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WWYD--DD complaining about neck

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DD (4) has been complaining about her neck hurting for about a year. Everyday at some point she will rub it and say it hurts. She keeps on playing and never stops. I don't know why I kind of blew it off, but now I am wondering if I should have it checked.


She starting taking a little gymnastics class a few months ago and she has been complaining a bit more since then. She spends half the day hanging upside down from anything she can find. LOL. She also has been complaining for years about her knees and ankles.


Should I take her complaints more seriously and get it checked? If so would you use a chiro. or an medical doctor? My husband and I both have neck problems, but I cannot imagine what they would do for a child.

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Guest CarolineUK

My son had excruciating pain in his neck a year ago when he was 4. He would actually scream with the pain. Needless to say we went to the doctor about it, on three separate occasions, and were told that the pain was caused by very swollen glands (a result of a viral infection) and that it would clear as his glands returned to normal, which could take a few weeks. I seem to remember he had a lot of pain for about three months, then it did clear up on its own. We were advised to give him ibuprofen to ease the inflammation and pain, which we did, although I was very uneasy about giving him such a lot of medication over such a long time period.

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My son had excruciating pain in his neck a year ago when he was 4. He would actually scream with the pain. Needless to say we went to the doctor about it, on three separate occasions, and were told that the pain was caused by very swollen glands (a result of a viral infection) and that it would clear as his glands returned to normal, which could take a few weeks. I seem to remember he had a lot of pain for about three months, then it did clear up on its own. We were advised to give him ibuprofen to ease the inflammation and pain, which we did, although I was very uneasy about giving him such a lot of medication over such a long time period.


Wow. I never would have thought about that. It does usually get worse when she has a cold. But, when I ask where it hurts she always points to the back of her neck--along the disks. I am glad you figured out what the issue was and that he is doing better!

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Yes, I would take her in. I would probably try a chiropracter and see what they say.


Thanks. I had been thinking that a chiropractor may be the way to go. I just don't want her struggling all of her life with something that I did not deal with until I was over 30. I don't recall any particular injury or anything.

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Yes, try a chiropractor first. It wouldn't have to be a "injury" so much as it just the life of a young child. Constant falling, jumping, etc. This can cause the spine to be out of whack, which can manifest itself as any kind of pain in the body. The chiropractor will most likely want to adjust her because it could only make her spine better. Give that a few treatments before going any medicated route.

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Yes, get it checked. A friend of mine took her son in for neck pain. Within 2 days, he was admitted for a very serious disease. The odds of your dd having the same disease or even something very serious are small, but it's worth checking out to be sure.

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I'm not a fan of doctors. I am a fan of chiropractors. I would take her to the pediatrician first. If they feel it is nothing, I would take her to the chiropractor. That way, all the more serious stuff has a first chance to be ruled out.

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Thanks for your responses. I really appreciate it. She has always been a little dramatic so I have downplayed her situation. But, now I think it is time to get it checked.


If you have a decent pediatrician, I would take her there first.


I really don't feel comfortable with our pediatrician, but we see a great family doctor who is a doctor of osteopathy. I have found him to be open to alternatives when they are appropriate. He is also not an alarmist. I may just see if I can get her an appointment with him. Thanks again.

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Thanks. I will look into the chiropractors in our area. I have wondered in the past if she may have arthritis. But, hopefully that is just needless worry.


Not to cause you any more worry, but arthritis is a possibility. My ds7 was dx with JRA at 4, but we started going to doctors when he was 2, due to a few different symptoms, and one of these was pain in his knees. For a long period of time it also settled in his lower back, but has also been in his wrists, elbows, and ankles at times.


I would go to a doctor you trust. When she says her knees and ankles hurt--is it a symmetrical pain? Is there ever any redness/swelling? The good news is that JRA can be outgrown.

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I would definitely have her checked out. I have chronic lyme and the first real obvious symptom was arthritis in both my ankles and knees and then as things progressed, I developed a stiff neck to the point where I could not turn my head. Obviously these symptoms could also be caused by arthritis and other things, but I just want to throw that out there so that you have it in the back of your mind.



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Not to cause you any more worry, but arthritis is a possibility. My ds7 was dx with JRA at 4, but we started going to doctors when he was 2, due to a few different symptoms, and one of these was pain in his knees. For a long period of time it also settled in his lower back, but has also been in his wrists, elbows, and ankles at times.


