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Not sure if this is an OK topic but is anyone concerned about the Israel incident?

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I feel like I'm just waiting to hear news that an official war has been declared between Israel and Iran. I'm surprised to not hear more about it on the news though. Maybe it's more in my head than anything.

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Oh yes. Most of Israel's neighbors have stated repeatedly that they won't be satisfied until Israel ceases to exist. I believe that declaration of war is only a matter of time....I just pray that it isn't declared with a nuclear blast from Iran (and given what I've been reading, that isn't all that far-fetched).

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Yes. I just read that the group Free Gaza which helped plan the flotilla is planning yet another. Not too helpful.


Kristine in VA


Are you talking about the ship from Ireland? According to a CNN article I read, it looks like the organizers of that ship are being pretty level-headed about the whole thing. The Nobel peace laureate aboard said they won't resist arrest.

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Yes. I'm concerned that 6 million people are going to be eliminated from the planet while the rest of the world sits on their arses.







From what I know of Israelis, they won't sit around & wait for the world's permission to defend themselves...I just returned from a trip to Israel, & they are ready, willing, & able to fight back this time, unlike during the Holocaust. They want peace, but they are not naive anymore...

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Are you talking about the ship from Ireland? According to a CNN article I read, it looks like the organizers of that ship are being pretty level-headed about the whole thing. The Nobel peace laureate aboard said they won't resist arrest.


The latest reports out of Israel are that the Israelis have taken "grey measures" to disable two press boats in the flotilla, and there has been an offer to allow the "Rachel Corrie" to dock in the Israeli port of Ashdod, with safe-passage for ship and crew, with the supplies (after inspection for weapons) being allowed passage onto Gaza.


We will see how this offer plays out.



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I feel like I'm just waiting to hear news that an official war has been declared between Israel and Iran. I'm surprised to not hear more about it on the news though. Maybe it's more in my head than anything.



What has happened? I really don't watch much tv/news, etc. If Israel has been compromised then yes, I'd be concerned. As a Gentile who loves Israel (land and people) and is pro-Israel, I'd be concerned and I would like to know more about it. Would someone pm me? Thanks. Sheryl <><

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Here is the short version.


Since Hamas took control of Gaza the Israelis (and Egyptians) have sealed the borders (not including the numerous smuggling tunnels into the Egyptian Sinai). This includes cutting off the sea-lanes and port access by the Israeli Navy.


To challenge the blockade a California based group called "The Free Gaza Movement" teamed up with a Turkish organization called Insani Yardim Vakfi which has deep-pockets and is comprised mainly of wealthy religious members of Turkey's merchant class.


They amassed a flotilla and aid supplies and headed for Gaza with the intention of running the blockade. After unheeded warnings from the Israelis not to continue, Israeli commandos hit the ships with tear-gas and landed commandos from helicopters.


Violence ensued. Those aboard the ship claim the Israeli commandos fired without provocation, the Israelis claim the soldiers were attacked and were in fear for their lives. In any event, 9 people on the "Mavi Marmara" were killed by the Israeli commandos. There were no fire-arms on board the ship, but there were knives and clubs.


The event has caused international outrage, and a great chill in Turkish/Israeli relations (the two nations have a long-standing strategic relationship).


The Israelis claim the Insani Yardim Vakfi and The Free Gaza Movement are supporters of a terrorist organization (Hamas) while the other side denies that Hamas is a terror organization and claims the intention of the flotilla was purely to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza who are suffering under an economic strangle-hold.


Another flotilla it heading for Gaza as we speak.



Edited by Spy Car
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I agree we are often much too quick to jump on Israel's side; both sides have had their less than stellar moments. There was a story on NBC news last night showing how little the people of Gaza have. I'm sick to death of seeing children suffer because stubborn as *ss adults can't work things out.

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I think a large scale war involving Israel has been inevitable since the creation of the state after WWII.


That's all I have to say about that right now, because it is an intensely complex situation, and both sides are very passionate about their beliefs. I don't think there is an easy answer at this point.

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I think a large scale war involving Israel has been inevitable since the creation of the state after WWII.


