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If it were boxed curriculum or school....


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Which would you choose? The following plan is doable at home. Not as loosey/goosey/fun as it could be but that's where we are losing focus (three ADHD'ers in my household - ME being one of them). We could spend a little more money for things like a good microscope, etc.


The reason for considering private school is this: I have a chronic disease that makes me tired, sometimes way more than others. This is one of those times. Besides these two students, I have one in public school (with special needs) and an infant. Private school isn't our first choice, and it's quite expensive and would need to be a short-term fix before we could bring them back home. Tuition is high.


We are just thinking of what we need to do to help me survive this downhill slope in my health and not lost relationships (by nagging about school). Older DD has been using CLE math and has been begging for more Light Units... so we thought we might give this a try. She seems to like knowing when to start and when to stop.


Am I missing anything? If it were bt this and private school, what would you choose?


For a 5th and 1st grader, laid out like this:




CLE Math


CLE Reading (with lots of reading good books for fun)

CLE Social Studies

Rosetta Stone Spanish


Hands-on Science with mom (lots of kits)






CLE Math/math games

CLE LA/Phonics Pathways/Time4Learning

CLE Social Studies

Hands-on Science with mom (lots of kits)



They'll be in a co-op that covers writing, geography, Bible, art, music, and also a separate science co-op.

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Thank you. None of us really want to make the switch to private school, so it got me thinking the changes need to happen here. The seemingly open-ended literature based programs frustrate my daughter b.c she doesn't know when it will end. She's done so well with her math in CLE and is asking for it in other subjects so I think I'm going to give that a try. Then she can be responsible for getting those done (and coming to me for questions) and we can do fun stuff on top of it, as I'm able. I'm going to try to do science once a week and always have it be fun (they also have a full day of science elsewhere right now).



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I think you do what you do to pull through. :grouphug:


The best curriculum in the world won't help you if you're wiped out and have to fight just to get through it, kwim? Go with the boxed curriculum unapologetically! Thank goodness it exists and can be there when we need it!

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I think you do what you do to pull through. :grouphug:


The best curriculum in the world won't help you if you're wiped out and have to fight just to get through it, kwim? Go with the boxed curriculum unapologetically! Thank goodness it exists and can be there when we need it!

:iagree: completely. I do hope you can at least find some personal relief. :grouphug:

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Boxed - I have found having something to do for our children (even though you are not well at this time) will improve your health. I know this may sound funny, but when you know you have something you have to do you tend to rise up to the challenge. Since you have an older child it is not hard to teach the children mom needs rest when the baby rests. Our ds 8 knows and is able to do computer work or watch an education dvd if mom needs to rest for a spell. The benefits of home education out way the alternative by far - sending them to school.


Praying for your health to restore soon.

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Can you try using some of the money that you would have spent on tuition for cleaning services or tutoring? Maybe if you had some help, it would need be so hard to keep them home. I would also look at adding learning via the computer like a teaching textbooks etc....

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We refuse to send them to public school for several reasons (I do have a younger daughter in public school right now - special needs). It would have to be private and it would be very expensive.


My husband just last night suggested spending some of that money towards cleaning. I'm shy about having someone in my home to clean but I'm just about to consider it.


We have used TT before and it didn't work for DD. :( CLE has been the best for her, as she struggles with math. I'm thinking of adding some Time4Learning for my younger DD. She's much easier to get the school work in with though and it goes quickly with her. She's an eager learner and K/1st really doesn't take that long.


Thanks so much for the encouragement. I really needed to hear to

keep on keeping on". :)

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Can you try using some of the money that you would have spent on tuition for cleaning services or tutoring? Maybe if you had some help, it would need be so hard to keep them home.


I love lmrich's suggestion. Choosing to spend money on things we'd never even think about , but htat would make life so much easier.


I'm so sorry about chronic fatigue. It is so hard to be tired all the time. Sending love and prayers.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
I would choose boxed curriculum. The benefits of homeschooling go beyond mere academics. I hope you get to feeling better. :grouphug:



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For a while I hired a homeschool high school girl to help out as a mother's helper. She lightly cleaned, played with the littles and bascially left me free to spend more time with the school agers. It helped tremendously, and the kids LOVED her. They still ask if she is coming over. Maybe that could help you?


Oh, and boxed curriculum all the way. The private school "temp fix" will disrupt things more than it will help, that's my feeling anyway.


Hugs and hope you feel better!

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For a while I hired a homeschool high school girl to help out as a mother's helper. She lightly cleaned, played with the littles and bascially left me free to spend more time with the school agers. It helped tremendously, and the kids LOVED her. They still ask if she is coming over. Maybe that could help you?


Oh, and boxed curriculum all the way. The private school "temp fix" will disrupt things more than it will help, that's my feeling anyway.


Hugs and hope you feel better!


That's a great idea! Thanks so much.


I've been very upset thinking about school. I talked to my 9 year old about it and she definitely wants to continue homeschooling and agrees to the curriculum we've discussed.

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That's a great idea! Thanks so much.


I've been very upset thinking about school. I talked to my 9 year old about it and she definitely wants to continue homeschooling and agrees to the curriculum we've discussed.



Yeah, one of the things I really loved about my helper was that she wasn't just some stranger in the house, she was a friend or part of the family, who loved us. That made it lots easier for the kids too.



