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And about formula/nursing...

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1. Baby is currently on formula (I'm pg & wasn't making enough milk). Do we stop at 12 mos? (ish)


2. Newbie is due when baby is 15mos. Can I (should I) reintroduce nursing to baby? I was thinking it might be good for engorgement as well as helping baby not feel left out by newbie coming so close behind. But this is new territory for me (my others were much more spaced), so...I don't know?

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I tandem nursed my two (30 months apart) for a few months, but I would not "reintroduce" nursing to a toddler.


As for formula past 12 months, it would depend for me on how well the baby was eating. If baby was eating a variety of foods and plenty of it, and didn't seem to have any problem drinking a little milk, it would probably be fine to wean off of formula. But I would be very careful if formula still provided a significant amount of baby's nutrition -- some children just aren't ready to "eat" all of their calories/nutrients at 12 months.

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I tandem nursed my two (30 months apart) for a few months, but I would not "reintroduce" nursing to a toddler.


Does she count as a toddler at 12-15mos?! :eek::crying:


Do you mind to explain why it's not a good idea to reintroduce nursing? I hope that doesn't sound snarky, I just really don't know. I've had bad luck/ circumstances --w/ #1, I had too much "help" & never est nursing very well, & the result was constant engorgement (or something like that) until I quit at 6mos. W/ #2, I started stu teaching at 9mos. W/ #3, I really thought I would finally be able to nurse as long as I wanted. I imagined that being to about 12 mos, though, & I quit around 8 or 9. So I'm not actually sure I want to reintro, I just feel...a little jipped. Sort-of. I mean, I also like quitting when it's time...I don't know what I'm saying. I just need more advice. Please? Lol.

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In fact, can you nurse NOW, even though you don't have much of a supply? It would help in the whole "continuation" thing. I'll give you my experience. My ds#2 stopped nursing at around 12 mos. His choice. :001_huh: When ds#3 came along 6 mos. later, I tried to reintroduce the concept. No go. Ds was NOT interested at.all. Oh well. I think once they have been "off" the breast for a while, it's hard to get the "knack" back, KWIM? They lose their latch. But, no harm in trying! Like I said...can you try again now while still using formula as your main source? Nursing while pregnant does not hurt a normally progressing pregnancy. I'm nursing my almost 3yo now while pregnant. Just a thought...

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In fact, can you nurse NOW, even though you don't have much of a supply? It would help in the whole "continuation" thing. I'll give you my experience. My ds#2 stopped nursing at around 12 mos. His choice. :001_huh: When ds#3 came along 6 mos. later, I tried to reintroduce the concept. No go. Ds was NOT interested at.all. Oh well. I think once they have been "off" the breast for a while, it's hard to get the "knack" back, KWIM? They lose their latch. But, no harm in trying! Like I said...can you try again now while still using formula as your main source? Nursing while pregnant does not hurt a normally progressing pregnancy. I'm nursing my almost 3yo now while pregnant. Just a thought...


Agree with Sue.


I can understand your feeling of being jipped. I didn't have a good start nursing #1 so at day 10 we quit. With #2 I learned everything I could about nursing and thankfully, she was just plain born to nurse. Never had a problem with her and she nursed until 22 mos when I became pg with #3. With #3, I planned to go to 2 years but she weaned herself at 10 mos. I was SOOOOO sad. I knew she was my last and I still miss that time. There is no harm in re-introducing your baby. I would if I had the chance.

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I don't think there's any harm in it at all. It's more a matter of your comfort level with it. If you want to try, try. Nursing a toddler can be fun (she says, as she sniffs back a little sob of nostalgia :crying:). However, I'd bet that your current baby won't remember how to do it after some time off the breast. I weaned my first--my very, VERY dedicated nurser--at about 33 months because I was due with my second shortly, and I really needed a break. At one point, after only about 10 days of not nursing at all, she was very tired and upset about something and asked to nurse. So I let her, and she had no clue how to latch on. She tried a couple of times, looked confused and irritated for a minute, and then just settled in to snuggle. (The second weaned herself at about 26 months and has no desire whatever to try again.)

