you get a sliding points scale with a basic new member kit? I'm not talking about the electronic calculator, but the cardboard thing. I'm going to order some stuff online and wondered if the essential member kit had it. That thing alone is worth $20. :)


There's no sliding scale with the new program. The algorithm to calculate points under the new system is too complicated for a sliding scale (apparently they tried and it failed in user testing). So they're selling the electronic calculator "for cost" - $5.95 I think - that's what my center is selling it for, at least. You get one at this price, subsequent ones are more.


Both DH and I got the calculators and they have been lifesavers. He uses his when at work for lunch, I use mine in the kitchen as I'm cooking.

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There's no sliding scale with the new program. The algorithm to calculate points under the new system is too complicated for a sliding scale (apparently they tried and it failed in user testing). So they're selling the electronic calculator "for cost" - $5.95 I think - that's what my center is selling it for, at least. You get one at this price, subsequent ones are more.


Both DH and I got the calculators and they have been lifesavers. He uses his when at work for lunch, I use mine in the kitchen as I'm cooking.


Thank you. I'll order the electronic one then. bummer! :)

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Beth, do you have a smartphone? My Android has an app called WW Diary that was basically a calculator for the new program, free, you don't have to have a WW membership. I am actually a WW online member so I have the PointsPlus app that connects to my account online. I love it. I didn't order any additional member materials because it's all right there. I hear that if you have an iPhone the app is 10x better.

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Beth, do you have a smartphone? My Android has an app called WW Diary that was basically a calculator for the new program, free, you don't have to have a WW membership. I am actually a WW online member so I have the PointsPlus app that connects to my account online. I love it. I didn't order any additional member materials because it's all right there. I hear that if you have an iPhone the app is 10x better.


No, I don't, but I am an online member. I used to go to meetings but this time around chose to do online. But I don't like it the new program. I just can't get into it. I've wasted a month hemming and hawing when I could have been losing weight. I was hoping to just get the tools I used successfully before, but in the new system, but that doesn't appear to be possible. My order wouldn't go through on the WW system. They want me to email WW customer service. Now it's too much of a hassle. I think I'm going to cancel my online membership and use my old program tools.


Honestly, I'm just so frustrated with the whole topic that everything seems to be overwhelming right now. :crying: Weight is stupid.

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I am doing it, kind of.....I say kind of because I have not been physically well for 2 months so I haven't been able to exercise and often cannot even get the energy to prep food....although I am on the mend and hope this will all be over soon.


I got the new member kit, the pedometer, 2 calculators (one for purse and one for kitchen), and the new food scale.


I "get" the new program, but the food scale is hard to figure out and complicated. I need to spend more time reading the instructions I guess.



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I'm just starting week 3 on the PointsPlus System. I go to meetings. If that is an option for you, I would recommend it at least for a few weeks, to understand the new program better. I used the old points system and I used the old, old system when I became a lifetime member about 25 years ago. I like this new system a lot better than the old point system. It focuses more on balanced nutrition. For example, it encourages you to eat fruit (which now counts as 0 points vs. maybe 2 points) instead of that fun diet candy bar for 2 points. The old system focused so much on points that you didn't look at the nutritional value of what you were eating. I've lost 4.8 lbs. in two weeks, and I'd say the first week I wasn't that careful with what I ate and sticking to the points. I've been focusing on learning the new system.


And yes, weight is stupid!

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I like this new system a lot better than the old point system. It focuses more on balanced nutrition. For example, it encourages you to eat fruit (which now counts as 0 points vs. maybe 2 points) instead of that fun diet candy bar for 2 points. The old system focused so much on points that you had didn't look at the nutritional value of what you were eating


Now THIS is awesome. This has been one of my issues with the meetings. It was what new lowfat Twinkie someone found. Or one more way to use Splenda. I'm trying to go more natural and just not drink my coffee as sweet.

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For example, it encourages you to eat fruit (which now counts as 0 points vs. maybe 2 points) instead of that fun diet candy bar for 2 points.


See, this is the absolute biggest reason I don't like the program. Fruit is simply not free of calories. I know they want to encourage balanced eating, but if I eat the banana instead of the 2 pt. candy, I still have that 2 pts. to eat the candy! I eat every point I get, including my weekly points. So that means I'm eating all my points AND the calories of fruit on top of that. I just really can't understand how that is supposed to work. I am sure it would be fine if I didn't eat those weekly points, but I'm just plain hungry all the time. I've lost 20 lbs. with WW twice so I know it works, but it is slow going for me because I eat all my points. I used to eat my activity points too.

