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Please pray for a mom whose dd was killed in a car accident this weekend. After the

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After the dds funeral, the mom had several mini strokes and there is swelling on her brain. This was their only child and the mom was driving the vehicle when the accident occurred. Pray for the dh/dad also. They are a Christian family, but this is still hard.




UPDATE Wed. PM - The mom came out of surgery about 10:30 last evening. The surgery went well, but the doctor was tenderly plain about her prognosis. Apparently, she suffered damage to her vertebral artery resultant from the accident, which caused an occlusion, and consequent stroke damage to the cerebellum and brain stem, "multiple strokes," he stated. Her status is very tenuous over the next few days. The prognosis at this point is "We'll have to wait and see." She is on a ventilator, but primarily for caution's sake at this point as she is breathing well on her own and the machine is simply assisting. The cranial pressure is good, and the bleeding has been corrected.


Please continue to pray for her and her dh. He's got to be worn out from all of this going on in less than a week. So sad!

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dds funeral, the mom had several mini strokes and there is swelling on her brain. This was their only child and the mom was driving the vehicle when the accident occurred. Pray for the dh/dad also. They are a Christian family, but this is still hard.




Oh how sad. Will pray!


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Just rec'd this via email and thought you'd like to see how God is answering prayers -


God is Good! Although her vent tube did not come out today as we had hoped, she is still improving. She communicates with us by using her toes for yes/no, her raised eyebrows for something is silly, a wink for I Love You, and blinking 3 times for her dh. Her respiration is great and her temperature is normal. She lets us know when she is in pain and wants some medication. The Lord is truly answering all of the wonderful prayers.


She still has a long road to recovery, but she's come a long ways. She is amazing to the doctors, to say the least. :-)


Thanks for your continued prayers!

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This is the latest update as of last night -


God is Good! Boy, has she been active today! She wants to talk so badly. She moves her mouth, head, arms, hands, legs, feet, and toes. Those eyes are WIDE open. When her legs get tired in one position, she slides them to another position. Praise the Lord! At the 8:30pm visit tonight, her doctor came in to check her drain tube in her brain. It seemed to be blocked, which happens. He was going to flush it. He says that she is stable. We are all so thankful for your prayers. Her doctor came back later tonight to check her brain drainage tube. He thought it might be blocked. He decided to do another CT scan. He was amazed. It looked very good, so good in fact that he removed the drainage tube. She still has the breathing tube in and can't talk. He said that she is not out of the woods yet. Prayers continue to be needed.


Thanks so much for praying for this family. The dd that was killed was their only child, so I'm sure they need prayer support for a long time. I can't imagine how her dh must feel - losing a child and grieving from that and now his wife has been so close to death. I'm glad God is answering his prayers so they can work through their loss together.



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  • 2 weeks later...

busy this week. Here's the latest:


She had a great day. She talked on the phone to a few people and each time she used her voice it got stronger. She has eaten a little today and her eating should start to pick up with time. They are only going to use the feeding tube at night so that will help pick up her eating. She also walked about a 100 feet today in two different trips from her room. Earlier today she told me she had to go to the bathroom. When I unplugged her monitor, she told me to stand back. So when I stood back she got out of bed herself and made her to the bathroom. All I did was spot her. This is the most independent thing she has done since going into the hospital. YEA. GOD is healing her. Continue thanks for all of y'all prayers and support. May God bless you.



Isn't this just wonderful news? She has come a long ways. Continue to pray for their grieving hearts.





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Here is what her husband posted today:


God is great. God does things on his time not ours. If we wait upon him, great things will come to pass. Today the doctors took the staples out of her head. They also repeated the swallow test in X-Ray. All went well. Speech no longer has to work with her. She also ate a good lunch today. She had Jello, rice, and yogurt. Then she drank, you guessed it, Mountain Dew. The best news of the day is that the doctors are talking about going home soon. They said I will have to take her to Rehab twice a week. I can do that. She said she wood like to sleep in her own bed and watch her own TV. God is good all the time. Amen. Again, Thanks for all your support, encouragement, and prayers.


ISN'T THAT AWESOME NEWS?!?!?!!? :001_smile:

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Here is what her husband posted today:


God is great. God does things on his time not ours. If we wait upon him, great things will come to pass. Today the doctors took the staples out of her head. They also repeated the swallow test in X-Ray. All went well. Speech no longer has to work with her. She also ate a good lunch today. She had Jello, rice, and yogurt. Then she drank, you guessed it, Mountain Dew. The best news of the day is that the doctors are talking about going home soon. They said I will have to take her to Rehab twice a week. I can do that. She said she wood like to sleep in her own bed and watch her own TV. God is good all the time. Amen. Again, Thanks for all your support, encouragement, and prayers.


ISN'T THAT AWESOME NEWS?!?!?!!? :001_smile:



God is great!

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hospital today!!!! Yay! God is good! Continue to pray for her as she starts rehab next week. She is experiencing dizziness, but they are hoping that will go away. Thanks for praying for her and her dh!

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