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our kitten got in the fridge, she is safe

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last night all of a sudden, I heard this constant panic meowing. I looked in all the closets, other rooms. Then for some reason, I decided to look in the fridge and there was our new kitten, way in the back of the bottom shelf. She was so cold, felt like ice. I warmed her up and she is okay. I have 7 other cats and none of them have ever tried to get in the fridge and this kitten, even after her experience last night is still trying to get in the fridge. Guess we will really have to watch this one (she also tries to get in the dishwasher).

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Glad she's OK. We have a cat (16 months old) like that! He's into everything. I've never had a cat like this before. He even figured out how to work the automatic ice maker on our freezer door! LOL We've done more babyproofing for this little guy than we did for my ds. Nothing stops our little Pumpkin!



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Phew! We had a curious kitten, too. She's now a curious cat. :tongue_smilie: Just a friendly reminder to always check the dryer before you start it!
and the washer! I nearly washed our kitten last week. He hopped in while I was loading the washer (we have a front loader). I closed the door, got all the settings ready, had just added the soap and was }this close{ to pressing start when I saw a paw through the door.
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and the washer! I nearly washed our kitten last week. He hopped in while I was loading the washer (we have a front loader). I closed the door, got all the settings ready, had just added the soap and was }this close{ to pressing start when I saw a paw through the door.

*yikes!* THAT would have dreadful!

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*yikes!* THAT would have dreadful!

Oh definitely. He was a rescue (ish). Our friends bought a litter of kittens (trying for a farm cat). When we got him he was so anemic his gums were pure white :( Slowly but surely we got him healthy and then he was bit by a spider and his poor neck swelled up huge, that finally cleared up, it took us about three months to get him up to a good weight (now he eats like a horse). I am not sure I could have forgiven myself if I ended up offing him, especially in the washing machine.

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I'm *so* glad to hear your cat is fine!!!


We have a cat like this. He will be turning 9 years old next month; we can't believe he has made it this far.


I 'second' all of the previously mentioned possible ways your cat can hurt herself. We also have to watch for:


*The pantry... not life or death, by any means, but if he gets locked in, he'll start rummaging through the food containers, which makes me :ack2:


*The OVEN (when not hot and I'm adjusting the racks, he thinks it's neat to try to get in. Can you even **imagine** that?!!!)


*Neighbors' storage sheds/garages--- don't ask. He was gone 5 days the first time and 3 the second. We don't know which neighbor, either, just that he came home smelling MUSTY and was starving.


*Attics with garage ceiling access (pull down stairs)--yep, he climbed a neighbor's aluminum ladder and got into the attic over the garage. I was mortified when I had to go get him!


*Your OWN attic. Enough said.


*CRAWL SPACES under your house & any neighbors' houses, too.


*Repair people (their vehicles)


*Trucks/vans/trailers (my parents almost took him to Canada in their pull-behind trailer--- think U-Haul trailer)


*Sewers--- they can jump down, but the 'ladder' to get back up is metal, so they have to be talented to get out (dd's flute teacher had to go IN the sewer through the manhole to get their cat)


*Open drainage pipes-- he went down an elevated manhole and got stuck in the pipe... he couldn't jump up the way he went in (too high & the opening was too narrow) and he was 'stuck' because of the skunk or raccoon who lived in there (the eyes glowed orange when we used a flashlight??). He had to wait until it left during the night to come home. :001_huh:


*Lawn bags.... he LOVES leaves.


I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of any more off the top of my head--- after all, he's been here almost 9 years now and is constantly in trouble. We're sure he's used up his "9 lives"!!!

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Beware of suitcases and overnight bags. Once my kitten was very determined to go to Las Vegas!


I unknowingly took my kitten to work once. My black kitten climbed into my black bag that I carried to work and went to sleep. As I pulled in the parking lot at work I heard kitten noises coming from the back seat and watched the little head poke out of the top of the bag.


This same kitten used to climb up inside the couch, from a hole he created under it, and take a nap.


She also liked to hide under the stairs to the basement.



That was the best cat I have ever owned. Sadly she got sick and died. I wish I could find another cat as sweet as she was.

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[quote=Heather in AL;2202050

*Repair people (their vehicles)



Gilbert likes to get into, under, and on top of other people's vehicles. We had to get him out of the bucket of the telephone guy's bucket truck last year. Also he is not allowed to be outside on Sunday mornings. We are situated dead center between two churches which have street parking for their overflow parking.

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Did the kitten open the refrigerator door? Wowie, you may need to pickup some of the baby-proof locks for the big appliances...or door in general.:001_huh:


That must be some cat.


last night all of a sudden, I heard this constant panic meowing. I looked in all the closets, other rooms. Then for some reason, I decided to look in the fridge and there was our new kitten, way in the back of the bottom shelf. She was so cold, felt like ice. I warmed her up and she is okay. I have 7 other cats and none of them have ever tried to get in the fridge and this kitten, even after her experience last night is still trying to get in the fridge. Guess we will really have to watch this one (she also tries to get in the dishwasher).
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Yup. Floor vents. LOL The same kitty that works the fridge ice maker also uses his little paws to pull up the floor heating vents, so we have to keep something on top of them. He delights in throwing things down them, especially crayons and kitty crunchies.


When I was in high school my best friend's kitty jumped down into the sewer on our street. Tiger stood down there crying and crying and crying. So her good-hearted dad built a little ladder for Tiger to climb back up. You guessed it, the second he lowered this little ladder that took him quite a while to build, Tiger jumped right out all by himself!





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Ours spent the night in the car last Thursday. It's a good thing I had an appt. that morning, as it's usually a day we stay home. I opened the door and out she jumped. The cat and car both appeared to be none the worse for wear. (I got a black light and made sure.) It's a good thing this didn't happen in summer and that I had somewhere to go the next morning.


We had unloaded groceries the previous afternoon, and while I did remind ds to make sure the rear hatch was closed, I neglected to tell him to make sure and check for the cat. He says he did look for her, but she's a dark colored cat and the car's interior is black.


This same kid shut that same cat in our mini-van for three days a few years back. That time the car had to go in for an emergency cleaning (Fortunately, she was considerate enough to make all her messes in a toddler carseat which I was able to remove and clean thoroughly.)

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