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And So It Begins...

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MIL hit town today. She's called 3x in less than 2 hrs so far.


Only six weeks more...


And she's coming this wknd. I promised Wolf he could go golfing this wknd for Father's Day, so its going to be a challenge...




Like I didn't have ENOUGH going on this week, right? :lol:

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Her role is to keep you so distracted and crazy that you won't have time to worry about anything else. Such a blessing! :lol:


Six weeks?!






Not staying with us the entire time. I hope. :eek:

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Its a long story. Wolf told her not to come at all this summer, to wait and see what happens...we're hoping to get a settlement from Worker's Comp, which should enable us to move.


She responded by booking her trip for 6 wks.


And, just to top it off, I'd promised Wolf he could golf for Father's day...which means I get to be alone with MIL for hours on end.


I just can't contain my joy and excitement at the thought. :ack2: I said to him, "Now, this is LOVE, pal. You can't ever doubt my dedication to you ever again."


I, however, am doubting my sanity. I wonder if I could slip her a melatonin and have her nap for the time he's gone? :Angel_anim:

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Oh my, this sounds awful. I've read some of your posts about her and good night...she's nuts.


Is she afraid of getting sick? ie. "Boy, I sure do feel nauseous today? Maybe I'm going to throw up!" (Which would not be a lie for me if I had to anticipate an all day with someone like her.)



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Okay Imp, I have to tell you, I think that you should put a note on the door and explain you were called out and you should not feel the need to expound any further! Dh should go golfing, you and the kids can do something else. Honestly, she's poisonous! Lock the door, put a smiley face on the note and don't feel guilty. Consider it protection for the children because there is no way you want your children to be influenced by her. I still am in awe of the severity of her narcissism...being told "DON'T COME" and booking a six week trip!


I don't know. There are some oil soaked birds in the gulf that could use your help! Homeless people in Detroit....a community garden in some underprivileged neighborhood, they've run out of coffee at the shelter, ....I'm grasping at straws but I am just certain you are desperately needed elsewhere on Father's Day.



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Her role is to keep you so distracted and crazy that you won't have time to worry about anything else. Such a blessing! :lol:


Yeah! LOVE this!!! I agree!!!


Six weeks????? WASSUP WITH THAT? :scared:


Can I just say I don't envy you? Truly. I don't. I promise I'm being honest. :D

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Ok, to clarify, I don't think she's staying with us the whole time. She's staying with a cousin this week. She plans on coming here this wknd...and then I think she's going back to the cousin's. From the sounds of things, she has plans until the 23rd...and I have no clue whats going on after that.


Yes, I do have a 2 hr assessment on Thurs. I get a whole day to recover before she invades on Saturday. whoopee.


She already tried to take over the following wknd as well, wanting us to drive her 3 hrs away for a family get together. Wolf told her no, we're going camping. Our concern at this point is that she thinks she's invited to go camping. :glare:


We honestly have no clue where she plans on staying from the 23rd on. Which makes me feel a wee bit ill.

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Well you really won't know what she's going to do so the best you can do is plan your activities and if she comes along she'll have to deal. I think it's recommended that you send "your other" to spend time with her. That way the real you can be off reading a book on a warm island. :D We'll be here to give you support.

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I am so sorry! I posted last October about my mil coming to stay for just a week; I can't imagine SIX weeks. I would make lots of plans to be busy, busy, busy after the 23rd. When my mil, who sounds a lot like yours from your posts, came to stay in October I broke out in hives for the first time in my life!


I just learned she is coming to stay the week before my son's wedding in August, which will probably be my most stressful week of the year. My dh made sure that she isn't staying in our home. I think he wanted to make sure I wouldn't end up in jail and not be able to attend the wedding. :001_smile: Maybe I won't have hives in the wedding pictures.

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Wolf's told her she's not welcome to be here during the week days because we're homeschooling. She's a former teacher, and has been dying to inspect, instruct, correct my methods since we started homeschooling. We'll see how that goes.


I don't trust her. She so completely ignores everything she's told that she doesn't like.


I need to figure out a way to disappear if need be...the kids are too loud to 'hide' when the doorbell rings :lol:

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