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Santa Claus and Tooth Fairy question/problem

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Okay, dc are almost 7 & 9. They still believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa, and the Tooth Fairy, but....


At Sunday School last week, the kids were talking, and one girl said "My mom told me the secret about the Tooth Fairy-it's your parents that put the money there." I was filling in for the teacher, so I was there. My dd's class. So, I couldn't even look at her, and pretended I didn't hear anything! I know she had to have heard, because she was 2 kids away from the girl who said it. I was just heartbroken, because ds had just lost his first tooth, and they both were so excited. Ds left a note for her, and I sprinkled some gold dust (fairy dust) on both of their pillows, and they both thought maybe they could fly. It was so cute and sweet, and now... Sigh.


Dd has not said one word about it, but my dilemma is: What do I do the next time? Ds has another loose tooth. I'm sad for dd, but I also don't want ds to loose 2 years of innocence because she knows (sort of). And do I perpetuate the "lie"? I hate to call it all lying, too. I know there have been lots of debates over all of this, "We don't ever lie to our kids, how will they ever believe you about anything if you say there is Santa, Tooth Fairy, etc..."


Also, if she is going to question the Tooth Fairy, I'm sure Santa is next. I don't know what to do!:confused:


Oh, then, one of the little boys at Sunday School comes right up to me and says "Santa is real though, isn't he?" :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy: I didn't know who was listening/watching, plus this poor boy's dad has cancer-so I said "Yes, he's real." What else could I do??? I'm sweating, just thinking about it.

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I would continue on with it. Kids deserve to innocently believe in childhood fanstasy. Dh listened to something from Dr. Dobson and he said "Its good for children to have appropriate fantasy belief because the world is so serious and they have their whole life to be grown up but they only have that time to be little and to have a magical world to live in where Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy are real." He went on to say "There are no studies that show belief in that stuff at a young age hinders spiritual growth at all."



Before that we were against Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and all that. We feel like we robbed our kids but then when we started it was awesome to see their excitement! Let your kids believe, I bet this will not even phase them. If they do ask you, ask them "Well, what do YOU think?" If they say they believe let them! :001_smile:

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If they do ask you, ask them "Well, what do YOU think?" If they say they believe let them! :001_smile:

This is what I do. :) If they try to 'test' me by saying they don't believe, I just shrug my shoulders and say, "that's too bad. Good thing I still believe!"


Our "rule" is that one must believe for Santa, Tooth Fairy, etc to come.


I still believe (in the spirit of the holiday) so Santa still comes.


And we do this too. :)

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It is just pretend. My kids have always known the tooth fairy was a fake. We just enjoy pretending. I forgot last time with my 11yo. She brought out the tooth and said, "Hey, mom you, I mean the tooth fairy forgot my MONEY." I laughed and said, "Well, try again tonight, but you better mention it because the tooth fairy is very tired and might fall asleep before you do." :lol:


Anyway, we've always told our kids the truth and then ask them if they want to play the game.

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we do the tooth fairy & santa brings one gift here. we've never celebrated the easter bunny, but we do easter baskets. my kids know that some kids do celebrate the easter bunny though, so i've asked them to not spoil it for other kids & let them have fun believing. it stinks when other kids spoil it. i'd just let your kids continue to believe. they'll probably figure it out and pretend to believe for a while longer anyway, if they haven't already. i think this is the stage my 9 year old is in. she loves to believe in santa (even though i i think deep down she knows we're santa). it's not related to whether or not she'll get a gift, as he only brings just one anyway. i think she loves the imagination of it all.

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My older son knows the deal (he came to me and asked when he was only 7!) because of kids in ps (when he went there). My younger son does not know and has not asked yet. When he does, we will tell him the truth. Ds11 KNOWS better than to tell ds7!


I am sorry that happened to your dd. My DAD spoiled it for me when I was 5. Yes, FIVE. I won't talk about the kind of man my dad is...let's just say, it wouldn't surprise you if you knew him. :(

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I would just keep on doing the tooth fairy. And if they ask you, I'd say "Of course the Tooth Fairy is real! I think so! Don't you?!" And if they say "So and so said she's not" I'd say "Really? How silly! Maybe the Tooth Fairy won't go to her house then! Don't YOU believe? Yes, me, too!"

