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Tell me why I can't stand my family right now...

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If I knew how to set up a poll, I would:


a. I am in final weeks of pregnancy.


b. I am on bedrest and stir-crazy.


c. I am completely sick of homeschooling (permanent condition).


d. I am completely sick of homeschooling (normal, end of year, passing feeling).


e. My family is too noisy (they all talk incessantly and over each other or hum and whistle to fill in the occasional , precious moment of soundlessness).


f. It is hot and humid and my family smells bad when they come in from the outdoors.


g. It is mosquito season and my family forgets to close the doors leaving me - the bedridden mom - as the primary target of the mosquitoes.


h. No one listens until I raise my voice and then they all get upset when I do raise my voice.


i. They all think that they are funny and spend their day making jokes - mostly at each other's or my expense - and I seem to have lost my sense of humor (or, they just really are not funny).


j. They make a mess and do not see the mess unless I point out the mess.


k. No one moves as fast as I would like them to.


l. All of the above.


m. Other - you tell me what you think my problem is.



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I vote L, but with heavy emphasis on A, B, and D.


Here's a story that may brighten your day. My mom and dad divorced about 5 years before I got pregnant with my oldest. During my pregnancy, my mom started dating a man, H. While I was still in the hospital recovering from my c-section, he tells her, "She's an entirely different person!" (and he means it in a good way..... :glare:


Pregnancy and bed rest are hard, sometimes. Hang in there and try not to kill anyone until at least 6 weeks AFTER the baby comes....:grouphug: I say if they still bug you then, let 'em have it. :D

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It's difficult - I've been there. My MIL would walk into my bedroom at about 4:45pm and hand me a folder full of take out menus and ask: "What do you want for dinner?" :glare:


I had a very large freezer stocked with months worth of meals, but she refused to acknowledge that those meals were there.


It will be over soon - hang in there. (I have 'more' funny stories if you need a laugh ;))

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Oh, I am right there with you! I am due in 4 weeks and I have turned into a monster! As much as I hate hospitals, I am looking forward to my 3 day respite (post c-section) where I will have only one little person demanding my 24 hour attention.


Hang in there! You are not alone!

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Are you on terbutaline? You could be experiencing side effects from it if you are. I was on bed rest and terbutaline with Ds13 and was a complete basket case. It's awful stuff.




I am not on terbutaline. I am on bedrest for a separated pubic bone. Bedrest is a quiet form of torture. (Yes, I am being a little dramatic but I am really unhappy with both the excruciating pain and the boredom/lethargy of bedrest.)

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I am not on terbutaline. I am on bedrest for a separated pubic bone. Bedrest is a quiet form of torture. (Yes, I am being a little dramatic but I am really unhappy with both the excruciating pain and the boredom/lethargy of bedrest.)


Oh Rookie! :grouphug: BTDT - separated bone and all. Remember this thread?


I wasn't completely on bedrest with my 5th, but was majorly restricted just by the pain. He did come fast though.:)


Also, I found HUGE relief from the pubic bone pain by soaking in a hot bath every morning. I just had to make sure I had someone to help me out of the tub.


Everything you mentioned in your poll is BECAUSE of A. ;)

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I am not on terbutaline. I am on bedrest for a separated pubic bone. Bedrest is a quiet form of torture. (Yes, I am being a little dramatic but I am really unhappy with both the excruciating pain and the boredom/lethargy of bedrest.)


That's good news and bad news. I'm very glad you're not being tortured by terbutaline on top of everything else, but I'm very sorry you are in so much pain. Time passes very slowly when you are in pain.:(


Like everyone else said, hang in there - it will come to an end.:grouphug:

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