Not at all.


The Egyptians have accommodated with Israel, and that is not going to change.


Same with Jordan. Same with Saudi Arabia.


Many Lebanese (Christian groups) are uneasy allies with Israel, and Hizbullah retains the capacity to make trouble, but does not have the capacity to wage "large scale warfare."


Syria has an ongoing grievance over the Golan Heights, but lacks the will and capacity for armed conflict with Israel.


Iraq lacks a border, will and capacity to make war on Israel. And they are busy with their own problems.


Iran has the capacity to make trouble funding proxy terror, but doesn't have the conventional capacity to make war on Israel. Their nuclear program is a clear and present danger, and one not to be underestimated. But Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons and the capacity and resolve to use them if attacked. So Iran would be suicidal if they used a nuclear weapon against Israel.


But the odds of a "large scale war" between Israel and its neighbors is almost nil.



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I prefer not to be totally "pro Israel" without learning all the facts. All the boats in the flotilla were checked numerous times in the ports they went thru. I think the people on board, when they saw commandos coming down ropes onto their ships, automatically defended themselves. Sticks, clubs, and deck chairs versus automatic rifles, stun guns, and window breaking grenades? Once the activists were taken to the airport, they claimed Israeli workers there laughed and made fun of the dead. IMO, the Israeli gov't is treating Palestinian citizens in a horrible and cruel manner. And yes, I realize there are Palestinian terrorists, but there are also Israeli soldiers killing many, many innocents. I think Biden is full of poo when he claims the relief ships could unload their supplies and let Israel deliver them. Duh!!! The reason they're doing this is because Israel is NOT allowing water filtration systems, wheelchairs, notebook paper, and meds in to Gaza. I believe there's even a quote from a top Israeli gov't person saying they want to keep "Gaza on a diet, just above starvation level." ????

Israel and Palestine both need to grow up and learn to share. The stupidity and stubbornness on both sides is pathetic. I'm all for cutting back on the hundreds of millions of dollars we give Israel and using it on American citizens.



I found this interesting, as it referred to both the IDF and to Al Jazeera:


Firearms may have been thrown overboard by passengers of the Mavi Marmara, Israel Radio reported Friday, citing IDF sources.


According to the report, gun-sights and rifle cartridges not fitting IDF weapons were discovered upon inspection of the ship, leading defense officials to believe that there may have been weapons on board when the ship set out from Turkey aside from the knifes, rocks and slingshots found in the search.


Coded messages apparently alluding to scenarios of soldier-kidnapping and soldier fatalities were also found on board the ship.


Some of those aboard the ship recorded messages saying they intended to become shahids , martyrs for the cause of war against infidels.


A Reuters report appeared to corroborate on Friday claims of an attempt to kidnap a soldier during the raid of the ship.


Andre Abu Khalil, a Lebanese cameraman for Al-Jazeera TV who was aboard the Mavi Marmara, told Reuters that some 20 Turkish men had tried to prevent the boarding commandos from reaching the wheelhouse and commandeering the ship.


Using slingshots, metal pipes and bats they initially succeeded in wounding and overpowering four Israeli soldiers and dragging them below the deck.


After standoff lasting approximately ten minutes, the Israelis opened fire, the man said.


A makeshift hostage negotiation took place aboard the ship, according to the cameraman. One activist used a megaphone to tell the commandos the four captive soldiers were well and would be released if they provided medical help for the wounded passengers. An Israeli Arab MK - presumably Haneen Zuabi - was said to have mediated in the negotiations, and the soldiers acquiesced. The wounded were subsequently brought up to the top deck to be airlifted off the ship.





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Here is the short version.


Since Hamas took control of Gaza the Israelis (and Egyptians) have sealed the borders (not including the numerous smuggling tunnels into the Egyptian Sinai). This includes cutting off the sea-lanes and port access by the Israeli Navy.


To challenge the blockade a California based group called "The Free Gaza Movement" teamed up with a Turkish organization called Insani Yardim Vakfi which has deep-pockets and is comprised mainly of wealthy religious members of Turkey's merchant class.


