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Lunch is at almost 3:00 and it is chicken nuggets. We're eating while watching Unitedstreaming MS science. I'd rather be taking a real break but we got a late start today. We had Friday and Monday off so we need to get motivated. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. After this, all we have left is math which will be fast. Then I will take MY real break and watch something educational like Young and the Restless. ;)

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We went out. It's the first day things have been open since the typhoon on Thurs. so we had tons of errands to run. I made dh stand in line for an hour and a half to pay tae kwon do while I went get ds's speech therapy scheduling straightened out. So since dh was a good boy while waiting we got to go out for lunch. Then we came home and I took the kids to the pool while he cleaned.

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I realized I forgot to put what I had for lunch! One of our local grocery stores (Fry's) has been accepting competitors' coupons for awhile and awhile back one store had a coupon for tuna pouches (77 cents!). I bought a slew of them! So today I opened one up and added sliced frozen red grapes, celery, and a bit of mayo to make tuna salad. It was quite good! Now I'm just finishing up my Pepsi Max and thinking about what needs to be accomplished this afternoon!

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Well, it's past lunchtime here. We all had chicken nuggets and chips (not the most nutritious lunch, but well received by the kiddos.). School is mostly done for the day, but we'll do some read alouds tonight after dh gets home.

It was a slow start to the week. Busy weekend meant little planning time, so I did lesson plans first thing this morning, and we fit in a trip to the library. We squeezed in a little spelling, math, and reading before and after lunch.

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My dd is doing heavy work at the riding stables this morning. I'm supposed to be doing yard work but I'm here instead...


When I go pick her up I usually take her out for fish for lunch; it's our weekly ritual. Then home for a bath and laundry, cup of tea, and then we start school at around 3:30. Today she'll do geometry, chemistry reading, and Spanish. Then general messing about until bedtime.

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We went to McDonalds for lunch :D I used a buy-one-get-one-free coupon for salads. We sat and talked for an hour :) She got through her planned school work within 3 hours this morning, including 2 days of math :eek: so I sit here now, figuring out how much schoolwork to add to my plans for the week!

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It's way past lunch here, but this thread reminded me that I didn't eat any. :001_huh: I'm sure the kids did (because heaven forbid they miss a meal, especially when it means a break from doing anything ever at all), but I have no idea what.


The plastering guy came to texture our newly built 1/2 wall between the dining room and lvg room, so I have been dusting, sweeping, washing, dusting, washing, dusting, vacuuming, dusting...

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Lunch was pork loin roast, bowtie pasta with homemade pesto, and romaine lettuce salad. MrTea works the evening shift (for only 2 more days!) and he's been working 12 hour shifts, so I thought I'd feed him well before sending him off to the trenches again.


This was not a school day for us. We worked hard yesterday, we'll work hard tomorrow, but today is a day off. I'm making stuff for a bake sale and planning for a Thursday meeting. My girl is mostly playing on the Wii.


We're having chocolate-dipped pretzels and hot tea for supper. ;)

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