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See, this is the absolute biggest reason I don't like the program. Fruit is simply not free of calories. I know they want to encourage balanced eating, but if I eat the banana instead of the 2 pt. candy, I still have that 2 pts. to eat the candy! I eat every point I get, including my weekly points. So that means I'm eating all my points AND the calories of fruit on top of that. I just really can't understand how that is supposed to work. I am sure it would be fine if I didn't eat those weekly points, but I'm just plain hungry all the time. I've lost 20 lbs. with WW twice so I know it works, but it is slow going for me because I eat all my points. I used to eat my activity points too.


I already ate a lot of fruits and vegetables, and so I ended up eating MORE on the new program (without touching a weekly point,) and I stopped losing weight. I went back to the original program. I'm sure PointsPlus is great as an incentive to get people to eat better, but it didn't work for me. The good thing, though, is that the meetings are more useful now to me, as there are more veggie recipes and less where to find fake-sugar lo-cal treats. :D

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See, this is the absolute biggest reason I don't like the program. Fruit is simply not free of calories. I know they want to encourage balanced eating, but if I eat the banana instead of the 2 pt. candy, I still have that 2 pts. to eat the candy! I eat every point I get, including my weekly points. So that means I'm eating all my points AND the calories of fruit on top of that. I just really can't understand how that is supposed to work. I am sure it would be fine if I didn't eat those weekly points, but I'm just plain hungry all the time. I've lost 20 lbs. with WW twice so I know it works, but it is slow going for me because I eat all my points. I used to eat my activity points too.

I eat all of my daily and weekly points. I also eat fruit, but I don't *overeat* fruit. I still lose weight. I think they have counted into the program for a couple of servings of fruit per day. I know that when I've added up my day according to points vs. calories, even when I eat all of my points and several servings of fruit, I'm still at or under 1500 calories per day. I'm a big, big girl, and 1500 calories per day is definitely sufficient for me to lose weight. Still, if you did well with the old program, I'd just continue on with it. And yes, weight is stoopid! :tongue_smilie:

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I'm having a hard time eating all my points - just the daily ones. I don't know - something about this new program works for me - I've lost nearly 10 pounds since Thanksgiving and that's without depriving myself over the holidays or working out (I broke my foot). I just eat the fruit instead of the candy bar and I'm full so I don't want more. Who knows why, but it's working for me.


Weight is stupid and frustrating!

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I'm having a hard time eating all my points - just the daily ones. I don't know - something about this new program works for me - I've lost nearly 10 pounds since Thanksgiving and that's without depriving myself over the holidays or working out (I broke my foot). I just eat the fruit instead of the candy bar and I'm full so I don't want more. Who knows why, but it's working for me.


Weight is stupid and frustrating!


That's what they are going for I think, fruit filling you up. The candy bar is empty calories, the fruit has fiber so it's not empty and it's more filling. I'm still trying to get used to the new program.

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See, this is the absolute biggest reason I don't like the program. Fruit is simply not free of calories. I know they want to encourage balanced eating, but if I eat the banana instead of the 2 pt. candy, I still have that 2 pts. to eat the candy! I eat every point I get, including my weekly points. So that means I'm eating all my points AND the calories of fruit on top of that. I just really can't understand how that is supposed to work. I am sure it would be fine if I didn't eat those weekly points, but I'm just plain hungry all the time. I've lost 20 lbs. with WW twice so I know it works, but it is slow going for me because I eat all my points. I used to eat my activity points too.


I would give it a try.


They are not recommending you eat 6 bananas, 8 apples and a grapefruit everyday.


I eat 2-4 pieces of fruit a day. After eating fruit you may not be hungry for that candy anymore. You may decide to use that 2 points towards an extra pice of chicken, or edamame, or something healthier. I have 30 daily points plus I use all my weekly points.


In 5 weeks I have lost 11 pounds (without exercising).


I eat more/better than I did pre-weightwatchers.

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But, that candy isn't two points anymore. It is more. It truly is designed to reward you for eating healthy and not reward trying to cheat the system with lots of fake ingredients. They do know that fruit does have calories. But, if you want people to eat more fruits and vegetables, you need to design the program to not punish you for it. The key is to eat fruit until satisfied, not full. High carb, high fat, low fiber foods and lots of fake ingredients are higher points than they used to be. Higher protein, higher fiber foods stayed the same. If you add fruit to the old system, you will gain weight. If you use it with the new system, you will lose weight.

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