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What are you changing for next school year and why?

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What program if you do not mind my asking? We use a combo of singapore and horizons. Is there something you do not like about that combo, or just looking for something different? :bigear:


We've been using Singapore and Horizons too....


We are going to test out MEP Year 1a and Miquon this summer. Also I bought an AL Abacus with the workbook - just for added math fun. I want to go out of MY comfort zone of traditional math (like Horizons) and see how my big girl takes to these more conceptual approaches. I feel that because I'm not comfortable with them that I'm somehow cheating her out of trying them. Miquon scared me off pretty fast and I didn't give it a chance. Then I saw my big girl using math linking cubes like C-rods so I figured we would try it again.


So basically, just to see if she will thrive and enjoy these programs as much as she does with SM and HM. Any math I've used with her, she's knocked out of the park so I'm fairly certain she will like these too. I can't do what she does, so I don't want to limit her just because I'm a math "dud". :D

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We'll be just starting K (in February for us though, not September) but I had planned to follow the LCC for curriculum, now I am excited that we will be using HoD. The change of plans was based on what aligned most closely with our highest goals for our children.

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I made most of my changes already, lol, especially math -- we switched to MUS and are very happy.


Next year for 6th we will change science to BJU 6th and add in a co-op type afternoon once a week with one other student and mom, the student is a friend of ds' and the mom is a friend of mine. I wanted a general science as we begin to be more serious about science. We plan to add in all sorts of fun things along the way.


Also we're switching history to BJU 6 and co-op-ing once a week with the same student & mom. Really looking forward to this, too. I looked all over for a two-year world history sequence (couldn't afford the time to do four years of world history). Came across BJU and also SL 6, so we are going to combine the two, using the BJ as the spine and the SL 6 IG to flesh it all out. The SL 6 and 7 uses SOTW, which I was wondering about and posted about recently. Also planning to add in the encyclopedias and reading material from SL, plus Netflix titles. I'm excited about this. I know we won't have the luxury of lingering too long at any point of interest along the way, and hoping that won't be too frustrating.


The reason for getting together for science and history is that both my friend and I have felt the need for some accountability in getting things done. I have high hopes for 6th grade, that we will accomplish more than in the past few years.


But my greatest change will be MAKING myself not try to do too much within each subject, i.e., too many supplements. That is also my biggest challenge and partially a reason why I bog down. Ya think I would have learned by now, but NOOOOOOOO. It will be great to have a friend to stop me!! I actually think it's possible to get more done by attempting less.



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Our changes are mostly due to having two full time students

and a toddler instead of one full time student, a K and an infant.


For history, we are keeping WinterPromise, but doing a combined program.

For science, we are dropping BJU because we will be doing WP's Adventures in the Sea and Sky which combines history and science.

For LA, we will continue to use many WP materials (readers, the 1st grade LA stuff, handwriting), but I am changing to BJU's English for the 4th grader, not because of any real problem with WP, but because he seems to require a strict structure for his creative writing. (step by step by step) I also need one to keep me accountable to get his assignments completed. (we tend to get bogged down in the midst of revising/editing).

For Math, we are keeping BJU Math. LOVE BJU Math.

I am also changing our weekly and daily schedule structure. Instead of doing the 3 Rs first, we will start with Bible and music together (we've tried this and it's a great way to start the day), then move to hands on and read alouds together for history and science. After recess I will have the kids do their seat work (3Rs). Hopefully we will fit in a lot more hands on stuff this way. I also plan to alternate history and science instead of trying to do both every day.

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I'm actually changing quite a bit next year:


* going from Growing with Grammar and IEW to BJU Writing and Grammar.

I've loved GWG but I think that the way BJU approaches writing will be a better fit for my dd


* I will probably be switching from Horizons to BJU math for 5th grade (but I'm not entirely sure about this)


* I usually switch science every year so.... I still am undecided on science.


* After 3 years of using Winter Promise for history, we will be using Mystery of History, vol. 1. along with Evan Moor History Pockets and literature next year.


I've loved WP's programs but I can't deal with their crazy shipping problems any more. I still drool over their catalog, however.

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The biggest change I've made is to move my oldest away from literature approach learning. It is just not her learning style and the frustration factor was just not worth continuing. So, she is going to a spine and textbook approach.