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I love the gold fairy dust! Ds started leaving his teeth in a glass of water with a note for the tooth fairy indicating what color he wanted the water turned. When he lost his last tooth he asked for blue water with golden swirls. :eek: , beastly child. He forgot about golden glitter glue. The tooth fairy wins again! :lol:

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I'd keep it going as if nothing happened. I would wait until she approaches you with a question about it.


I understand where you are coming from.....my kids are 6 and 3 and fully believe in the magic of all the holidays. We are very conservative Christians and believe it is okay for the kids to indulge in this fantasy world while they can. I would be devastated if they found out the truth so early!

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I love the gold fairy dust! Ds started leaving his teeth in a glass of water with a note for the tooth fairy indicating what color he wanted the water turned. When he lost his last tooth he asked for blue water with golden swirls. :eek: , beastly child. He forgot about golden glitter glue. The tooth fairy wins again! :lol:


I love the colored water!


It was so cute with the fairy dust (loose gold eye shadow), because dd wiped it from her pillow with her fingers, started sprinkling it over her head and said "I think I feel lighter!". Ds said "Maybe I flew in the night and never knew!"


That's why I don't want them to become "one of us" yet!


Thanks for all of your great responses! Sometimes you just draw a blank when trying to think of something, and that's where I was at.:001_smile:

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Also, if she is going to question the Tooth Fairy, I'm sure Santa is next. I don't know what to do!:confused:


Don't sweat it. My dc have always known the real deal behind the ToothFairy, Santa, and all the rest. That didn't stop them from writing a book about the secret lives of all those guys. It was hilarious, and they still enjoy playing the game. :)

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I love the colored water!


It was so cute with the fairy dust (loose gold eye shadow), because dd wiped it from her pillow with her fingers, started sprinkling it over her head and said "I think I feel lighter!". Ds said "Maybe I flew in the night and never knew!"


That's why I don't want them to become "one of us" yet!


Thanks for all of your great responses! Sometimes you just draw a blank when trying to think of something, and that's where I was at.:001_smile:


Oh I miss those days. Enjoy!

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I wish I would have thought of fairy dust with my daughter! Do you think my son would appreciate fairy dust when the time comes? :D


Yes! I'm sure ds is totally influenced by dd; they watch the Tinkerbell movies and things. And, since you're doing Waldorf, there are all of the fairy stories. Have you read The Wind Boy? Mine absolutely went crazy for it.

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Yes! I'm sure ds is totally influenced by dd; they watch the Tinkerbell movies and things. And, since you're doing Waldorf, there are all of the fairy stories. Have you read The Wind Boy? Mine absolutely went crazy for it.


I will try the fairy dust with him then :D


No, we haven't read that- I've never even heard of it. I'll look into it! :)

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It is just pretend. My kids have always known the tooth fairy was a fake. We just enjoy pretending. I forgot last time with my 11yo. She brought out the tooth and said, "Hey, mom you, I mean the tooth fairy forgot my MONEY." I laughed and said, "Well, try again tonight, but you better mention it because the tooth fairy is very tired and might fall asleep before you do." :lol:


Anyway, we've always told our kids the truth and then ask them if they want to play the game.


This is how we go about it too. There has never been a time that my kids thought that the Tooth Fairy or Santa were real - but we've always told them that part of the game is not letting on that you know the truth. We wouldn't want to spoil the magic for the others.


Being the Tooth Fairy is probably my favorite part of my job as a mom, and my kids know it. They make the game extra special with "phone calls" to the tooth fairy, and presents, and all sorts of goofy stuff. We just have fun with it.

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Here's a question: what do you do with the teeth? Should I start a poll?


I know it's gross, but I hated to just throw them out, so I have an old pill bottle, and the teeth are in there, wrapped in kleenex!


If it was me, I'd just throw them out.


But it's usually my husband who plays tooth fairy and he can't throw ANYTHING away so he keeps them.


I don't even ask what he does with them/where he puts them lol.


Taking a picture of that gap-toothed smile after each lost tooth is memory enough for me!



Edited by NanceXToo
because I DO know the difference between "loss" and "lost." :)
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