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It's a boy! And not the least bit shy

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We broke the news to my 3 yodd first and let her tell everyone else- somehow the authority she derived from that role softened the blow and she seemed to accept the fact that she couldn't simply demand a sister and it would be so....


I would have been thrilled either way, but I am "boy mom" at heart ;).




Edit: He's a boy, not it, *He* is a boy.


Edit #2: I need to clarify that I had an ultrasound today, not the actually baby. Sorry, if there was confusion. But I did actually receive proof that I am indeed carrying a little life inside me and it isn't just my imagination. Denial has ended.

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Yay, Battlebaby! Way to salute! ;)




You crack me up. "battlebaby" :lol:


The funny thing is we have a real snapshot of him saluting- hand to his forehead, elbow at an impressing, and Navy issue, right angle. I took the u/s photos right down to the submarine to show dh. It's frameable.



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You crack me up. "battlebaby" :lol:


The funny thing is we have a real snapshot of him saluting- hand to his forehead, elbow at an impressing, and Navy issue, right angle. I took the u/s photos right down to the submarine to show dh. It's frameable.




Too cool! :001_smile:

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I haven't been waiting patiently. ;)


Yeah-- another boy! That is grerat-- and you give me hope that our advanced maternal age it is possible to conceive a male baby. Maybe my ds won't move to the woods after all (he said he would if this baby was a girl :lol:)-- but after 5 girls in a row, the odds may not be in his favor. Well, maybe he will take his trumpet to the woods. He is just starting and man that thing is loud. :bigear:


Ya know, it is funny that I have 3 friends who are expecting (you included) and me too, and we've all been in shock and awe about these pregnancies-- how could this have happened?? And 3 of us it is our 7th baby. You'd think we'd know by now. I am glad the denial is wearing off and the good reality that it is is settling in. Now you get to figure out how to fit 7 kids in a 1000 sq ft house. Fun fun.


Congrats. I have 8 weeks to see if ds is pitching a tent in the woods. ;) Though we did see a blinking heart on Tuesday, so my reality is sinking in a bit too.

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