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If one wanted to buy a Wii

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I found that there wasn't a specific schedule. It was very random. Places like Best Buy were only gettting them when they were advertised in the Sunday paper. Other places were getting them at various times throughout the month and then often, only a couple a units a month. What we found is that people were calling the stores DAILY to find out if they were in - then rushing to the store to buy them. It was nuts, but that's what we had to do, and eventually we had success. Make a list of all the stores that sell them, including video game stores that sell them (they were the most helpful with infomation) and write the phone numbers down. As you call, ask if they can give you any information about how/when they receive them. Some places can tell on their computers in the morning, if they will get a shipment in that day. Ask if the store has that ability. Call the stores daily. It took us about 2 months, but eventually it worked.

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Get the Sunday paper on Saturday. See who has it advertised in their sale flyer. Be there when the doors open on Sunday morning.


That's how a friend told me to find it, and how we got ours. Toys R Us had it advertised and my MIL was there when the doors opened. They had 10 Wiis and she got the last one.


This was back in February. They might be easier to find now, but I'm not sure.

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We got ours last October. We talked to someone at Wal-mart in the electronics department who actually asked if we wanted to be called when the new shipment came in. We also did the same thing at Game Stop and both places called within minutes of each other saying they were in. My husband ran up there and bought ours. They were all gone by the next day at Wal-mart and within minutes at Game Stop. So, try talking to the sales people and find out when the shipments come in or if they have a waiting list.

Good luck!

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I made a list of 10 stores in my area that sell the Wii, along with their phone numbers and the time they open for business.


Every morning I called each store when they opened, to ask if they had the Wii in stock. Two told me when they expected shipments, but the others said that they had no idea.


I did not ask the person who answered the phone. I asked to be connected to the electronics department or video games department (depending on the store).


The morning after I told the kids they would definitely not be getting a Wii for Christmas, so not to have hopes for it, Toys R Us had 2 in stock. I went there immediately because the guy told me they would both be sold within 1/2 hour and it was against policy to hold one for me or to sell it to me over the phone. The kids were amazed at Christmas and I hastened to tell them the story so they wouldn't think I had lied to them that night.

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If one wanted to buy a Wii, how would one find a Wii? What is the secret to knowing when and where they are in stock?




We lived in Hong Kong last year and just strolled to the nearest electronic store in our mall and bought it. They were all well-stocked and I never realized the "Wii shortage" existed in the US. Sorry--how frustrating when one simply wants to buy a product!

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I just helped my boss get one today. We jumped on the phone, called about 20 stores and found one in about 15 minutes. I like to call smaller stores first because it is easier to get through the phone system. Blockbuster, Hollywood VIdeo, Game Stop, EB Games... I use the computer and the 'store locator' to get locations close to my house that I may not know of.




Good luck, and may the Wii Mojo be with you. :auto:



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Last week ToysRUs had a sale which included actually having the systems in stock! (I know it was amazing... nearly fainted! Just kidding.)


I hate how it seems people can only get them from scalpers for an extra $100-$200. Around here at least... and on Ebay.

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We've been looking for one for a couple of months, regularly calling the gaming stores and such. We lucked out last weekend when Toys R Us had a sign up on Saturday that said they would have Wiis on Sunday. Hubby got up early in the morning and was the third person in line at 7 am (the store didn't open until 10). Hooray! I refuse to pay $400+ on ebay for something that costs $249.

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Guest abjennings

I stopped by Walmart to see when they would get a shipment. They told me and I showed up that AM as soon as they opened. They only had four arrive in the shipment, so Walmart was sold out within the hour. Most Walmarts sell the Wii for a set price around 275.00. I have heard the store "GameStop" will also carry Wii's and will contact a customer when they know when they're getting a shipment.

The wii may be available to purchase online but its more expensive that way.

I believe the inability to "get" a Wii is all just a sells gimmick. Nintendo probably has 10's of thousands in stock and just sends them out in tiny increments on purpose.

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I think the "secret" is to not to specifically look for them. Dh and I wanted to buy ds a Wii last year for his birthday in June. So in March I started looking. Each time I went to Walmart or any store I would wander into the electronics dept and ask if they were packin' any Wiis. I went into Walmart one night in May and they had one. I didn't really want to buy it at that moment because I had a ton of pool chemicals in my cart. But I did buy it. My bill was so high:glare: I'm glad I bought it though. I never saw another one in the stores.


We had a hard time finding one during the spring last year. I can't even imagine trying to locate one around Christmas.

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I purchased mine by standing in line at TRU for 3 hours prior to opening. :) It was a Christmas present for the family, so I didn't mind. However, I also signed up for alerts from www.nowinstock.net and was able to purchase a wii from Amazon for a friend. That one was actually cheaper since I didn't have to pay tax (and there was no shipping).


Good luck :)

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TRU is supposed to have Wiis in stock TODAY, to go along with the release of Mario Kart on the Wii. It's worth a try!


Also, the suggestion about finding a Sunday paper advertising them and standing in line before they open is a good one. That's how my husband got one for our family.


good luck!

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I walked into our local video store that has a GameStop in it, this was in February, and simply ASKED if they had a Wii. I was told that no, they didn't, but the manager "has something he's doing" and would return in just a moment from his break. I waited.


The manager said something about putting together a package, and at some point I assumed that we'd get together a package, I'd pay some sort of down payment, and he'd hold the package for me until the Wii arrived... in a week or two or a few or whatever. Pre-order one, of sorts.


BUT, after I'd picked out the items to go with it - extra remotes and a few games - he 'surprised' me by telling me that he has one on site and went and got it. He says that they try to prevent people from buying a Wii just to resell at a profit, and one way to do that is to see if the customer is going to buy anything WITH it.


So, that was our experience. :)


And, yes, we had to put a few things back and rearrange our "package," but I bought it right then. Walked out with it.

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We bought ours from gamestop.com It was in a bundle with three games. If I rmember correctly it took between 4-6 weeks because it was on back order. Much more convienent then have to call everyday and run around town. By the way, it ended up costing us less then buying the same from our local wal-mart (including shipping).

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My ds turned 13(yikes, I know have a teenager in the house):willy_nilly: and we decided we would buy one.. Since our rebate check should be coming soon enough anyway


I called Walmart, no such luck..They said they were getting a few in today but you had to be there at 7am and it's first come first serve.

I called Best Buy, no such luck...

I called GameStop in our town, no such luck..

I then called another gamestop in the town next over in another state(about a 10 minute drive) and they said they had one.. I asked if they would hold it, the guy said nope can't do it, he did say it had been there for awhile so if we came now chances were good..

So low and behold, we got there and bought it :001_smile:


Ds got tons of money for his birthday, so he bought a game and stuff for it too..

We had fun playing it last night :D :001_smile:


I have heard that Hollywood Video has them too, but you need to call..


:iagree: with everyone else who says call around and ask..


Good Luck :001_smile: and Enjoy :001_smile:

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though. It looked as though they were holding them (although I don't think they are supposed to).


The Wii was on their flier this weekend, but I didn't have time to go in. I did tell my dh however that if he ever saw one to buy it for me. So he must have told his workmates and he called today at 5.30pm to tell me they were in stock at Toys R Us yesterday. I called and the Electronics Department said they had some left and that there would be probably some left if we got there soon. In less than 30 minutes we were there. We asked and they said they were SOLD OUT yesterday! I said, I just called and I was told you had several still left. So the lady went in and checked, came out and called someone else and then asked me if my name was Sandra... I said No. Then without further explanation or telling me they still had some she went back in and came out with one. Guess I can't complain, right? It just seemed a little fishy, like they didn't want regular customers to know they still had some left...

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