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When does the Girl w/Dragon Tatoo "get good?" 50 pages? 75 pages?

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Meh. I finished it. Not proud of it. It was barely OK. I won't read any of the others.

I think the second one is much, MUCH better. I really struggled with the first, if I'm honest. I wasn't planning on reading any more, but my mom really loved the second and encouraged me to try it. I'm glad I did. But the first? Tough going. It does pick up around 75-100 or so, IRRC, but there's some pretty awful stuff along the way that I found disturbing. Not sure if that helps or not. ;)

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I'm so glad to see this thread!


I bought the book at a used book sale thinking I ought to read it in order to keep up with the Joneses, but I think I'll skip it and donate it back to the used book store at the library. There are so many other wonderful books waiting patiently for me, no need to slog through something disturbing.

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It took me 4 months to slog through the first few chapters of the book, but it eventually managed to capture my attention and I finished the rest within a couple of days.


I almost quit once I got to the first disturbing part, but the character of Lisbeth had already intrigued me so I continued.


Overall, I'm glad I finished the book, it was eventually a great story. I'd would really like to be able to read the second and third book in the series, but I'm very sensitive to violence and just don't think it would be beneficial to my life.

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Yeah, that's the thing, the violence is so...violent. And he is so completely descriptive of it. It is hard to get away from.


Drats. A few friends and I are supposed to read this and I specifically said I was fine as there wasn't graphic violence. :( I do not do well w/ those images put in my head.

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This book is horribly written and awkwardly plotted, and could have used some serious editing but....there was something v. compelling about it so I kept reading. I loved the ideas behind the story and the characters but, I just wished the writing had better. I understand it is not the fault of the translator, the book was a mess in Swedish too. I read the 2nd book and saw the 1st movie (better than the book but, not nearly long enough). I'm holding off buying the 3rd until the cheap pback comes out. I am now reading a book that was exquisitely written and edited but, totally blah! BTW I also tried a Henning Montel Wallender book, also Swedish, that dealt with some of the same issues as the Dragon Tattoo....It was both well written and engaging. I'm going back for more next trip to the bookstore.

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Gosh, I am wondering if I got to the violent part yet...I haven't tried reading it for some months now. I don't remember anything violent.


Well, I gotta finish Eliza. George's last Inspector Lynley book, This Body of Death. It is due tomorrow and it is on the waiting list so I can't renew. I will never forgive EG for what she did a few books ago...those of you who are fans know what I am talking about...but this book is engaging.


I'll give GwtDT another shot soon.


I just realized I spelled tattoo wrong in the thread title. D'oh!

Edited by unsinkable
tatoo is wrong. tattoo is right.
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Gosh, I am wondering if I got to the violent part yet...I haven't tried reading it for some months now. I don't remember anything violent.


If you read only about 50 pages, you didn't get to the violent stuff yet. Plus, you would definitely remember if you had. The scenes are pretty graphic.

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My DH is on the third and final book in the series right now. He mentioned with the first two how slow it was starting out. I think it might have been dragon tattoo that he showed me how far he was in the book - about 2/3 of the way - and said that it was finally getting interesting.

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I tried to start this twice.


It just didn't pull me in quickly. I think I read about 50 pages the 2nd time.


Did anyone else not finish this book?!?!





I didn't finish it either, but I'd got to a place in the book which was graphic and disturbing. I have a pretty low threshold for that. A gal's got to know her limits, KWIM? At that point, I knew the book was going to cross my limits, so I quit reading it.


I did find the writing really good. It was just that the content was going beyond what I could handle and still sleep at night.

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Oh gah - I'm glad I came across this thread! I've started this book twice on the audio version and was about to give it another go by reading it (thinking maybe it was the audio version that was boring me out of my mind).


Everyone I know who has read it has said it is awesome/amazing/wonderful/intelligent.


But I just found it sooooo unbelievably boring!


I had no idea there was graphic violence, either. Unless it's George R.R. Martin - I can't do graphic violence.


So. Off to add this book to the "take in to half-price books" box. Even if it GOT interesting, I couldn't deal with the violence. SO glad I read this thread instead of trying to start the book again tonight! :)

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