They amassed a flotilla and aid supplies and headed for Gaza with the intention of running the blockade. After unheeded warnings from the Israelis not to continue, Israeli commandos hit the ships with tear-gas and landed commandos from helicopters.


Violence ensued. Those aboard the ship claim the Israeli commandos fired without provocation, the Israelis claim the soldiers were attacked and were in fear for their lives. In any event, 9 people on the "Mavi Marmara" were killed by the Israeli commandos. There were no fire-arms on board the ship, but there were knives and clubs.


The event has caused international outrage, and a great chill in Turkish/Israeli relations (the two nations have a long-standing strategic relationship).


The Israelis claim the Insani Yardim Vakfi and The Free Gaza Movement are supporters of a terrorist organization (Hamas) while the other side denies that Hamas is a terror organization and claims the intention of the flotilla was purely to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza who are suffering under an economic strangle-hold.


Another flotilla it heading for Gaza as we speak.




fwiw: There's video at hotair.com that seems to show more of the story than what CNN put out.... I won't put the direct link here out of deference to the Hive rules, but I believe it is still somewhere down on the main page there.

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fwiw: There's video at hotair.com that seems to show more of the story than what CNN put out.... I won't put the direct link here out of deference to the Hive rules, but I believe it is still somewhere down on the main page there.



Yikes! That is kind of a vile web-site. I'm feeling the need for one of those Karen Silkwood type showers after rooting around in that muck. At least the name, Hot Air, doesn't offer any pretenses as to what one will find there.


And we wonder why the populace is inflamed on every issue of complexity. Sheez.



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Iran has the capacity to make trouble funding proxy terror, but doesn't have the conventional capacity to make war on Israel. Their nuclear program is a clear and present danger, and one not to be underestimated. But Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons and the capacity and resolve to use them if attacked. So Iran would be suicidal if they used a nuclear weapon against Israel.



This was a good and helpful analysis, Bill, but this statement is what concerns me the most... I think that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or perhaps some subsequent Iranian/Persian leader, could be just that desperate to escalate jihad...


Suicide has not stopped militant people or groups from moving forward...:confused:


This is why some western world leaders do see Iran as a major threat.

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Here's one view. http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/06/04/israel/index.html


I prefer not to be totally "pro Israel" without learning all the facts. All the boats in the flotilla were checked numerous times in the ports they went thru. I think the people on board, when they saw commandos coming down ropes onto their ships, automatically defended themselves. Sticks, clubs, and deck chairs versus automatic rifles, stun guns, and window breaking grenades? Once the activists were taken to the airport, they claimed Israeli workers there laughed and made fun of the dead. IMO, the Israeli gov't is treating Palestinian citizens in a horrible and cruel manner. And yes, I realize there are Palestinian terrorists, but there are also Israeli soldiers killing many, many innocents. I think Biden is full of poo when he claims the relief ships could unload their supplies and let Israel deliver them. Duh!!! The reason they're doing this is because Israel is NOT allowing water filtration systems, wheelchairs, notebook paper, and meds in to Gaza. I believe there's even a quote from a top Israeli gov't person saying they want to keep "Gaza on a diet, just above starvation level." ????

Israel and Palestine both need to grow up and learn to share. The stupidity and stubbornness on both sides is pathetic. I'm all for cutting back on the hundreds of millions of dollars we give Israel and using it on American citizens.

:iagree: While Israel may feel alientated in the region, there are always at least three sides to every story. I just pray for peace, love, truth, and justice to win out... I pray for the kids and the people who are pawns in this whole thing...

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Yikes! That is kind of a vile web-site. I'm feeling the need for one of those Karen Silkwood type showers after rooting around in that muck. At least the name, Hot Air, doesn't offer any pretenses as to what one will find there.


And we wonder why the populace is inflamed on every issue of complexity. Sheez.





Yeah, it's definitely got some tabloid-overtones to it; Sorry, if I'd thought about it, I'd have warned you.

