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how much do you usually spend per year for 3 or more kids?


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I am just curious what others spend around for school. Can you tell I am trying to justify all the expenses LOL


I think if I had the heart to really add it all up this year I spent around 2K which covered math (primer up to delta), 3 SL cores, extras and kits, supplementary readers, phonics, critical thinking and SM eb a up to 1B, SM IP up to grade 6, SM CWP 1-3 and 4 and 6 oh and there was that set of joy hakim science books too YIKES


please make me feel better LOL :lol: at least it cost less then half of what it used to cost for my yearly private school tuition back in the 90's so I guess I could say we are saving money over the only alternative we'd even consider LOL I justify it to myself that everything I have bought 99% of it is non-consumable and can be passed down so the price can be spread out more since we have more kiddos :lol:

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I don't have 3 in homeschool right now, but I have a friend that does a terrific job homeschooling and has yet to spend a dime on homeschooling material other than paper and supplies. Her ds is entering 4th grade. I've learned a lot from her about the role of the teacher in homeschooling compared with the curriculum.


I can't tell how much I spend just on homeschooling because much of what I have bought are things I also bought when my ds was in public school - books, art supplies, science kits and such.


My RR total for next year for two is $382. But you can't tell much by that because most of what my younger is using is being reused from her sister, and I received free math books this year from my frugal friend that got them from a private school. That doesn't include the art classes they are taking or fencing or music or the fact they they go to a ps enrichment school which provides us with Rosetta Stone for free along with science, art, and music classes. It also doesn't account for my extnsive home library that is filled with books I've found at used books stores, goodwill and library sales. I like a bargain and have a longterm idea of what books we will read.


Comparing never really helps. I did put all of my stuff in the RR wish list this year as I compared things, then sat down and actually made detailed plans of what I would use or could reuse or get used or do without then started trimming the list brutally.

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please make me feel better LOL :lol: at least it cost less then half of what it used to cost for my yearly private school tuition back in the 90's so I guess I could say we are saving money over the only alternative we'd even consider LOL I justify it to myself that everything I have bought 99% of it is non-consumable and can be passed down so the price can be spread out more since we have more kiddos :lol:


Well it is much less than private school. :)


And since you have reusable things, the price will go down.


And MUS and SL have really good resale value - keep them in good shape.

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I have three and just spent around $1200 - $1500. There will be more to buy as the year goes on, so that's not a total. I think everyone homeschools differently. Some people can pull stuff together and enjoy planning and preparing. I help run a business with my hubby, so I need pre-prepared stuff. I have zero time to pull together and plan. So for me, spending the money is worth it if it means we'll actually get school done. I wouldn't feel bad about spending the money, as long as you're really using it. And if you decide something doesn't work or you'll never get to it, sell it and get some money back.





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I am just curious what others spend around for school. Can you tell I am trying to justify all the expenses LOL


I think if I had the heart to really add it all up this year I spent around 2K which covered math (primer up to delta), 3 SL cores, extras and kits, supplementary readers, phonics, critical thinking and SM eb a up to 1B, SM IP up to grade 6, SM CWP 1-3 and 4 and 6 oh and there was that set of joy hakim science books too YIKES


please make me feel better LOL :lol: at least it cost less then half of what it used to cost for my yearly private school tuition back in the 90's so I guess I could say we are saving money over the only alternative we'd even consider LOL I justify it to myself that everything I have bought 99% of it is non-consumable and can be passed down so the price can be spread out more since we have more kiddos :lol:



Ummm I will have a K'er, 3rd grader and 7th grader and I will probably spend between $1500-2000 by time I am done. (and that is with buying alot of used as well as new) BUT we have not hit any repeat grades yet because this will be our 3rd year homeschooling. When my k'er is in 1st I will have my first repeat grade BUT have not stuck with the curriculum that we used our first year (I was way to under-educated about the curriculum available) So when we start hitting repeat grades for the curriculum we have settled on it will be much better! Unfortunately this is just for this coming year (though last summer I bought all our elementary science and I have most of our elementary history) So I am hoping after this year and possibly next year the price will drop!

