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May I have your attention please!

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Hopefully J and Son can work a lot of it out between themselves. They do need to have a direct relationship with each other, instead of it being via you. Obviously Son needs to use some manners, but don't get offended on J's behalf if he's taking the process in his stride. It's difficult for Son, but eventually he's going to find having a man around who isn't uptight a positive thing.


J told me this morning that Monday evening when J left ds10 came up and hugged him good bye. I somehow missed the exchange....but it made me feel a bit better. I think there is some affection there but ds is trying hard to be contrary. :)


Hard as it may be, try not to talk about J ALL the time ;) That was the most annoying thing when my Mum started dating again. "Boyfriend said this, Boyfriend said that" all day, every day. Urgh! It would have been urgh even if we had liked Boyfriend.




Hee hee.....I will zip it up some. :)

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10 year old boys can be pills. :) I agree with you on manners. Here's a painful idea. Maybe J can take ds for a short outing sometime. All in all it sounds like things are going well. Have you met his boys?


Yes I've met his boys. They are very sweet boys. Very nice to me and happy for their dad.


They are coming with J this weekend and staying with me while J stays with friends in town. After this weekend J has arranged for his visitation to match up with my son's father's....so we will have the boys on the same weekends. The boys have met, but the weekends have been off....so glad that will be fixed.


We have a full schedule this weekend, but good idea for J to take the boys to do something without me around. That way he can look at the boys instead of looking at me. :D

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I wouldn't send J out with ds alone...unless you're ok with the x's gf taking your ds somewhere alone.


I can just see anything and everything being used as leverage with your x.


Your ds saw you trampled to crap through your marriage, seperation and divorce. He's scared that J is going to hurt his mom. Better to be a jerk and run him off than to let it happen in his mind.


Its a tough road. Here's wishing you and your ds all the best in walking it :grouphug:

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I'm so happy for you! You've been through SO much pain, and now it is time to be blessed; you and your son both.


Keep us updated. We all can "hear" your happiness and we are all beyond thrilled!


On a serious note, how in the WORLD will each of us meet him? Surely you want OUR approval?:lol:


Hee hee.....that is so funny. I've never met anyone from this board....and only Marianne knows my actual name. But everytime something happens in my life, my first thought is to come here and share. You people have seen me through some rough days.

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(I want a wand waving smilie.)










He left the interview where he was hired on the spot and drove straight back to his current job (2 hours). He called me as he was driving to tell me he got the job and we were both just screaming. It was amazing.


If you all knew how hard we both prayed for us to keep clear heads and to make the best decisions for our boys and for ourselves....everything has fallen into place. It just feels so good for things to be going well.


And did I mention he is gorgeous. ;)

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Hee hee.....that is so funny. I've never met anyone from this board....and only Marianne knows my actual name. But everytime something happens in my life, my first thought is to come here and share. You people have seen me through some rough days.






He left the interview where he was hired on the spot and drove straight back to his current job (2 hours). He called me as he was driving to tell me he got the job and we were both just screaming. It was amazing.


If you all knew how hard we both prayed for us to keep clear heads and to make the best decisions for our boys and for ourselves....everything has fallen into place. It just feels so good for things to be going well.


And did I mention he is gorgeous. ;)


I LOVE it!:D

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Scarlett, what fun-fun news! Very exciting!


Your son will warm up. Ten is a bumpy patch for any guy - torn between fun & carefree childhood, and the call to grow into a young man - and your dear son has had his share of other changes to navigate. He'll come around, he loves you and I bet it pleases him to see you happy. Glad to hear about the hugging incident. I bet he and J's boys will be comrades real soon.


You've kissed your frog, you deserve a real prince this time around. Sounds like he just rode into town. :D


Please just do this, when he proposes, start a NEW thread so the news won't get buried in this old one (delightful tho' it is...).

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I am near tears from the joy of a conversation I just had with J.


I am having a very sticky situation with my best friend. My bests friend from childhood...the one who was my maid of honor for my first wedding....and I was in her first wedding and matron of honor in her second (current). We have been through everything and are from the same small town, same congregation...our lives are intertwined in a way that will never allow us to be out of each other's lives. I love her. I know she loves me. BUT...she has done something recently which I consider a betrayal....I'm VERY upset about it.....and I've been putting off discussing it with her hoping I could just let it pass.


Anyway, J just spent 45 min on the phone with me gently and kindly helping me to formulate my thoughts in to words to express to her how I feel.


Wow. He rocks.

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