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Will this summer ever be over?

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It's officially fall now and we are still at 90 degrees Fahrenheit here in the north metro Atlanta area. It's been in the 90s consistently since late April/early May. I'm so tired of being sweaty. My Canadian friend just had her first snowfall of the year and I was so jealous I almost cried.

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Over in S. Carolina and we've been in the same boat. I'm so sick of it being hot. We actually have had a few mornings in the 60s and it was such a welcome change. Our electric bills have been huge. It's been so miserable, we've hardly wanted to be outside this year. Not just hot but really, really muggy with heat indexes above 100 consistently through the summer.


From my family in Alaska, they've complained of it being a cool and wet summer. I think I'd almost rather have that!!!

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My husband asked me last night why I was so cranky this week. My reply went something like:


I am so tired of sweating!!! I want to go outside with clothes on and not be miserably hot!! It is SEPTEMBER, people!!


So, you're not alone, I assure you. My browser says it is 93 degrees outside and my daughter has soccer practice today. :(

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Overall, we had an unusually cool (and at times overcast) summer, but this weekend it's supposed to be up in the mid- to upper-90's. I guess the only consolation is it's a "dry" heat, but 30+ weeks pregnant, I don't want any heat! Today has been a perfectly lovely fall day - 74 degrees, mostly sunny, with a slight breeze. I want it to just continue like this until winter hits.

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You know the downside of the cool mornings? The pool is getting to chilly to enjoy LOL. So it's still hot in the afternoons, too hot to winterize the darn thing. The solar cover keeps the top foot or so warm but then the deeper parts are too cold.


So we have to keep treating, cleaning and keep the filter on, grrrrrr! I love winterizing it. Our electric bill drops about $100 every fall beyond the regular amount from using less A/C. :/

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It's going to be 98F or warmer here the next 10 days.


DH has some air conditioning system so that he can keep the house around 72 and have the energy bill lower than when we kept it at 75. So, i'm cool in the house (I've been wearing jeans all week), and then I bake when I need to run errands.

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Summers are always hot here, but usually it cools down to the low to mid 80s by late September. So far this year, it's still HOT. I don't even remember the last day we had that was below 90°. Monday the high was 98°. I hear we're supposed to have temperatures in the 80s next week. I'm ready.

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Well, I'm in SE PA and after 2 weeks of having our windows open we hit 90 Wed and high 80s yesterday and today. We are supposed to cool off again this weekend, but I'm so tired of the back and forth.


I went to the produce stand at the farm today. There are pumpkins and mums all over the place and I'm there in my shorts and t-shirt. That's just not right! :glare:

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