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Assessment of Logic Stage subforum?

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I know it's only been a short while but I was reflecting on the new Logic Stage subforum. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I think it has fostered more focused discussion of logic stage issues due to the pages not moving so quickly. But I also still read and post at the K-8 board since my bookmark goes there first so I quickly scan the first page to see if there is something of interest to me or if I can aid someone else. I can quickly determine if I need to click the 2nd page. Then I move to the Logic subforum. I give this new forum two thumbs up!



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But I also still read and post at the K-8 board since my bookmark goes there first so I quickly scan the first page to see if there is something of interest to me or if I can aid someone else. I can quickly determine if I need to click the 2nd page. Then I move to the Logic subforum. I give this new forum two thumbs up!




:iagree:I do the same thing! I think this is a great sub-forum.

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Because I have just the one child at home (a middle schooler), being able to come to this subforum is a great time-saver and resource for my particular needs. So, YES! I love and appreciate it.


It's been especially nice to open threads about writing lately, knowing that the conversation taking place is happening between people that are probably having the same joys and concerns I am having. At the same time, I can't help but think that splitting the forum somewhat must simplify things for the other ages/stages, as well. After all, "Talk to me about writing" usually warrants a different response in grammar stage than logic stage. Also, just like a grammar stage poster pointed out, she can poke her head in here to help in her planning, in the same way that we logic stagers poke our heads into the highschool threads. If nothing else, it's always good to know when and why to start panicking, right? ;)


Thank you to all who are continuing to make this board better all the time. We are muddling along just fine right now at our house, but I promise I'll step in when I have a question!

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Yes Swimmermom!! I didn't know if it was just my perception or if it had slowed the pace of the K-8 board, but it's a good thing! Posts aren't getting buried and lost.


The conversation has been outstanding! I feel so lucky to belong to a community of such bright, intelligent women and men who care about the education of their children.

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