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White Tongue?

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I've been googling white tongues for the last half hour.:ack2: My dh said that it was oral thrush and I've been on a Candida diet. But it doesn't look like the pictures I'm seeing of thrush. This is more of a smooth white coating. I have to admit that I hate, hate, hate this diet and am looking for a way out of it so I am hugely biased. But couldn't it be something else? I've been sick for 5 weeks now with what was originally a croup like virus that went into pericarditis (inflammation of the lining around the heart) and general inflammation of my throat/larynx. I'm on high doses of anti-inflammatories. Could that cause my tongue to be white?

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not sure. Does it come off if you scrape it? Whenever I go on a fast, my tongue gets a white coating on it. But that is from the toxins working it's way out of your system. It could be that the candida diet is de-toxifying you. That's one possibility among many though I'm sure.

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I've been googling white tongues for the last half hour.:ack2: My dh said that it was oral thrush and I've been on a Candida diet. But it doesn't look like the pictures I'm seeing of thrush. This is more of a smooth white coating. I have to admit that I hate, hate, hate this diet and am looking for a way out of it so I am hugely biased. But couldn't it be something else? I've been sick for 5 weeks now with what was originally a croup like virus that went into pericarditis (inflammation of the lining around the heart) and general inflammation of my throat/larynx. I'm on high doses of anti-inflammatories. Could that cause my tongue to be white?



Yep, your dh/nurse is right. Thrush! I can't remember what my dr told me a few years ago. Something else maybe related to liver. I wish I could remember the "old timey thinking" was...don"t remember, maybe stomache problems...HTH. Sheryl <>< Sorry to babble

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I would think that it's detoxification, but perhaps thrush in adults looks different than thrush in babies? IDK...


How long since you've been on an antibiotic, Jean? Any fever, even slight? Swollen glands, or any other sign of infection?


I was on 1 week of an antibiotic about 1 month ago for a UTI. I had a urinalysis afterward and I was clear.


I'm on such high doses of anti-inflammatories that I don't think a fever would show up. I was having chills every afternoon for a while which concerned dh but we couldn't see a reason for it.


It's been 5 weeks and I have 90% of my speaking voice but only 50% of my singing voice so something is still going on with my larynx.

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I was on 1 week of an antibiotic about 1 month ago for a UTI. I had a urinalysis afterward and I was clear.


I'm on such high doses of anti-inflammatories that I don't think a fever would show up. I was having chills every afternoon for a while which concerned dh but we couldn't see a reason for it.


It's been 5 weeks and I have 90% of my speaking voice but only 50% of my singing voice so something is still going on with my larynx.



I would still think it's thrush ETA Oops, I meant to say detox not thrush but perhaps if it's not too inconvenient/expensive maybe a blood test to check your white blood count? But really, you have a pro in the house... what does he think you might should do?

Edited by AuntieM
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thrush is painful. I don't see how you can have thrush and not be in pain.


I can say that when I've had really bad colds, my tongue does get the white film all over it. It's nasty but goes away.


If you have a hot cup of tea, will it get rid of some of it?


I understand your thoughts on the Candida diet. It is The Worst. I'm going to be starting it (again) with a friend. I just want to cry at the thought of it.:glare:

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Jean, couldn't it be that your tongue is coated because your body is fighting all kinds of things off? My tongue was whitish the other day, then it disappeared a day later. I was also sneezing but avoided a cold by upping my vitamins.


If it does not taste funny or hurt, I vote for "general, white, common coating" during body fighting something off. Yup, that is my totally unscientific opinion.


PS: Are you doing the castor oil pad over the lower, right side of the abdomen??? This is supposed to help your liver clean itself and perhaps speed up the healing process. It's worth a try.

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It depends on how white your tongue is. A white tongue can simply be a sign of dehydration. :)


According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) a white tongue can indicate the presence an infection such as a cold/flu or even a gastro. illness of sorts.


I know when my stomach is upset (not necessarily stomach flu, but even indigestion) my tongue does get more a white color to it. It can be just a sign that your body is fighting something off.


I'm not sure what you're googling (nor do I want to ;) :ack2:) but try adding "chinese medicine" to your search and see if any of it makes sense with what is going on with you.


I'm not an ND or acupuncturist but I do see both regularly and tend to as a lot of questions. :tongue_smilie:

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Have you been tested for strep? It is the only other thing I know that causes a white tongue. By the way, if you do have thrush/yeast a prescription of diflucan can help. Also be sure to take plenty of pro-biotics. When I am taking my pro-biotics, I never get infections but if I miss a week, it never fails that I end up with an infection.

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Have you been tested for strep? It is the only other thing I know that causes a white tongue. By the way, if you do have thrush/yeast a prescription of diflucan can help. Also be sure to take plenty of pro-biotics. When I am taking my pro-biotics, I never get infections but if I miss a week, it never fails that I end up with an infection.


I take (and have taken for a long time) high doses of probiotics. My immune system is just really weak, though.

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I wouldn't do that diet, either. I would go for low-fat vegan, a la McDougall (it's the cheapest) or Fuhrman, as I think it clears up lots of seemingly unrelated health problems.


I just definitely agree that that candida diet is the pits.

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If you are on the candida diet, and you have candida overgrowth, then you can have all kinds of terrible symptoms as it dies off. Stay on the diet - it cannot hurt you, it can only be good for you. No sugar, no yeast, no fungus, no dairy, etc. never hurt anyone; it can only help.


I read that extra fiber, like from a fiber supplement, and lots of water can absorb that die off and help some of it out of the system. Also, are you adding probiotics to your regimen? You not only need to get rid of the bad bacteria, you need to add in the good bacteria to balance the gut ecology.


I hope you are well soon.

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I wouldnt read too much into it, since as others have indicated, it could mean a lot of things...including candida.

A candida diet is difficult to stay on because the little critters crave sugar and yeast so when you starve them of it...they complain loudly and make you feel terrible. (as in, you really crave exactly what THEY want which i what you are trying to avoid). You might be able to alleviate the symptoms and help the process by taking some probiotics (which compete with the candida and rebalance the intestinal flora) and jsut staying away from the more extreme candida-feeders (sugar of any sort, white flour products etc).

A candida diet isnt a bad idea anyway, but it could also be just the fact that you are sick with other things, that is causing the tongue coating. But candida does not necessarily cause pain- yes, thrush on the tongue can...but it may not be that...systemic or intestinal candida overgrowth can give a whitened tongue as a symptom without it being called "thrush on the tongue" so to speak.

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IBut candida does not necessarily cause pain- yes, thrush on the tongue can...but it may not be that...systemic or intestinal candida overgrowth can give a whitened tongue as a symptom without it being called "thrush on the tongue" so to speak.


Ok - this is helpful information.


I've looked at the diet again tonight. I'm finished with the most draconian part of the diet on Christmas Eve. Then I can add in beans, some higher starch veggies, fresh cheeses, green apples and berries. That will go a very long way toward making me feel better.

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