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Dental Infection

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I'm in the throes of a dental infection. Pain is incredible, not only in my mouth, but the stress of the pain/infection has my arm screaming too.


I can't go to a typical dentist. First, I don't freeze well, secondly the affected tooth is on the same side as my bad arm...there's no way they could treat it and not bump/brush up against me...and again, the stress would cause the pain to rocket upwards even more than it is now.


I looked in the yellow pages and found an Oral Maxifacial Surgeon. They can knock me out and then do the work...which is exactly what I need.


My request for prayers and support is twofold. One, that they'll get me in today. Two, that payment arrangements can be made. I saw an O/M/S when I had to get my wisdom teeth out, and the anesthetic alone was $300.


Oh, and another thing...I'm running a fever. Chances are there is an abscess.


Wolf was so upset this am. He said it wasn't fair, the arm is enough to deal with, why the Hell do things have to get worse? Poor man. He gets so upset when he can't 'fix' things for me. Seeing me in pain affects him so badly. I do hide the pain from RSD as best I can from him and the kids. Sometimes its just so bad that I can't...and a dental infection on top of RSD leaves me unable to hide anything.


17 more minutes and I can call.

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Oh, honey! Praying hard!


ETA: You might have to be on antibiotics for a few days before the dentist can do any work. A few weeks ago, I had a bad infection and was on anitbiotcs for over a week before I had a root canal. My gums were still inflamed and the endo said that my tooth was still surrounded by pockets of pus.

Edited by unsinkable
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Thank you.


One of my fears is that the dentist will take one look at the mess my mouth is in, and assume that I'm an addict and treat me badly.


Btwn the meds I'm on, and the stress of being in pain every. single. day. for more than two years, my teeth are crumbling like chalk.


It terrifies me so much that I'm in tears just thinking about it.


8 more minutes...

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I just had a root canal for the same thing. I went to an endodontist and I had conscious sedation. I was sort of awake but I drifted off through it and the 90 minute appointment seemed like 5 minutes. I also do not have very much memory at all of the procedure. I highly recommend it. I am extremely fearful of dentists since the time one drilled through my cheek so I was really surprised it was able to calm me as much as it did. (The pills were Halcion and I took three of them an hour before my appointment). I will never have major dental work without sedation again.

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Well, I spent all morning on the phone.


The oral maxifacial surgeon *only* does extractions (other things like implants, etc, but thats not what I'm looking for.) And they won't do an extraction if the xrays show the tooth can be saved.


Called every flipping office that mentioned sedation. Several places don't bill the insurance co, so I'd have to pay the whole shot and apply for reimbursement. The initial consultation would be over $300. I can't afford that.


Others that billed to the insurance co and leave me to make up the distance either had the anesthesiologist in one day a week and booked up til January, or only sedated enough for anxiety, wouldn't knock me out or some other such crap.


I finally found one that bills the insurance co, and will actually knock me out. Unfortunately, I can't get in until Friday. I was in tears on the phone b/c the idea of another two days like this is just demoralizing. That will be a consultation, and then they send off paper work to the insurance co to find out how much they'll cover, and how much I'm going to have to come up with.


When Tazzie had dental surgery and was knocked out, we had to come up with $900. I'm guessing that it'll be the same for me, if not more expensive.


And several times while typing this, I fell asleep.

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Well, I spent all morning on the phone.


The oral maxifacial surgeon *only* does extractions (other things like implants, etc, but thats not what I'm looking for.) And they won't do an extraction if the xrays show the tooth can be saved.


Called every flipping office that mentioned sedation. Several places don't bill the insurance co, so I'd have to pay the whole shot and apply for reimbursement. The initial consultation would be over $300. I can't afford that.


Others that billed to the insurance co and leave me to make up the distance either had the anesthesiologist in one day a week and booked up til January, or only sedated enough for anxiety, wouldn't knock me out or some other such crap.


I finally found one that bills the insurance co, and will actually knock me out. Unfortunately, I can't get in until Friday. I was in tears on the phone b/c the idea of another two days like this is just demoralizing. That will be a consultation, and then they send off paper work to the insurance co to find out how much they'll cover, and how much I'm going to have to come up with.


When Tazzie had dental surgery and was knocked out, we had to come up with $900. I'm guessing that it'll be the same for me, if not more expensive.


And several times while typing this, I fell asleep.


Go to the ER and get an antibiotic. Even that will take a couple days to start helping you feel better.


I am really sorry.

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Can you stomach the idea of the oral sedation? I was really afraid not to be all the way out but it turned out that I was sleepy enough that I couldn't have cared less about anything. Plus it left me with a bit of amnesia about the whole thing. It's much cheaper. MUCH. I am assuming it was Endodontists that you called? That is who you would need for a root canal.

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Do you have a regular dentist that knows about your RAD? They can do an initial evaluation, get you started on an antibiotic, and get you to the appropriate specialist probably more quickly than you can.


I'd go that route.


I have RSD, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, not an attachment disorder :lol:


The dentist I was seeing before decided to treat me like crap, so I don't have a regular dentist now. I called my GP, but he's away on vacation...I'd have to go to the clinic as a walk in, and frankly the thought of it freaks me out a bit. Its snowing here today, cold, and my pain levels are already on the rise.


I actually started to doze off when I was standing up. I can't imagine what I'd be like in a Drs office, esp if I brought the kids along. :001_huh:

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I had a cracked tooth with an infection this summer. I was not able to deal with it right away (I was out of state because my Mom had just died and I wasn't ready to come home yet). I was able to get through it with a Rx for amoxicillin(sp?), I'm lucky because my BIL is an MD and called it in for me. Before I got the antibiotic, I started rinsing my mouth several times/day with Peroxyl (a rinse made by Colgate, bought it at the drug store) that really calmed the infection down some and made it bearable.


Good Luck.:grouphug:

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Can you stomach the idea of the oral sedation? I was really afraid not to be all the way out but it turned out that I was sleepy enough that I couldn't have cared less about anything. Plus it left me with a bit of amnesia about the whole thing. It's much cheaper. MUCH. I am assuming it was Endodontists that you called? That is who you would need for a root canal.

Oral sedation just wouldn't work for me, unfortunately. If I didn't have RSD, then I'd definitely try it...but the molar that's the problem is, of course, on the right side, which is also my bad arm. Just being brushed up against makes me feel like I've been scrubbed down with sandpaper.

:blushing: The A is right next to the S! Really, I knew that. :lol:


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I agree with those who said to head to the emergency room. Please, please do whatever it takes to get some antibiotics or some help as quickly as possible!! I don't mean to scare you, but my cousin just had an infection from a bad tooth extraction that went from bad to scary WAY too fast. He ended up needing 2 surgeries and they had to remove over 4 inches of his jaw bone because it turned life-threatening so quickly. He didn't have any insurance, but through many prayers and friends, was finally able to find a Dr to treat him and do the surgery almost pro-bono.


:grouphug::grouphug: I hope you find relief soon!

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