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I just met my first fairly hardcore anti-homeschooler...at a homeschool BD party!

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She told me it was "okay" for me to hs because "you have the IQ to do it", and, when asked which ones were mine, I pointed at my singleton. She said "oh, someone who doesn't have 7" sarcastically.


I didn't have any beandip, so I told her some mildly scandalous thing about myself, and she changed places with her husband. :)


She was grandma to the birthday boy.

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I didn't have any beandip, so I told her some mildly scandalous thing about myself, and she changed places with her husband. :)



Don't you love when that happens? It's such a relief when they stop talking to you. I hate it when I have to ratchet it up several times before they take the hint.

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My dh suggests that you might mention you homeschool in order to instill the lost art of civility that seems to have disappeared from every other quarter. :001_smile:


:lol: Excellent response. Also to instill the art of thinking for oneself instead of following a certain crowd...

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Yes, scandal please. I'd be the one leaning in to hear more, not moving away! :lol:


NOW would you be leaning in closer?!:lol:


That's hysterical, kalanamak! Is she doing this AMA or with your blessings?

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Unless you're the one doing the drinking, that's not about you!


Jean, Jean, I have spent years telling people where I work (you know where I work) and it is followed by a certain pause, and then "it takes a special person to work there", and the subject is changed. When one pulls out of the drive, the cross-traffic, waiting at the light stares at you, like only people a few brinks short of a load work there. I know that is what they are thinking, because I thought the same thing, back in college.

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Well, okay. I currently have a patient who is trying to cure her gall bladder issues by drinking her own urine. :D


Said over cake.



I SINCERELY hope that she was drinking a Mountain Dew when you said this!


Btw, I don't know what your REAL name is (and I'm not asking to you say!), but I always read your screen name as: "Kuh-LANNA-Mack". :001_smile:

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Jean, Jean, I have spent years telling people where I work (you know where I work) and it is followed by a certain pause, and then "it takes a special person to work there", and the subject is changed. When one pulls out of the drive, the cross-traffic, waiting at the light stares at you, like only people a few brinks short of a load work there. I know that is what they are thinking, because I thought the same thing, back in college.


Don't worry, I know you have a full load of bricks!

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Well, okay. I currently have a patient who is trying to cure her gall bladder issues by drinking her own urine. :D


Said over cake.


You know, Kalanamak, I was really looking forward to meeting you at the next rumored WTM get together in your area. Now, I just don't know. I mean scandal is one thing, but your choice of topics for polite conversation is another. It's probably more than my pure-as-the-driven snow mind can handle.;)


BTW, I would love to have seen the look on her face. Ds and I just read yesterday that it was a common practice in ancient Rome. Yum.

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I currently have a patient who is trying to cure her gall bladder issues by drinking her own urine. :D




:lol: I simply must pass this one on to DH. He will love it. Although, he's a nervous wreck at the moment, as he has to take his GI board exam on Thursday. I can't believe it's been 10 years...I feel old. Yes, it's all about me;)


I wonder if that particular "alternative treatment" will show up on the exam?:D


At least you're probably never bored at work...

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