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Should I start watching LOST?  

  1. 1. Should I start watching LOST?

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Love the question, but where is the "other" category? You definitely need an other category when you talk about LOST. I mean that is so many ways right now. :glare:


Agreed, watch season 1 and decide.


LOL, when I told ds to make sure not to change the Tivo recording episodes tonight, he said "what has happened so far...."? :svengo: He hasn't watched since season 1....I wanted to say, "have you got a few hours? :lol: I just laughed and didn't bother.

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If you like puzzles and like catching details in shows, it is an amazing series to watch. Just the complexity of the story line alone is an a phenomenal fete. I would either watch it with someone who wants to watch it again or get someone in your house to start with you because you will want to talk about it with someone along the way.

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I made it maybe halfway through the second season and couldn't bear to watch another episode. It might have been different had we been watching only one episode a week, but I found the structural monotony and character "quirks" (think sitcom tag lines, but done with meaningful glances) exasperating when watching them back-to-back.


Edited to add: The only thing that kept me going as long as I did was Naveen Andrews.

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Nup, not worth the time. I watched the first series or two and then gave up on it. Dh is watching it right to the bitter end (we haven't got to the finale yet over here) and I have read so many books and got so many things done while not watching Lost.

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See, I had watched up to season 4, then quit because it just got too confusing. Now I've re-watched, starting at the beginning, and it's much easier to follow when you watch them close together. If you watch season 1, then get to season 4 a month or two later, instead of 4 years later, you remember a lot more!!

I have one episode left on season 5, so I'll be able to move right into this last season when it comes out on dvd.


So my previous vote to try it out, if you're interested, is because watching on dvd is better than tv:)

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If you like puzzles and like catching details in shows, it is an amazing series to watch. Just the complexity of the story line alone is an a phenomenal fete. I would either watch it with someone who wants to watch it again or get someone in your house to start with you because you will want to talk about it with someone along the way.


:iagree: There's so much to process, but that is what makes the show incredible. Every step of the way leaves you wondering, questioning, pondering... It's definitely worth the viewing time!

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If you like puzzles and like catching details in shows, it is an amazing series to watch. Just the complexity of the story line alone is an a phenomenal fete. I would either watch it with someone who wants to watch it again or get someone in your house to start with you because you will want to talk about it with someone along the way.


Does it hold together?


J.J. Abrams so completely botched the ending to Alias, I don't trust him anymore. I'm willing to give him another try, but only if I'm confident he'll deliver on what he promises and won't have glaring continuity issues.:glare:

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Does it hold together?


J.J. Abrams so completely botched the ending to Alias, I don't trust him anymore. I'm willing to give him another try, but only if I'm confident he'll deliver on what he promises and won't have glaring continuity issues.:glare:



The finale seems to be getting mixed reviews so far. But, I think that is true of a lot of shows. Lost is one show that I have really enjoyed the process of watching more than any other show.


It isn't a typical drama that has episodes that are in chronological order, but independent of one another. It is much more like a 'to be continued' for 6 years. LOL Every episode is important, some more than others, but there are so many details, hints, rabbit trails and cross over events, it is just fun to try to catch them. The scene backdrops, have as many clues and interesting tie-ins as the actors and script do themselves.


Have you ever been to a really good circus? Where they have 3-4 full rings going at one time, clowns running around, acrobats flying up above, and animals preforming all around. Every where you look, there is something great happening and you just can't possibly soak it all in at once. You leave, feeling like you had a great time, but also wishing you could go back soon so you could see some of what you had missed....because you know you missed as much as you saw?


That is Lost.


I don't care if the ending or final circus act is as great as I hope. I don't care if they promised me a magician and I saw an acrobat instead, the whole show is amazing and the process....was phenomenal. The ending is just the ending, one episode out of 6 seasons.

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J.J. Abrams so completely botched the ending to Alias


You think so? I thought locking Evil Sloane in a crypt forever was a fitting end...he got exactly what he wanted: eternal life w/o death. Something we learned from Lost is NOT something to wish for...Richard learned that quickly, didn't he?

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You think so? I thought locking Evil Sloane in a crypt forever was a fitting end...he got exactly what he wanted: eternal life w/o death. Something we learned from Lost is NOT something to wish for...Richard learned that quickly, didn't he?


I like how Sloane ended up. But the handling of Irina? :banghead: All that talk of "truth takes time" . . . and there never was any other truth. Lena Olin is an amazing actress; the sloppy writing of her character was a waste.


And when, exactly, was Irina pregnant with Sydney's sister? I'm pretty sure even Jack would have noticed that.


I'm not entirely convinced that the writers actually watched the episodes they didn't write. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm not entirely convinced that the writers actually watched the episodes they didn't write. :tongue_smilie:


Exactly! And Sydney supposedly lived with Sloan and his wife for a while as a child? Even though we know when she was introduced to Sloan's wife as an adult?

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