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I would let old baby nurse as well as new baby. Can't hurt to try.


:iagree: I let my older babe nurse up until & when the new guy came along. I wasn't producing much milk toward the end of my PG. but she didn't seem to care :)

That way there was no rivalry about it as far as I observed.



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I nursed my ds1 (then 2yrs) through my pregnancy with his little brother. He was older, and eating well, so the diminished milk supply was not a concern for him. He nursed mostly for comfort. I allowed him to continue until the baby was about 2 months old.


I did find after the baby was born that my boy looked so BIG. I developed an aversion to nursing him. I had read about this happening, so I guess it is not unusual. I did end up making the older boy wean. He was 2 1/2 and ready to be done with it he just needed some encouragement from Mommy.


Your baby is so young still, if she wants to nurse I would let her.

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My ds weaned himself at about 14 months when I was pregnant with dd. I had a supply issue, but did not realize at the time what was going on. It was very hard for both of us. But, once he was done he was done and seemed to have no desire to nurse again. Every baby is different though.


Laurel T.

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Yeah, you can offer. Some babies have a hard time with going back once they have stopped. Occasionally older babies don't like the taste of colostrum either so I wonder if waiting a couple weeks might make a difference?

If your older one doesn't want to take the breast again, if you are pumping at all, you can give whatever the little one will not need to your toddler in a cup. I know of children that have drank breastmilk from cups, while some might think it's strange, really human milk for humans shouldn't be that strange ;)


btw, it is fine to stop formula at 12 mos.


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From what I understand, you don't need to offer formula after a child turns one year old. Cow's milk (or your family's choice of milk) is fine. At that age a child can get most of their nutrition from other foods (however my sons did continue to nurse for comfort and from habit).


It's also Okay to continue to nurse your older baby while pg, even if you have little/no milk.


Just follow your heart, but please don't do anything out of "guilt"... make sure you're doing whatever you decide because *you* truly want to. Your older baby will be fine, with such a loving mother.

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you supplement after and/or use a nursing supplementer (google SNS or supplemental nursing system). It'll keep you closely bonded with your baby, and it will make the transition easier for the baby when the new baby comes if the nursing relationship can continue.

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Do you mind to explain why it's not a good idea to reintroduce nursing?


I've tandem nursed before and frankly, nursing a newborn and a toddler is exhausting. Also, I have found weaning to be a difficult process, even for a 3yo! So I would never want to go back to nursing a weaned child (unless it was still an infant).


Susan in TX

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I don't have any experience helping a younger toddler return to the breast. My 2nd dd quit nursing about 3 weeks before my 3rd was born. She was almost 3yo. She couldn't remember how to nurse anymore. :(


My 3rd and my 4th tandem nursed, but I was unable to nurse them at the same time. It was just too weird for me. I did nurse throughout that pg, though.


You can try to let your toddler nurse after the new baby is born. I'd probably do it.

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The older baby, that is. My dd wasn't yet 2 when I had the next two. She wanted milk too. I just let her give it a go whenever she wanted. It was more curiousity than anything else. She latched right on and got milk on her first try. (She had self weaned at 12 mths. Fine with me, it let me start on meds to start attempting to get pg again. She had taken 5 years to get here.) She didn't start nursing regularly again. She just wanted to see what it was like and know that Mommy would let her nurse too. Jealousy can be a funny thing.

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I would definitely let your older baby nurse if she wants to. She may not want to or be able to. It's possible she's lost her latch already. I would not refuse her the breast if she wanted it, because, well, I think that might hurt her little feelings and make her feel rejected. It doesn't hurt to try though. Even at her age, your milk would still be far better for her than anything else. Either way, you can stop formula at 12 months and switch to whatever form of milk the rest of the family drinks. Good luck! :)

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