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Im almost in tears right now

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This was my thread yesterday. Well the plumber just left. Not only is he going to have to tear up the floors (our house is on a cement slab, no crawl space or basement because of where we live) to fix the shoddy work under the house, but he is going to have to tear up a wall (to find where the venting is the construction company we are buying the house from sealed up when replacing the roof when they did the remodeling causing a huge problem in itself with our attic, which will also have to have work done to it) and part of the roof, to uncover the venting. Basically they are going to have to tear apart half of our house. We have 1 working toilet, 1 working sink in a bathroom NO working shower or tub. Thats it. For the whole house. We have no choice but to somehow spend 10's of thousands of dollars we dont have repairing a house that had an addition put on it as cheaply and shoddy as possible. :crying: :crying:.

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Guest ME-Mommy

I'm SO sorry...:grouphug:


Is there any way the contractor that put the addition on can be held liable??


Can you call Mike Holmes?? He'd have a "field day"...

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" the construction company we are buying the house from sealed up " QUOTE]


Call another plumber, for a second opinion. Call you house inspector and ask why this problem of no venting was not reported. Then call your attorney handling the sale of the house. Sounds like this could release you from your contract or you can have the cost of the repairs assigned to the seller at closing.

Personnaly I would run from this sale!

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Two things.


First, get a second opinion.


Second, did you have the addition put on or was it there when you bought the house?



The addition was there when we bought the house. The plumber said the way they did it was specifically to pass inspections and last about a year (basically it was rigged). Well we have been in the house for 2 1/2 years, and have been plumbing problems for most of the time we have been here. We did get a second opinion. This was the better of the two believe it or not. We have only 2 plumbing companies in town and the other was here last week. Their estimate was around $42,000 saying that they would also have to replace the sewer line that was replaced when we moved in here (by them) This plumber said that is not needed but there is no way to get to under the house without jack hammering the floor (just a small part of 1, and another part of 2-- might include a 3rd depending on what way the line goes under the house)

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And, if you're going to do it, see about a "Home remodeling" Loan or options at least....


Sorry! I don't have that one time thing to spend, but if you look at our credit cards... you'll see the $5000.00 for plumbing and all the other THOUSANDS that we've spent and will spend... next is pulling out the electrical wire, putting in insulation, and we don't have floors with nice coverings.... Funny how we're in the over $80,000 a year and I don't have enough $$$ for things like new flooring for my house. My daughter just says "Will we ever have a house that isn't embarrassing?


Houses drain and then drain some more... and have left me understanding "negative numbers".


:( Sorry!!

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" the construction company we are buying the house from sealed up "


Call another plumber, for a second opinion. Call you house inspector and ask why this problem of no venting was not reported. Then call your attorney handling the sale of the house. Sounds like this could release you from your contract or you can have the cost of the repairs assigned to the seller at closing.

Personnaly I would run from this sale!



That I will do. My dh is calling the company we are buying the house from and he is looking into the laws in Wyoming (before calling the company). There are so few houses availble here, finding something else is not going to be easy.

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Frankly, If I could get out of the sale....run....you will find another house.... And get a good home inspector to view the place, first! Don't buy with your heart or out of desperation. Net-work for housing like you would net-work for a job.

Call the city inspections division for building inspections, they could also help you get the place labeled "unfit for living" which should help you get out of your sale contract. I would not want to leave remediation work up to the construction company your buying from...sounds like the quality and garentee is just not there.

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Do you legally own this house or is it a lease-purchase or some other type of "in between" financing? Is your name the name on the deed?



The construction company is the lein holder. Its just set up through them. Its not a mortgage but not a land contract-- but I guess it would be closer to a land contract. Its owned by a guy who has a construction company, he buys houses, fixes them up then does these contracts. We did this because when we moved here it was for work. We had been living in Michigan when all the jobs were moving out of state and Dh could not get a job. We moved to Wyoming for work and could not get a regular mortgage at the time because Dh just got a job and didnt have enough time in for a regular mortgage. So we found this guy who seemed to have a decent house in a nice neighborhood. Well, the house is a money pit.

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The construction company is the lein holder. Its just set up through them. Its not a mortgage but not a land contract-- but I guess it would be closer to a land contract. Its owned by a guy who has a construction company, he buys houses, fixes them up then does these contracts. We did this because when we moved here it was for work. We had been living in Michigan when all the jobs were moving out of state and Dh could not get a job. We moved to Wyoming for work and could not get a regular mortgage at the time because Dh just got a job and didnt have enough time in for a regular mortgage. So we found this guy who seemed to have a decent house in a nice neighborhood. Well, the house is a money pit.


I would consult a lawyer before I did anything. I would not want to spend thousands on a house that was not even in my name - land contract or no.

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The construction company is the lein holder. Its just set up through them. Its not a mortgage but not a land contract-- but I guess it would be closer to a land contract. Its owned by a guy who has a construction company, he buys houses, fixes them up then does these contracts. We did this because when we moved here it was for work. We had been living in Michigan when all the jobs were moving out of state and Dh could not get a job. We moved to Wyoming for work and could not get a regular mortgage at the time because Dh just got a job and didnt have enough time in for a regular mortgage. So we found this guy who seemed to have a decent house in a nice neighborhood. Well, the house is a money pit.


I dont' understand all of the ways home contracts are structured, and agree whole heartedly with PP that you need a lawyer. Another angle to consider is how much money you have invested in the house. If you aren't contactually obligated, can you just walk away rather than pour $40,000 into a place you don't love and doesn't sound like your forever home?


Also the relationships in your town sound very incestuous. Only two plumbers, the guy who sold you the house is a contractor who fixes things up - well which one of these Yahoos is the guy who did the 1/2 baked job to begin with? Can you possibly look outside of your area for an objective opinion, on both the plumbing and the legalities?


so sorry...

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Honestly, I'd walk away from the deal, losing the $ already put in but not putting any more $ down the drain. No pun intended. And call a lawyer. It might be your best investment. Perhaps from one town over, so they aren't likely to break confidentiality in such a small town.

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Crazy idea, but could you seal off the plumbing, turn it into a storage room and add on a bathroom? Might beat spending 10s of thousands of dollars!


And like others said I would definitely be in touch with the original contractor!!!


So sorry for your troubles. :(


No kidding. We actually built a 600 sf addition with 2 bedrooms, a family room and a full bath for just under 40k.

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I dont' understand all of the ways home contracts are structured, and agree whole heartedly with PP that you need a lawyer. Another angle to consider is how much money you have invested in the house. If you aren't contactually obligated, can you just walk away rather than pour $40,000 into a place you don't love and doesn't sound like your forever home?


Also the relationships in your town sound very incestuous. Only two plumbers, the guy who sold you the house is a contractor who fixes things up - well which one of these Yahoos is the guy who did the 1/2 baked job to begin with? Can you possibly look outside of your area for an objective opinion, on both the plumbing and the legalities?


so sorry...



We live in a county with just 4,000 people. Our town is about half of that. The contractor is from a city a few hours away. The guy who built the house (and many others around here) has passed away, but from what we have since learned, all his houses are like this. No, we are not staying here forever. DH said we are getting the estimate monday, finding a lawyer then sending the guy we are buying the house from a copy of it and we will see what happens from there. The plumber that was over today we whole heartily trust. He is a very reliable guy. The other company, well not so much. This one is very busy though so that is why we got the other company to do the estimate. When they told us their thoughts we called Clay (that is the good plumber LOL)

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