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Help us name our business!

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My husband is in the wildlife control business and has recently left his employer of 9 years to go out on his own. We're looking for a name that is not personalized, meaning no last names, initials, etc., so that it can be sold in the future if need be. We don't want anything corny- nothing with the word "critter" in it! Basically, what he does is removes bats and snakes when they get in your house, traps squirrels, beavers- that sort of thing. Do y'all have any clever ideas? We're totally stuck so far...

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I like it, but if I were looking through the phonebook, I wouldn't call a state agency for a personal pest problem, kwim? It seems too formal and governmental. Just an alternative view.



Yes, also, dh just informed me that dog catchers/animal control are actually law enforcement, and he doesn't want to be mistaken for impersonating an officer!

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When I see 'Pest' I think of insects, and none of the 'pest' folks here would come when I had copperheads in my garage. Maybe he could be a "Creature Catcher" LOL.


________ Wildlife Relocation Services would be one I would call for help with the non 'pest' crowd.

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When I see 'Pest' I think of insects, and none of the 'pest' folks here would come when I had copperheads in my garage. Maybe he could be a "Creature Catcher" LOL.


________ Wildlife Relocation Services would be one I would call for help with the non 'pest' crowd.


How about Back to the Wild Wildlife Control?



Yay! I just learned how to multi-quote!


I like both of the bolded ones!


(Although, the Wildlife Relocation Services made me laugh. Around here we have a "Relocation Service" for homeless people. They find them housing, jobs and other resources. It made me envision a raccoon talking to a social worker and telling the SW, "I have excellent people skills!") :lol:

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I would choose your name based on the type of searches that people do on the internet and based on the domain names that are available.


So if people would search for your business with the words pest control in Mycity, then I would name it Mycity Pest Control and get the domain name mycitypestcontrol.com . Nobody uses the phone book anymore. You need a name that is easily searchable and to do that, you need your search word terms in the domain name and it's best if your domain name matches your business name. If you have a good searchable name, business will come.

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Wandering Wildlife Wranglers




Wayward Wildlife Wranglers


Your motto: You can count of the Triple W's to return your home to its rightful owners. :D


And I definitely would not use the word "pest." If I saw a company in the Yellow Pages or online with the word "pest" in it, I'd skip right over it because I'd only be thinking of bugs.

Edited by ChristusG
added something
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I would choose your name based on the type of searches that people do on the internet and based on the domain names that are available.


So if people would search for your business with the words pest control in Mycity, then I would name it Mycity Pest Control and get the domain name mycitypestcontrol.com . Nobody uses the phone book anymore. You need a name that is easily searchable and to do that, you need your search word terms in the domain name and it's best if your domain name matches your business name. If you have a good searchable name, business will come.



Zenz reminded me of something: It would behoove you to buy as many domain names as possible that have to do with your name and all take-off's of said name. (like common mispellings) Back in the old days when I sold such things we had a lawyer who specialized in DUI cases and he had an AMAZING ARRAY of domain names that he owned that sounded like what he did and they all aliased back to his main site.

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It's too bad you don't want anything with 'critter' in the name, because I think "The Critter Getter" is hilarious! :lol:


The other two I thought of were: Inside Out Pest Removal and Pest Eviction Services


Down here in Florida we have a pest control (bugs) company called Peninsular Pest Control. Their motto that they sing on their commercia is "We're the critter getter!" LOL

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Absolute Wildlife Control (the 'A' might get you the first listing in the section?)


All Fauna Be Gone


Indoor Fauna Relocations Services


Fauna Eviction Services


Wildlife Eviction Specialists


All Creatures Great & Small Relocation Specialists (might be a copyright infringement).


Bats 'n That Removal Services (especially for Western PA)




'you let them in, but we'll get them out!'

'furry squatters quickly removed.'

'We'll please the wife for you' (Oh Gosh...never mind that one!! :blink:)


...I'm quitting before I get in trouble...

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