You really do have to wade about in the muck to find the gems. However, what I do find is that when you sift through the sensationalistic headlines there are lots of links to articles from mainstream news sources like NY Times, WaPo, Huffington post and the like, And (these are the gems, imo) if Video is available they will link to that too (something that the mainstream sources don't do often). You can get a better feel for the "bigger picture" - I'd rather watch something for myself when possible and form my own opinions rather than relying on just what the reporter chooses to tell me about it - kwim?

Edited by Debora R
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This was a good and helpful analysis, Bill, but this statement is what concerns me the most... I think that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or perhaps some subsequent Iranian/Persian leader, could be just that desperate to escalate jihad...


Suicide has not stopped militant people or groups from moving forward...:confused:


This is why some western world leaders do see Iran as a major threat.


To quote Dennis Miller: "Other than the bombs they have strapped to their chests, I have no idea what makes those people tick. They have obviously decided to steer INTO the crazy skid."

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IMO, the Israeli gov't is treating Palestinian citizens in a horrible and cruel manner.


I'm all for cutting back on the hundreds of millions of dollars we give Israel and using it on American citizens.

:iagree: I don't believe the world would tolerate what's been being done to these people for years by any country but Israel...nor would our country fund this for any country but Israel.
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Here is the short version.


Since Hamas took control of Gaza the Israelis (and Egyptians) have sealed the borders (not including the numerous smuggling tunnels into the Egyptian Sinai). This includes cutting off the sea-lanes and port access by the Israeli Navy.


To challenge the blockade a California based group called "The Free Gaza Movement" teamed up with a Turkish organization called Insani Yardim Vakfi which has deep-pockets and is comprised mainly of wealthy religious members of Turkey's merchant class.


They amassed a flotilla and aid supplies and headed for Gaza with the intention of running the blockade. After unheeded warnings from the Israelis not to continue, Israeli commandos hit the ships with tear-gas and landed commandos from helicopters.


Violence ensued. Those aboard the ship claim the Israeli commandos fired without provocation, the Israelis claim the soldiers were attacked and were in fear for their lives. In any event, 9 people on the "Mavi Marmara" were killed by the Israeli commandos. There were no fire-arms on board the ship, but there were knives and clubs.


The event has caused international outrage, and a great chill in Turkish/Israeli relations (the two nations have a long-standing strategic relationship).


The Israelis claim the Insani Yardim Vakfi and The Free Gaza Movement are supporters of a terrorist organization (Hamas) while the other side denies that Hamas is a terror organization and claims the intention of the flotilla was purely to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza who are suffering under an economic strangle-hold.


Another flotilla it heading for Gaza as we speak.





Got it! Thanks Bill. Sheryl <><

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Just out of curiosity:


Does anyone on this thread except Heather actually live in a country where they are having to deal with mobs of people threatening their daily existence?


Or even massive demonstrations (5000+ people) scaring the living crap out of their family and community by inciting fear and threatening violence if they don't agree that Israel should be wiped off of the map?


If you don't, well, it's a wee bit of a different perspective then just watching the news.




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I think there's a huge difference between saying Israel should be expected to abide by humanitarian standards and laws and saying it should be wiped off the map. As I said before, both sides have had their less than stellar moments. That we back Israel, right or wrong, is troubling to me, however.

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Just out of curiosity:


Does anyone on this thread except Heather actually live in a country where they are having to deal with mobs of people threatening their daily existence?


Or even massive demonstrations (5000+ people) scaring the living crap out of their family and community by inciting fear and threatening violence if they don't agree that Israel should be wiped off of the map?


If you don't, well, it's a wee bit of a different perspective then just watching the news.





Yes, right, A!

A year ago or so I met some friends from church and we attended an event at a local Jewish Synogogue. The speaker was an Israeli TV reporter. He shot video from "inside" the war zone. Like an American TV reporter would "journey" with troops in the field, so too did this Israeli reporter join the ranks with the Israeli soldiers.....to give a first hand account of what's really going on. The Israeli citizens have "always" been targeted and they continue to be targeted. This video I watched was heart breaking. Dozens of times everyday they hear sirens blast...warning to take cover of possible missile attacks.


I have a love and respect for these people. It's sad what they endure everyday. If anyone is interested I may be able to see if I have the notes citing resources.

