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Which is better for highschool student to learn: Word or Excel


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If you had a highschool student that was going to take one computer course for a highschool summer course would you have them take Word or Excel. As far as her interest, she does alot of internet website stuff etc. Not for sure if either would help there. But, the summer program offers either of those two.

I know a little about Word but nothing about Excel.



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I would say Word. This will be used much more for completing papers in high school and college. Knowing Excel would be especially helpful for science, finance, statistics, etc., applications.


Neither are hard to learn on your own if you are willing to use the help feature to look up something when you get stuck.



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If you had a highschool student that was going to take one computer course for a highschool summer course would you have them take Word or Excel. As far as her interest, she does alot of internet website stuff etc. Not for sure if either would help there. But, the summer program offers either of those two.

I know a little about Word but nothing about Excel.




Does the student know her way around Word well enough to write a basic paper using such things as headers and footers, adding graphics, etc.? If not, I would start with Word. If so, maybe do the Excel class.


By the end of high school, however, ALL students- especially those going on to college- should be able to navigate all the basics of both programs. If they are going to college, they need to be able to use proper formatting for submitting papers and may need Excel for any number of classes ranging from business to chemistry.

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Excel is definitely harder. My son (16) uses Word with no instruction at all.


When you say she likes website stuff, do you mean she creates them or surfs? If she can create a website, she can certainly figure out Word. She can probably also figure out Excel, but taking a class ensures that she would devote enough time to learning it.

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I vote for Excel so they can learn how to enter formulas in order to make spreadsheets and other data based applications.


You can find a book at the library to learn how to use Word application, but Excel is a little harder to understand, but not by much.


If Power Point is offered, I'd by-pass Word & Excel and have them take a Power Point class instead.

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I agree that given the choice I would chose Excel. But I must say, that one program for an entire summer course isn't much. I used to TA a course that covered these things, and in one semester we did Word, Excel, Power-point, Frontpage, Access, and javascript. Although I would suggest dropping Frontpage for HTML instead.

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I vote for Excel so they can learn how to enter formulas in order to make spreadsheets and other data based applications.


You can find a book at the library to learn how to use Word application, but Excel is a little harder to understand, but not by much.


If Power Point is offered, I'd by-pass Word & Excel and have them take a Power Point class instead.


Excel first if they can do a basic research paper.


I was also going to suggest Power Point also because the public school systems and private schools around here start teaching that pretty early and I'm seeing that they are using it in college also.

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When I recently checked into our high school graduation requirements (my son is entering gr 9 at home next year) I was really surprised to find that they've dropped gr 9 History and replaced it with an Intro to Business course which essentially teaches Word, Excel, Powerpoint. I know I took typing in high school and it was useful, but that was an elective. This is a required credit for all grade 9 kids now!



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Get him the Word for Dummies book and have him figure it out on his own.


Excel is a little more complicated, and reaching a stage of proficiency is a little more difficult. I would have him look at an Excel for Dummies book and decide whether he can teach it to himself or not, but of the two, I think Excel would be the one I would want to take as a class.


It seems to me that the class will move pretty slowly if they work on this one program all summer long. You might do better with a book for each one, and learn them together.

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Ontario requires a grade 9 credit in Word/Excel/PP and it seems they dropped grade 9 history in order to make room for that credit. (Others are English, Math, Cdn Geography, French, Science, PE, and a Fine Arts (music or drama.)



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I vote for Excel so they can learn how to enter formulas in order to make spreadsheets and other data based applications.


You can find a book at the library to learn how to use Word application, but Excel is a little harder to understand, but not by much.


If Power Point is offered, I'd by-pass Word & Excel and have them take a Power Point class instead.


Carmen, I'd be really interested in hearing why you would say Powerpoint!

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