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If you like to wear lingerie for tea time, a question

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I have neglected wearing lingerie for the last several years except a couple of times. My husband and I both enjoy it, though.


I am almost 38, and I began wondering when it will no longer be appealing to wear it. I'm sure there's a difference between the sort of lingerie -- like a gown vs. garters, but it dawned on me that I probably won't feel comfortable wearing the more risque stuff years from now.


Any opinions?

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I wore T-shirts to bed for many years. Then suddenly a few years ago I was in a department store and saw some shortie all lace nighties. Just to remain a mysterious woman to my dh or because it was summer and I was starting to get hot at night, who knows. Dh hasn't minded tho. ;) I think it's a state of mind thing. If you're in the mood, you'll think of wearing it sometimes. BTW, I'm 52.

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Being sexy - sorry, tea-ish - is much more about how you're feeling (and how your relationship is going, too) than what you look like. If wearing the lingerie makes you feel seriously uncomfortable, awkward or silly (as opposed to a little bit different or adventurous), then it's not right for you. So pick something that makes you feel confident. If you aren't comfortable with revealing attire, you can choose something loose and long but in a gorgeous slinky fabric that is the perfect color for you. Have fun :001_smile:

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I like it now, but I just realized that if I want to wear the fun stuff/more risque stuff, I'd better get a move on it, because the clock is ticking. :auto:


I went to Marshalls tonight and found some fun stuff. :)


Being sexy - sorry, tea-ish - is much more about how you're feeling (and how your relationship is going, too) than what you look like. If wearing the lingerie makes you feel seriously uncomfortable, awkward or silly (as opposed to a little bit different or adventurous), then it's not right for you. So pick something that makes you feel confident. If you aren't comfortable with revealing attire, you can choose something loose and long but in a gorgeous slinky fabric that is the perfect color for you. Have fun :001_smile:
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Oh, I don't know about that. I think a woman an older woman is able to pull off risque with just a little bit more attitude than a younger woman. Pamela Anderson is an example. She isn't getting any younger but I personally think she is a whole lot hotter than she was in her Baywatch days. I can think of many more like her: Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch, Helen Miren. I like to think I my better days are still ahead of me. ;)

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This "tea" thing throws me every time! :D

Reading the subject line, I pictured you in lingerie sipping your tea!


Lol, normally I know what it means but for a minute there I was thinking, whoa, wearing lingerie at the dinner table- with kids around? (we often call dinner tea here)- gotta open that thread.

No lingerie here...it's pajamas or nothing at all. But....well, I would get rid of the mindset that 38 is getting up there and soon to be past it as far as lingerie is concerned. Its all in your mind. Maybe your taste in lingerie would change but you don't need to shrivel up and get old any time soon :)

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Could someone please graciously explain where the tea reference originates? Is this a WTM inside joke, or am I hoplessly secluded and out of date? I also opened this post thinking that I was going to read about having a pajama day with the kiddos - but the lingere part was puzzling! Laughing at myself very hard right now.

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Lol, normally I know what it means but for a minute there I was thinking, whoa, wearing lingerie at the dinner table- with kids around? (we often call dinner tea here)- gotta open that thread.

No lingerie here...it's pajamas or nothing at all. But....well, I would get rid of the mindset that 38 is getting up there and soon to be past it as far as lingerie is concerned. Its all in your mind. Maybe your taste in lingerie would change but you don't need to shrivel up and get old any time soon :)

I've been doing Bravewriter, and she advocates an actual tea time -- tea and scones -- with poetry reading with the dc. So that's where my mind went. :lol:

I figured it out quickly enough, but I did have that 'what?' moment. :blushing:

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ok, but how do you all pull off lingerie in a house w/ young kids? Mine are 7 now and what a pain to hear "mama!" in the middle of the night and have to shrug out of a gorgeous nightie and throw on mom-wear.


Am I being dumb? Do you just keep a trusted robe nearby?


Somehow I've stopped doing the lingerie thing because the kid think overlapped into everything too much.


(Btw, yeah, my husband's thrilled w/ it all.)



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I try to wear it as a surprise. This has become more difficult when having a 20 year old in the house who does not need to be thinking about lingerie (LOL). We also have only one bathroom in the hallway, so the other night, I wore a lacy strap top and bottoms underneath my pajamas (pants and top). So, it was hidden. I think a robe would work, but I never wear a robe, so it would look odd to others -- like I'm hiding something.


I wear my regular pajamas to bed. I'm only talking about wearing it before hand, if that makes sense. I have several left over from our honeymoon (where I wore a different one each night, so I for the most part just use these). It's infrequent enough that it is a huge deal when it happens. LOL


I remember the first time in years I wore one to bed, I sneaked in from the hallway, and my husband was reading. He looked up and looked away real quickly (habit from looking away from magazines and such). His natural reaction was, "this is not something I should be looking at." It was hilarious. He said he felt like his heart stopped.


ok, but how do you all pull off lingerie in a house w/ young kids? Mine are 7 now and what a pain to hear "mama!" in the middle of the night and have to shrug out of a gorgeous nightie and throw on mom-wear.


Am I being dumb? Do you just keep a trusted robe nearby?


Somehow I've stopped doing the lingerie thing because the kid think overlapped into everything too much.


(Btw, yeah, my husband's thrilled w/ it all.)



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I was reading one of those Chicken Soup type books a while back and there was a story with a lady that had a poor self image and her husband said ignore the mirror on the wall....let ME be your mirror. So I say, let your husband be your mirror. If it still opens his eyes, it's still workin' for ya, lol.

Absolutely! I'm over 40, over weight, and I *feel* like a hippo in a tutu...but still...my dh doesn't seem to see any of that (and it does make his eyes light up :001_smile:).


I keep a robe on a hook by my bedroom door. It's lightweight, but covers, and if I have to get up in the night I can just throw it on.


It's definitely not how old you are, or what shape your body is, just go for it!

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