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Poll: Classic or Not?

Is "Animal Farm" by George Orwell a classic?  

  1. 1. Is "Animal Farm" by George Orwell a classic?

    • Yes, it is a classic.
    • Yes, it is a classic but not in the traditional sense.
    • No, it is not a classic.
    • It is in a gray area.
    • Other

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Members of my family are divided on whether "Animal Farm" by George Orwell is a classic - or not.


One says it is.

One says not in the traditional sense.

One says it's in the gray area.


According to your understanding of a *classic*, how do you rate "Animal Farm"?

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I voted for gray area. :D

Now seriously, I would group it with "modern classics", i.e. with works I would expect an educated conversant to be familiar with, even if because they were influential and have become a common place rather because they were good. So, it's not Dante-type or Goethe-type of a classic, with exquisite literary "taste", but it's still an important book for the context of our time and place.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I voted classic. I think "classic" should be redefined, and not just include literature from the classical age or originally written in the classical languages, which does not necessarily make it better or more pertinent than excellent modern literature. We should not stagnate.



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Thanks! You definitely have sided with classic predominantly, and secondly, with it being a non-traditional classic. Just a few said not a classic or in the gray area. So, I am adding this to the classic stack of reading for this year! The comments on what makes a classic were enlightening, too. Thanks!

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