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Scheduling Exercises

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If I don't schedule exercise, it doesn't get done!


Dh exercises early before everyone is up. That's my time to drink coffee! When youngest was in school, I'd exercise mid-morning, after errands and before working (at home). This summer I've started exercising after dinner. I'm not sure what I'll do later this fall since I prefer to be outside. I hate the elipitical with a passion and I don't like using a DVD when there are other people in the house... :lol:

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Luckily, our gym offers Kids Karate as a part of the membership. So I work out twice a week while they are in Kids Karate and then on the weekend my mom usually wants to spend an afternoon with them and I work out then. I get 3 30-45 min workouts in a week.


During the summer, I work out 4 times for 20 minutes and then let the kids swim for about an hour.

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If I don't do it before school starts, it doesnt usually get done. School starts at 8.30.

I don't really have much of a schedule nowadays...I just have a general morning routine (after years of tight scheduling -certain things, such as starting school at 8.30, are just routine).

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When I'm successful, it's because I actually put it on the schedule.

I do it with the kids as a school break quite often.

Since I"m older, I avoid early morning workouts; heart attacks are most common in the a.m. due to elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) needed to get you out of bed.

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I always go on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.


Last year my oldest had an afternoon class at the cc on Tu/Th. I dropped her off at the cc, drove about 3 minutes from there to the gym, and did my workout while she was in class. The class was the perfect length for me to finish my workout and go pick her up afterwards.


Now my local gym has closed, so I have to go to the one that's a few minutes farther away in a direction that I never travel.


My plan is to go on Tu/Th afternoons again, but I'm still figuring out how things are going to work for this semester.

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It has to be early (for me) in the a.m., b/c I am showering and getting dressed ONCE only.


And, every other evening, I am doing LSWATP (mornings are SHRED and I am hating JM right now too) after the kids are in bed.


And I must have a set time and stick to it or it falls off the radar.

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