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first day not going well...

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We're on day 1 of week 2. My nine year old has already been hysterical because she confused apostrophes with quotation marks. :confused: I get to hear about how school isn't fun and she missed her school that she used to go to and her friends. Great, I'll starting saving up for the therapy bills.

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and, trust me, NOT one child cheered when I pulled out the math books.


Don't read a judgment of homeschool into normal "I don't want to do work of any kind" behavior!!! What normal child really wants to stop summer to do a day of school work. Oh, maybe they want to read or do math (not my kids), but they don't want to work on quotation marks or timelines!


Give yourself and him a chance to settle in. Mention along the way that we all have work to do and, while we may not always enjoy the work, we must do it with a good attitude (repeat this with clinched teeth and an adult beverage, if necessary). Finally, move school outside if possible. Sunshine and a breeze makes school more tolerable at the beginning. Or spend some time decorating notebooks or biking to the park for lunch. Add some fun stuff back into the day.


Oh, and believe me, snark is present in our school today, too!! You would not believe the excuses I've heard this morning NOT to do geometry! Hey, the 16yo even volunteered to shower and shave to avoid the work!!:lol:

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I've got the kettle on for tea, and Ive already been into the chocolate. DS 10 has had a poor attitude about everything...ack!


Sounds like the kettle and the chocolate should have come FIRST. LOL. Seriously though, my kids need that cup of hot tea and conversation first thing in the morning. It sets the tone.

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We always have bad starts after any break. Earlier DS was telling his sister not to get excited about the new grade, that it'd just be more boring work. (thanks) Today did go reletively well. We started just with math and reading. Will start full force next week. That seemed to help the day go better than other first days. But we'll see if that holds true next Monday!

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It's Day 1 of Week 2 at our house. Two kids are sick with strep; it's my first day of babysitting for another girl; my washing machine is broken and the repair man had to order a part and won't be back to install it until Friday (at that point, I will have been without a washer for 2 1/2 weeks). I'm tired from only getting 3 1/2 hours of sleep for each of the past two nights. It's our first evening of extracurricular activities for my oldest (who is one of the ones that ISN"T sick). Today is one of those days when you pray that the saying, "this too shall pass" is really true! LOL!


Hope each day improves for you!

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Finally things have evened out. The 1 1/2 hissy fit over having to learn typing ended with him actually doing the lesson (4 whole minutes! Hardly worth the fit!). Everything else went ok, and now he is happy working with some clay to build an egyptian style pot. He still has quite a bit of reading to do for history but he likes to read, so not an issue with him or I. And he is already saying how he is going to brag to his friends about how he got to sleep in and got Chik Fil A for lunch :)

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The "school" part of my day went well - DS said he liked reading the best - which is new for him (reading usually makes his "brain hurt"). But... we had been out of town this weekend :willy_nilly: and had no food in the house - not even lunch. After finishing with school, we went out for lunch and bought a week's worth of groceries, all with cranky DD2 who had been up since 6:30.

Whew! Maybe I'll plan better next year (or week!).

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