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Can you try using some of the money that you would have spent on tuition for cleaning services or tutoring? Maybe if you had some help, it would need be so hard to keep them home. I would also look at adding learning via the computer like a teaching textbooks etc....

:iagree:Do what you can to keep them home AND maintain your health/sanity! Money spent on someone ELSE cleaning your house so you can work with the children is money well spent, IMHO! :001_smile: Be encouraged and know that you are not alone.

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Oh, and boxed curriculum all the way. The private school "temp fix" will disrupt things more than it will help, that's my feeling anyway.




You know I know it's more likely to disrupt than help! ;) Besides, if it's the private school down the road from your house, I researched that option a while back and to me, they seemed more of a glorified public school. Same kind of kids, more advanced academics. If you can handle having them home, go for CLE...do Bible thenthe basics and anything else is just icing on the cake. What they are getting in ORS and SEEK could be expanded upon really if it came to that. They are getting a great education with Mr and Mrs P!!


I didn't realize you were having such a hard time health-wise. I'm so sorry! I wish I were closer still and I'd help when you needed me! I do have a very affordable pair of cleaning ladies I can highly recommend. They do an awesome job. They're the ones whose services I was gifted while sickly preggo with JD.


I look forward to our girls' night out....it sounds like you need it! I know I do! Feel free to vent and talk homeschool issues the whole time...you know I'm here to listen!:bigear: And that I understand seeing as how I'm in a similar predicament. (now you also have me wondering about CLE...LOL)


See ya soon and lots of ((HUGS)). Will be praying for you!


~ Me

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You know I know it's more likely to disrupt than help! ;) Besides, if it's the private school down the road from your house, I researched that option a while back and to me, they seemed more of a glorified public school. Same kind of kids, more advanced academics. If you can handle having them home, go for CLE...do Bible thenthe basics and anything else is just icing on the cake. What they are getting in ORS and SEEK could be expanded upon really if it came to that. They are getting a great education with Mr and Mrs P!!


I didn't realize you were having such a hard time health-wise. I'm so sorry! I wish I were closer still and I'd help when you needed me! I do have a very affordable pair of cleaning ladies I can highly recommend. They do an awesome job. They're the ones whose services I was gifted while sickly preggo with JD.


I look forward to our girls' night out....it sounds like you need it! I know I do! Feel free to vent and talk homeschool issues the whole time...you know I'm here to listen!:bigear: And that I understand seeing as how I'm in a similar predicament. (now you also have me wondering about CLE...LOL)


See ya soon and lots of ((HUGS)). Will be praying for you!


~ Me


Thank you! I had a really bad day the other day and was ready to send them anywhere! ;) The fatigue... yes, it's killing me. I think I'm realizing that it happens every winter. Will tell you more later.


As for the ORS and SEEK, yeh I think she's getting good education with just those two programs. CLE wouldn't be my first choice for anything but math. But it's hers (you know we talked about that). We started it today for 4 subjects and it was like night and day. She did so well.

Edited by littleWMN
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Thank you! I had a really bad day the other day and was ready to send them anywhere! ;) The fatigue... yes, it's killing me. I think I'm realizing that it happens every winter. Will tell you more later.


As for the ORS and SEEK, yeh I think she's getting good education with just those two programs. CLE wouldn't be my first choice for anything but math. But it's hers (you know we talked about that). We started it today for 4 subjects and it was like night and day. She did so well.


So glad W did so well! That's great news! And it should help life some weight off your shoulders in so many ways. Since she and K are so much alike, I'd love to hear what it is about CLE she loves so much....why it works for her.


Joel and I both go through the winter thing too. At least it's been sunny some recently! Open your blinds and soak it up! Oh, and what about adding some Vit D?

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I would go boxed.


I also love the idea of getting some house help!


We use CLE reading, LA and bible. They rock. Bible is great 3rd grade and up and would be much easier on you than BSGFAA. The Kay Arthur kid studies are also great & your older could easily do them solo. I will say that I looked at CLE History & science and they were not anything like math, reading, etc Look at them & try a sample. I'd use BJU or abeka way before CLE for history or science.


You can do it!!! It will be ok!! :-)

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Thank you! I already ordered the CLE social studies (geography) but if it doesn't look good, I won't hesitate to look at BJU.


We really like BSGFAA but only use the worksheets (and of course read from the Bible). It's one "teaching to all" area that I plan to keep.


For science, we'll do hands-on. I couldn't bear to go to CLE in science too.


hmschooling ;) - I'm on 50,000 iu of Vitamin D twice a week (prescription). :001_huh: But all my vitamin levels are depleted and I do need to get them rechecked. Thanks for the reminder.

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I second the motion to have a sweet highschooler to help with the littles and do some cleaning. She'll appreciate the money and it will help your sanity.


Another thought...not sure what is wrong health wise or what medical options you have around you, but I have chronic Lyme disease along with a host of other problems that stem from it. This year we paid a small fortune to see a fantastic integrative doctor about an hour from my house. I still have a ways to go, but the money to see him, for a variety of IV treatments, and for supplements was well worth it for how much better I'm doing and the fact that I see a light at the end of the tunnel.


Maybe the money would be better spent on you as it would enable you in future years.

Good luck!

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