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American News....so fair in it's reporting.:glare:


Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land.

Please watch and see the other side the US is careful not to show you.


I'm not sitting in North Carolina.


I was peaceably strolling through town yesterday when thousands of red crescent banners suddenly appeared out of nowhere.


Frankly, I'm really not interested in your video.




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Quite the humanitarian you must be. How do you chose who is justifiably occupied? Equal understanding obviously isn't a factor.


By who is scaring the crap out of my family.


No one is demonstrating with white flags and blue stars saying "death to all who disagree with me" around here.




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I think there's a huge difference between saying Israel should be expected to abide by humanitarian standards and laws and saying it should be wiped off the map. As I said before, both sides have had their less than stellar moments. That we back Israel, right or wrong, is troubling to me, however.





Vancouver had protests against the Gaza occupation & the blockade of aid to the Palestinians.


And there were Jews at the protest.


There are numerous Jewish groups opposing what is happening.


Jewish Voices for Peace




Not in Our Name



We are Jewish Canadians who oppose Israel’s wars, and Israel’s expropriation of Palestinian indigenous lands from 1948 to the present. For centuries prior to such expropriation, Jews and Arabs lived in peace in the region. This expropriation must be acknowledged and its effects, to the extent possible, halted and reversed if there is to be peace once again.




We reject the state of Israel’s enforcement of apartheid-like, racist laws that offer privileges to Jews while assigning non-citizenship status to non-Jews, in particular to Arab Palestinians.





We are no strangers to anti-Semitism – in this sense meaning anti-Jewish racism – in Canada and in other countries around the world. Among us are Holocaust survivors and family members of survivors. We and members of our immediate families have suffered discrimination that has forced us to abandon our homes and flee for our lives; to change our names in hopes that we can “pass†as non-Jews; to hide from authorities for fear of risking torture or death. We have witnessed prospects for education and employment vanish for ourselves and for our families. All because of our Jewish identity. But we find no solace from anti-Semitism, no safe haven, in the establishment and existence of a “Jewish stateâ€. As horrendous as the experience of the Jewish Holocaust was, there is no compensation for anti-Semitism in the creation of an ethnically-exclusive state. Instead, we identify with civil rights movements that have organized and built solidarity to resist racism in all its forms wherever it occurs.



more at http://www.nion.ca/nion-statement-en.htm
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By who is scaring the crap out of my family.


No one is demonstrating with white flags and blue stars saying "death to all who disagree with me" around here.





But they don't have to, asta. "We" are already on their side. :glare:


I'm really sorry your family was frightened by the demonstration; we would've been as well. Don't let it turn your mind from the reason for it, though. There is grave injustice being perpetrated here.

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There are a lot of Israel-based groups also against what Israel has been doing:


Rabbis for Human Rights

Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions

Israeli Peace Movement

Women's Peace Camp

A large number of Israeli Reserve Officers


In fact, the Reserve Officers' group refused to serve in the West Bank stating "We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders in order to dominate, expel, starve, and humiliate an entire people." Many were jailed and all were labeled traitors.


Being against Israeli Policy is not being against Judaism and Israeli Policy is not Biblical. I think these misconceptions are why many, many people worry if this is an "OK topic."

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But they don't have to, asta. "We" are already on their side. :glare:


I'm really sorry your family was frightened by the demonstration; we would've been as well. Don't let it turn your mind from the reason for it, though. There is grave injustice being perpetrated here.


I don't live in the United States.




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Being against Israeli Policy is not being against Judaism and Israeli Policy is not Biblical. I think these misconceptions are why many, many people worry if this is an "OK topic."


It sounds like the Israeli government perpetrates the idea that speaking out means one is anti-semitic to keep people quiet.

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Just out of curiosity:


Does anyone on this thread except Heather actually live in a country where they are having to deal with mobs of people threatening their daily existence?


Or even massive demonstrations (5000+ people) scaring the living crap out of their family and community by inciting fear and threatening violence if they don't agree that Israel should be wiped off of the map?


If you don't, well, it's a wee bit of a different perspective then just watching the news.





Just out of curiosity, where do you live?

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