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Do you break for summer, or continue through?

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My I'm prolific today. I'm glad I don't have any work on my plate.


Do you continue your homeschooling through the summer, take a break, shorten it, or modify it in some way?


I'm thinking not this, but next summer, we'll do half days of school and play the other half.

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I try to take off most of June for planning and recuperating. My boys, however, still have about 1-2 hours of independent work to do (math and Latin for sure, and any trouble areas I don't want them to lose ground in).


They get about 1-2 weeks completely off. This is about their limit before their brains get bored and they decide to fill their time with unworthwhile pursuits, including (but not limited to) bickering, annoying, bothering, and arguing.


We start school back up on Tuesday :D.

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Last summer, we took the entire summer off, but it was just after K. This year, we ended the first week of June, and we've been off since to recouperate (mostly me!). I plan on starting a light load after this weekend. It will be 3 days/week encompassing some math, spelling, and more concentrated read alouds. We've been taking nature walks/hikes most of the past month, so science is usually always occurring for us. I'm doing a light load for retention purposes, but I still want it to remain casual and fun to not burn either of us out. We'll resume in full the last week of August when the ps schools return.

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We afterschool, but summer is a heavy learning season for us. My son is really into AoPS at this point so I don't have to poke or prod him to do math. Literature on the other hand...


I allow plenty of time for fun stuff, though, like weekends exploring Chicago and surrounding areas and a vacation in August.

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We school right through the summer, but throughout the year, we do take a day off here or a week off there for -whatever.

The kids are going to grandma's house in VA next week for example. When they return, it will be right back to school.

I just don't think it does anyone any good to be bored for 3 months out of the year, while your brain is busy dumping everything you learned the year before. ;)

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We start school back up on Tuesday :D.

And I'm sure they can't wait.


I like the idea of small breaks through the year and definitely see my kids' (is that right?) tendencies toward a Lord of the Flies scenario when they too long without structure.


Went to Hawaii for two weeks and they were a mess when we got back until camps started, now they're just perfect little angels...not. Certainly much better.

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We continue schooling through the summer. It's too hot here most of the time to be outside a lot during the day - it's frequently 95* before noon with a heat index of 105. We take off days when the weather is nice during the spring and fall, and days here and there as we want/need. That helps keep DD in the groove too so that she doesn't get out of our routine...which makes life much easier for me. :)

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We are taking 6 weeks off this summer. The kids had VBS one week and swimming lessons start next week. Plus, I just have some projects that really need to be done - cleaning out my closet, finish writing the jr. church curriculum for my church, pastoral search committee stuff. I just don't have time during the regular school year to devote to these tasks (I'm the type of person who once I get started on something I will literally work 3-4 hours at a time, getting completely immersed in a task), so I need vacation to get some things done!

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We are taking 6 weeks off this summer. The kids had VBS one week and swimming lessons start next week.


And what's with vacation bible school? My kids come home from VBS with a CD and start using it to play video games. That alone makes me want to put the cabash on VBS. Where do people get off giving this kind of crap to my kids: cookies, sleepovers, tv and I could go on. Don't people consult with parents anymore?


OK, good.


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We just started this summer, because my DD wanted to. And really, since it's been over 100 here for awhile, it's not a bad time to be inside working on math or Latin. When it gets into pretty autumn weather (about October) is when I suspect we'll be doing a lot of outside play.

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Summer is some of our best school time. In Texas it is way to hot to be anywhere but in front of the a/c.




This is exactly why I am considering starting school next week. We have been off since mid-May and the kids are just bored. It is too hot to go out and play. I am think a light schedule - math, spelling, grammar.

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WE take summer break, and while the kids really like it, I absolutely MUST HAVE IT! I would go crazy going year round (almost went crazy by the end of this past school year as it was).


That said, the kids do have to spend 30 minutes each morning either on math, spelling or writing. Just enough so they don't forget what math is. And they must read.


And then we swim and explore and eat watermelon and work on hobbies and make BLTs. I love me some summer. ETA: Even in Texas.

Edited by Amy loves Bud
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