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Always more than I plan!


I went to Florida Parent Educators Meeting and thought that I just needed to pick up a few things. $300 later and I was done!


I have a dd11, dd9, ds4 and dd2. I plan to spend around $750 total for books, supplies and such.


This does not include science center membership, field trips or unplanned educational days.

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Well, if it makes you feel better :D.... I spend about $2000/year on books, curriculum, science kits and misc. extras for one child. There. I said it. :blush: Sure, I could do it for cheaper, but I don't *need* to because we are very blessed to have that money to spend on curriculum.


This of course doesn't include music lessons, tutor costs for Latin/Greek, sports classes, sewing classes, or any other extras. If I add those up I have a minor heart attack until I realize how much my child enjoys those things and how they've really enhanced the education and experiences I can provide.


For *me* it doesn't all come down to money and how much I do or don't spend. I have to cut a quite a bit in other areas to be able to put so much money into schooling, but it comes down to my needs as a teacher and dh's and my goals for our kids' education... that's a personal thing for every family. :)

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I usually spend around $1,500.00 for my 3 kiddos but this year will be twice that because I am outsourcing World Views and Chemistry with my Dd. That always seems like so much money but if you send 3 children to an excellent private school, yowza!

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It really depends on the year. When I was purchasing double high school supplies for the two older children it was very expensive. (Especially when we ended up having to try several algebra I programs before anything worked for ds #1.)


Trying new Latin programs, writing programs, math programs...it can add up quickly, but there are also years (like this one) where I just need to use what I have and the cost should stay way down.


And there are always more REAL books to buy.

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I have four kids and two in high school level work. People "might" be about to hs on the cheap in elementary school because they use libraries or feel comfortable teaching math or science with little support. However, when you get to high school, libraries have less material that you can use and, IMHO, you will need more guidance about how to discuss the great books, do lab science, and teach upper-level math and writing.


All in all, the price of hsing creeps up as the grades creep up! Especially if you are trying to do TWTM style learning.


However, I am STILL spending less on hsing than I would on tuition for ONE child, much less four kids!

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My guess is about $800 next year for three kids, including co op fees and supplies. I combine my kids for a history/literature readaloud core through SL, though, have borrowed Apologia science books, and am reusing SM textbooks and readers for the younger two which have been used in previous years by my older ones.

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I have 3 (or 4 if you count the 4yo), and will probably spend about $500. Most all of that for the High Schooler, almost everything for the 3 youngers is repeat.




I could easily spend 4 or 5 thousand, but we just don't have that. ;)

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I didn't spend much when I had kids your age, probably about $500. Now that I have a high schooler and pay for online classes it's jumped up to $1200. Last year it was $1800 but I'm putting my younger kids in a local writing class instead of paying for an online one.

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I probably spent at least 3k this year, but 1400 was on CC. That doesn't include sports and other extra-curriculars. I know if/when I go to resell, I should make a decent profit. I shudder to think about looking at my credit card statement in case it's significantly more. This year I'm tutoring CC, so that will eliminate that expense, but I spend $800 on TC dvds already.



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About $600 on MFW curriculum plus another $300 or so for misc. things. So, $900 total for a preschool/kindergartner, a 2nd grader and a 4th grader. I'm sure we'll spend more as the year goes on. Esp. since we haven't bought any art or Spanish curriculum yet. Plus, there's ALWAYS odds and ends with us, lol!

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Well, lets see, three cores of SL, and two classes from K12 for my oldest, I think I'm already approaching your total. :D


Throw in high school science, all the math, spelling, and LA for my youngers and everything I have scheduled that I add in, oh and my oldest wants to start playing alto sax... :svengo:


We make a lot of sacrifices in other areas so that we can spend what we need to on school. I'm hoping that the investment in all the real books and non consumables will help in the coming years as we look at more high school classes and outsourcing for my oldest.

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