My kids are like this too. I finally gave up the cuddling-on-the-sofa dream a couple of years ago. That's why I'm a bit nervous about using the SOTW 2 with dd12. I want her to read about the Middle Ages. She does like some hands-on activities. So we're just going to do our best. I am planning on using the tests to try and appeal to her need for traditional education. :)

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We'll be doing much more in the way of dictation, narration and writing.....much less of grammar.


Why: because I'm realizing just how important it is for them to be able to express themselves effectively verbally and in writing, and grammar has little to do with that. PLUS, I'm realizing that all the time spent in grammar workbooks was nearly a complete waste of time as far as output.

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I'm making a few changes here too.


The biggest one being that I'm going more hands-on with our school. More projects, more science experiments, more lapbooks. I've watched my kids really thrive with this as I implemented these changes towards the end of the year and I can't wait to make these things more routine.

Edited by plain jane
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Yeah, the price is a little mind boggling... after looking at it some more, I think I'll stick with my Home Schooler's Journal!


Thanks for the blog link - I could use some inspiration!

The DIY or Personalize it options for this planner aren't that bad. I wonder if anyone here uses this planner and can give us a review?

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Adding back in, workboxes. They were working for us but I had no room for them (and still don't) but they really worked for my crew. So I am coming up with a modified version over the summer and the kids will start with them again.


New: MCT LA, bought it this year but won't start until next year. We will also be using more games and projects next year. Both work well with my kids but then I fret that we are not being rigorous enough and drop them to slave over textbooks etc. Next year I am not dropping them, in fact I will be cutting back on some of our textbooks. Also I am changing our schedule to be 8:30-11:30 daily rather than trying to plug away all day. I have noticed all of us are not focused in the pm. SInce I will be opening a dayhome too, I can do "pre-K" with my dayhome kids during those school hours and then everyone can have playtime after lunch, go to the park etc.


Our extracurrics are changing next year due to change in town. One thing the town has is a family drama troupe that puts on a 1 big production each year. My oldest 3 kids were all in drama lessons last year and loved it, I use to do behind the scenes stuff in high school, so we are all joining it in the fall, the oldest 3 as actors if they want, and me behind the scenes. They are also joiing 4H and Awanas. DD is switching from cheerleading to highland dance, she is going to miss cheerleading but 2 hour drive each way is a bit much, highland dance is right in town. Music lessons will stay the same, all 3 olders taking piano and dd taking violin, but no more art lessons.


I am changing my focus a bit more for next year, less about the academics and more about the family and connections etc. They are still behind in some subjects but I am giving myself permission to let them just keep chugging through those rather than always trying to pile on the work to make them "catch-up". OUr family relationships are being strained as a result of that so time to bring it down a notch.


The only other change is more for myself than the kids and it is consistency. When we lived int eh city we were go go go all the time and often had no time for school work. My change for this year is consistency in the school days. Taking on less outside projects, groups etc and focusing on the school work on school days.

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Most of my changes are from 2 school aged kids, a K4 and a baby, instead of 1 school, a K5, a toddler and a grouchy pregnant lady/sleep-deprived mom with a newborn.


For my K4 HABITS will be our push. The house is a big thing here too. I'm finally getting it clean! I want to get a schedule (MOTH) and routines written & posted (& followed).


I am switching to SWR for both the older boys next year. We will continue / increase narrations, using WWE for a guideline so I am not asking to much (or to little) for their ages. I am adding KISS Grammar for the eldest, and GSWL! DS6 will also start MEP Yr1 in the fall.


And we are going to have 1 day a week that I DO NOT PLAN!!!! LOL. Either DH can plan something fun or everyone can do their own thing, but I refuse to be in charge 24x7x365. I need a break too.



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I'm paring down EVERYTHING. It's necessary and a good thing.


With four kids, I'm not going into too much detail. Suffice it to say there will be no more combining of programs. My motto for this year will be "Pick one." Some things that I had decided are being reconsidered with this goal in mind.


My teen plans to dual enroll for French & possibly Trig at the CC this fall, so we will spend some some time on the road. (He is driving on a learner's permit with no plans to get his license this year.) This means 2.5 - 3 hrs x twice a week on campus for me and my three younger kids for each class he will take. It's an hour drive one way, so going back home will not be a workable option. There's a learning center and a large public library there so we should be ok (as long as we behave ourselves ;)).


I'm thrilled I've discovered Math Mammoth. It will travel well--now I wish I could find something similar (and secular) for LA.

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