I would go to a doctor you trust. When she says her knees and ankles hurt--is it a symmetrical pain? Is there ever any redness/swelling? The good news is that JRA can be outgrown.


I am sorry to hear that your ds was diagnosed. Has he suffered a lot?


I have never noticed redness or swelling. But, the sweet little thing does have thick knees. It does seem to be worse on rainy days and when she wakes up in the morning.


I have not done any JRA research because I did not want to get too scared, so I did not know that it can be outgrown. Does your ds seem to outgrowing it?

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I would definitely have her checked out. I have chronic lyme and the first real obvious symptom was arthritis in both my ankles and knees and then as things progressed, I developed a stiff neck to the point where I could not turn my head. Obviously these symptoms could also be caused by arthritis and other things, but I just want to throw that out there so that you have it in the back of your mind.




Thanks for your insight on this. I had never thought about anything like that. I have heard that chronic lyme is extremely difficult. I hope that you are doing well. I will mention it to the doctor when we go.

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I would definitely have her checked out. I have chronic lyme and the first real obvious symptom was arthritis in both my ankles and knees and then as things progressed, I developed a stiff neck to the point where I could not turn my head. Obviously these symptoms could also be caused by arthritis and other things, but I just want to throw that out there so that you have it in the back of your mind.




I so glad you mentioned this~


In retrospect, neck pain and stiffness was our dd's first real symptom. At the time, Lyme never even entered our minds. I first began to suspect LD after a bad chiropractic cervical spine maneuver to "fix" her neck problem, only to cause dd excruciating pain and vision issues. Subsequent examination of her eyes revealed swollen and hemmhoraging optic nerves along with double vision. Does your daughter have any pain radiating down an arm with or without tingling or numbness? Headaches? Vision complaints?


I am so sorry if any of this spooks you, and most likely it is nothing. LD is just so insidious, it is often overlooked. We saw 12 or so MD's, including neurosurgeons and Harvard docs before someone began to listen to me and investigate LD.


A good chiropractor can be such an asset, but will not be helpful if there is an underlying medical condition.


:grouphug: and prayers.

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If she's been complaining that regularly for that long, I would definitely get her checked thoroughly. Since I tend to be OCD about health and MDs and chiropractors have such different approaches, I would probably take her to both and see what they say. The MD will look for things that the chiro will not, and vice versa. They might each find something that contributes to the problem, too.


I would not, however, tell them that I'm also seeing the other one unless their treatments are interacting. Many MDs scoff at chiros and many chiros are resentful of MDs. I try very hard not to let them think I'm wacky -- most of them think that already when they hear I homeschool. Your child will get different care if the docs think you're a nutter.

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I am so sorry if any of this spooks you, and most likely it is nothing. LD is just so insidious, it is often overlooked. We saw 12 or so MD's, including neurosurgeons and Harvard docs before someone began to listen to me and investigate LD.


A good chiropractor can be such an asset, but will not be helpful if there is an underlying medical condition.


and prayers.


No...it doesn't spook me. I really appreciate the concern and information. I cannot imagine how frustrating it must have been to see so many doctors until you got some answers. At least I can mention this to dd doctor.


Does your daughter have any pain radiating down an arm with or without tingling or numbness? Headaches? Vision complaints?



She has not mentioned these symptoms, but she does say her eyes hurt and tummy hurts a lot. Now I feel pretty bad because I just kind of downplayed her complaints because she has a lot of them. But, they never really slow her down. It doesn't seem like an attention seeking thing so she going to the doctor asap. I am sure it will all be fine and hopefully between the doctor and a chiropractor if necessary we can get her some relief from the neck pain.

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I would not, however, tell them that I'm also seeing the other one unless their treatments are interacting. Many MDs scoff at chiros and many chiros are resentful of MDs. I try very hard not to let them think I'm wacky -- most of them think that already when they hear I homeschool. Your child will get different care if the docs think you're a nutter.


YOu are soooo right about that. There is a highly reputable chiro in the area that won't let you in his office if he thinks you are using traditional medicine. And her pediatrician would probably call CPS if she knew we were homeschooling and using a chiro. LOL. That is why we go there only for true emergencies.

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YOu are soooo right about that. There is a highly reputable chiro in the area that won't let you in his office if he thinks you are using traditional medicine. And her pediatrician would probably call CPS if she knew we were homeschooling and using a chiro. LOL. That is why we go there only for true emergencies.


Ack!!! Can you not find a different pediatrician? Or switch everyone over to the general practitioner osteopath?

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