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marching band

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I'm watching Drumline and remembering with great affection and pride, my own stint in an award winning (award sweeping-we rocked old skool, yo) marching band. I have a few kinds that I think I would totally love this. How can a kid get into marching band without them being in high school?

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Youth bands are open to all children in a community. There may or may not be a youth band where you live.


Dd was in the color guard of the Spirit of Sunnyvale Marching Youth Band. We only lasted a year, lol. Practices began in September, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; beginnning in January, the last weekend of each month was a band camp; when school let out each section had an additional practice; and then there were the two summer tours. Oh, and every holiday weekend there was a parade.


Children who wanted to play an instrument in the band had to taking lessons somewhere.

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Not sure where you live but you could look at Drum Corps opportunities.





My dh did drum corps when he was in high school. He loved the experience but it was interesting. He would be wary of letting his kids join. The atmosphere was a bit like a frat house. Maybe each one has it's own culture. He did love it. He traveled and worked very hard and gained a lot of discipline.

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My dh did drum corps when he was in high school. He loved the experience but it was interesting. He would be wary of letting his kids join. The atmosphere was a bit like a frat house. Maybe each one has it's own culture. He did love it. He traveled and worked very hard and gained a lot of discipline.


'tis what I heard....but I'm getting old now so maybe things have changed.


To be fair, our high school marching band and competition show choir were not exactly...umm...wholesome.;)


I think it would be difficult to find a homeschool group that could compete with the best high school groups. That is probably THE #1 issue that could ever push me towards sending mine to ps...that and the fact that I have to pull janatorial duty in my little homeschool.:tongue_smilie:


I LOVED band and choir! You can't duplicate that at home...sigh...we need to move somewhere with a heavy hs population and an awesome co-op. (where, oh where, is that???)

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'tis what I heard....but I'm getting old now so maybe things have changed.


To be fair, our high school marching band and competition show choir were not exactly...umm...wholesome.;)


I think it would be difficult to find a homeschool group that could compete with the best high school groups. That is probably THE #1 issue that could ever push me towards sending mine to ps...that and the fact that I have to pull janatorial duty in my little homeschool.:tongue_smilie:


I LOVED band and choir! You can't duplicate that at home...sigh...we need to move somewhere with a heavy hs population and an awesome co-op. (where, oh where, is that???)


West Michigan!! Our band is award winning! We moved to the area several years ago. The homeschool community was top on the list of reasons to locate here.

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It probably depends on how the marching band in your local public high school is classified. The one my son is in was extra-curricular up until this year so I don't think homeschoolers could participate in that case (although knowing our director she probably would have found a way around it.;)).


This year it's classified as a PE credit for juniors and seniors, but the kids must meet weekly grade eligibility criteria just like the athletes. In my state homeschoolers can enroll for any part of the school day so it would be open to them.


Just be sure and check participation requirements before committing so you know what you're getting into. Our band starts rookie camp the week after school is out and beginning in late July through Nov. all rehearsals and events are mandatory (even if added to the calendar late). Seriously mandatory--you just don't miss unless you're home sick or there's a death in the family.

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Here, we have a homeschool marching band. I don't know how common it is to find such a creature.


get out! You are so lucky.


West Michigan!! Our band is award winning! We moved to the area several years ago. The homeschool community was top on the list of reasons to locate here.




Yes, marching band wasn't so wholesome (hee) but we worked so very hard (like the post office, Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night we were playing and marching). It gave me such discipline and a love of all musics. (I think it also was the only reason I stayed in school long enough to graduate-that and art) I have a few who are very musical and I might have to see what I can shake up.

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Some districts allow hsers to particpate in certain activities without being enrolled in school. In my town hsers are allowed to take music lessons starting in 4th grade through high school, marching band starting in middle school, and can travel with these programs, participate in all concerts, competitions, and district programs. They can also particpate in drama/theater, art programs, and sports. Some parents don't want their children around public school kids at all, and/or don't agree with 'outsourcing', so this might not work for everyone.


Drum Corps is also an option. They expect a student to be quite advanced.

Edited by LibraryLover
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'tis what I heard....but I'm getting old now so maybe things have changed.


To be fair, our high school marching band and competition show choir were not exactly...umm...wholesome.;)


I think it would be difficult to find a homeschool group that could compete with the best high school groups. That is probably THE #1 issue that could ever push me towards sending mine to ps...that and the fact that I have to pull janatorial duty in my little homeschool.:tongue_smilie:


I LOVED band and choir! You can't duplicate that at home...sigh...we need to move somewhere with a heavy hs population and an awesome co-op. (where, oh where, is that???)



Knoxville. There is a homeschool marching band. I'm unsure how good it is, but honestly local schools don't have much to offer on that front. There is a local choral. It's excellent and anyone can be in it. There is also a Knoxville youth orchestra, which is also excellent. There are a lot of opportunities for homeschoolers in Knoxville, unfortunately for me, I don't live there. :tongue_smilie:

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In our district students who are registered as homeschoolers are allowed to take a few classes in public schools, anything that I can't offer him at home or believe myself unqualified to teach. Obviously, I can't give my son the group experience of participating in an orchestra, so he goes to his former public school on Tuesdays and Fridays to participate in Orchestra. Since it's just a half hour on Tuesdays and an hour on Fridays I stay there and help the orchestra teacher with tuning instruments and pulling sections out (1st violins or cellos) to give more individualized practice and instruction. It's a win for me and a win for her since she lost a good chunk of money to fund a paid educational assistant.

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I'm watching Drumline and remembering with great affection and pride, my own stint in an award winning (award sweeping-we rocked old skool, yo) marching band. I have a few kinds that I think I would totally love this. How can a kid get into marching band without them being in high school?



Depends on your state. Here in Sunny Florida :D homeschoolers can participate in any class (up to 3) or extracurricular (including sports teams and band.)

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our local PS has 2 homeschoolers enrolled in band this year--one is my middle dd... they are not allowed to march (they cannot participate in the competitions) but they do help out in the 'pit' (set up). They can and do play in the stands at the football games (our team is headed to the state playoffs!) and they can also go to away games.


I would consider our band 'wholesome'--we have a TON of active Band parents!


My dd will be allowed to participate in the concert band (just not play in the one competition)--and she CAN and will audition for Regional and All-State Bands.

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