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Jennifer in MI: A Year Later....

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I"m still laughing over ther Christmas card photo with your angelic boys, smiling serenely whilst your little blonde girl, scarlet-faced, claws desperately for mom, just off camera. Seriously, that's the funniest Christmas card photo I've ever seen! :lol:


So Jennifer, thanks for the giggles-- they've lasted all year! :-) I hope the family photo session went a bit more smoothly this year! :D



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Jennifer, a great sequel for this year's picture would have been YOU crying and trying to get away!


I wish I'd thought of that!!!! That would have been funny!!!!


:I still remember that first picture - etched in my mind.:D You really do have a very handsome family.



Wishing you a fabulous Xmas, Jennifer!

From one "'Pissy" to another! LOL


And a wonderful Christmas to you too! I think of you often. My brother, who has been in recovery for five months, is coming for Christmas. I'm really nervous!


I remembered that too. LOL It was just priceless!


You have a beautiful family. :)




I was just thinking about that picture the other day too!


This year's pictures are just lovely, Jennifer. You all look terrific!




Lovely family, Jennifer. Your beautiful daughter has grown so much in just this one year. Doesn't time pass way too quickly when we look at how our kids grow??!!


I know! I have the kids' pictures from year to year in a photo album and I'm always amazed at how much they've grown. Meg lost her double chin and that baby fat. She looks like a pre-schooler this year and not a toddler anymore. Makes me sad!


Our local paper just recently asked for photos of kids not too happy to meet Santa. It's got a similar feel! http://galleries.statesman.com/gallery/readers-santa-related-meltdowns/?srcTrk=RTR_95649#146340


Jennifer, your family is lovely!


Those are hilarious!!! Those poor kids!


It's the brother holding on to the back of her dress that I remember, :lol:.!!!


Yep. All while keeping a smile on his face!


Haha! I was thinking about that picture this morning. It still makes me laugh!


Heehee. Glad I could bring a smile to you!


Dd 16 was just commenting the other day that Jennifer's last years card was the best ever! She wants to meet you.


We'd love to meet you guys too!!!!


I remember that photo! :lol:


She's a beautiful girl! :001_smile:


thanks! I'm having a lot of fun having a girl!!!!


I'm really amazed that you all remember it! But, I'm glad it brought so many laughs and smiles!!!!

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