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Quote: Mom, it would be ok with me if

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you would just pack me 1 pair of underwear and 1 pair of socks for the camping trip. That would make your laundry easier when we get back which would be a great Mother's Day gift, and less stuff to store in Grandpa's camper which means we would use less gas to pull it."



Oh, I did thank him for his consideration and thoughtfulness. I also reassurred him that socks and underwear are really almost weightless and take no time to wash. And after he goes to sleep I will be checking his bags for other essentials he may have decided to leave behind - like toothpaste and deodorant. :D


He will be 10 in a few days, the trip is 5 days long. Tell me, how long does the 'I don't care how much I stink' phase last?

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He will be 10 in a few days, the trip is 5 days long. Tell me, how long does the 'I don't care how much I stink' phase last?[/QUOTE]


I have NO idea.....my one and only boy (he has four older sisters) is 9.5 and just recently started putting on a clean outfit after showering, sleeping in it, and, thus, saves himself the trouble of getting dressed in the morning.:glare:

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Lol! They are all different. I have a fastidious one and one who could easily be a soldier on a long mission (in other words, he can wear the same thing day after day after day).


I did hear a funny at Scouts, though. One of our senior scouts went to the Jamboree shake down (where they check all the baggage to determine if the scout has packed adequately). The checkers noticed NO underwear. They asked what he intended to do about it. He replied that he didn't need it because he never wore any...


Suffice it to say that his totally MORTIFIED mama took care of *that*!

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My 10yo is still in the "I don't care" phase. But we make/remind him take daily showers and he's always been good about clean undies (2 a day-morning and before bed). My ds7 is very into cleanliness and insists on daily showers and clean clothes and hands. He has always been this way, even as a toddler.

Your son is very ingenious and sweet, BTW. His quote made me smile.

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you would just pack me 1 pair of underwear and 1 pair of socks for the camping trip. That would make your laundry easier when we get back which would be a great Mother's Day gift, and less stuff to store in Grandpa's camper which means we would use less gas to pull it."



Oh, I did thank him for his consideration and thoughtfulness. I also reassurred him that socks and underwear are really almost weightless and take no time to wash. And after he goes to sleep I will be checking his bags for other essentials he may have decided to leave behind - like toothpaste and deodorant. :D


He will be 10 in a few days, the trip is 5 days long. Tell me, how long does the 'I don't care how much I stink' phase last?


I can tell you from experience that no matter how many pairs of socks and underware you send to camp you will only get maybe two pair of undies and three single socks back, and they will smell so bad you will throw them away anyhow. ;)

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Well, my dh is almost 33.... so I will let you know when that happens!


Just kidding, kinda. My ds is 7 and he would wear the same thing every day if I didn't make him change. Boys are gross. I think we just have to accept that.

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Agreeing - it lasts till they notice girls as ...girls. And a little after that because it takes a few moments (um, months around here) to realise girls probably won't like you if you are stinky. And I am still trying to convince ds14 that lavishing himself with stinky deodorant wont cover the fact that he has been wearing the same tshirt for several days. He really does need to wash his clothes.

Its slow, but things are changing. He now showers voluntarily most days.

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He will be 10 in a few days, the trip is 5 days long. Tell me, how long does the 'I don't care how much I stink' phase last?


For guys.... it seems forever. I have 41yr old Dh, 30yr old nephew, 20 yr old nephew, 15 yr old Ds, 11 yr old Ds, 9 yr old Ds and they all don't care about how they stink.


Thankfully my Dh at least considers how I feel about him stinking-LOL.

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