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Can y'all help me make a decision about a purchase?

After reading my post, which would you do?  

  1. 1. After reading my post, which would you do?

    • Baby my current mixer along, try to make it last 6 months till I can hopefully replace without debt.
    • Buy the whisk & hope the mixer runs another 15 years to make up for the cost.
    • Use $450 to buy a new mixer, even though it will set my debt back another month or so.
    • Other.

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I posted here 2 days ago about my stand mixer. I have a *big* heavy-duty stand mixer that I use professionally. The whisk broke, which basically makes me unable to do my job well. The whisk isn't sold in the U.S., but a fellow WTM hiver found one and will ship it to me if I want it. It's pretty expensive, and I'm not sure what to do. Here are some factors I'm considering.

*My mixer is already about 15 years old.

*A couple of times in the past 6 months, my mixer has had a slight burned smell, even when not under a heavy load.

*To replace the whisk for my mixer and have it shipped to me will probably be close to $100 altogether.

*To buy a new mixer of comparable size (and it must be that size), it will be about $450.

*My dh has told me that he would probably be able to rig my whisk so it would work minimally for a little while.

*My part-time dessert job will take me about 1/3 longer in hours, though I will not be able to bill for that time. I'm working mostly free hours as it is, in order to help my dear friend establish her restaurant.

**I'm trying to follow a Dave Ramsey-type plan, and replacing my mixer wasn't in my plan. I need 6 months of not spending in order to be out of debt.**


Given each of those factors, what would you do?

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Well, I am always for the route of no debt, so I would probably try to work around the whisk if possible.

I am rather curious what mixer this is. My whisk for the KitchenAid broke as well and it was no problem replacing it locally.

Have you searched high and low if someone carries your kind of whisk to see if there is a less expensive way?


If I did what you did and had the whisk rigged to work somewhat, I would have to keep my mouth shut because as soon as I would comment on it, dh would just buy the whole new machine or the new whisk. We differ a bit in our approaches. :001_smile:


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I am rather curious what mixer this is. My whisk for the KitchenAid broke as well and it was no problem replacing it locally.

Have you searched high and low if someone carries your kind of whisk to see if there is a less expensive way?

The mixer is a Kenwood. More highly rated at the time than the KA, but has been discontinued in the U.S. for quite some time. It is a great mixer, and has had 15 years of fairly heavy use already. It is a 7 qt. and I can't really get by with a lesser capacity. Comparable mixers now are the Cuisinart 7qt, and the Viking 7qt. There are also fully commercial models with that capacity, but they are even more pricey.

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After 20 years, my stand mixer started having that burning smell and the motor burned out. (I was happy because I wanted a 6 qt. KA.)


I would not buy expensive replacement parts for a mixer that old. I voted that you buy a new mixer and put off being debt free by a month. This is a business expense, not a frivolous item.



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The mixer is a Kenwood. More highly rated at the time than the KA, but has been discontinued in the U.S. for quite some time. It is a great mixer, and has had 15 years of fairly heavy use already. It is a 7 qt. and I can't really get by with a lesser capacity. Comparable mixers now are the Cuisinart 7qt, and the Viking 7qt. There are also fully commercial models with that capacity, but they are even more pricey.


Sooo, have you decided yet? :001_smile:

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I decided not to buy the expensive whisk (though many thanks to Sandra for being willing to go out of her way for me).


I've spent hours Googling/searching for info or parts & attachments for my mixer. This morning I clicked on an obscure link that I thought wouldn't really be helpful. Turns out the link was to an appliance parts store in San Francisco, and they have a whisk that will fit my machine. I looked at the picture on their website, and saw that not only do they have a whisk that has the same shaft/connection as mine, but they are also offering a replacement bowl that has a big, nice handle on the side. My one complaint about my mixer over the years has been that there isn't a handle on the side of the bowl! When I called to inquire and double-check, because all of this seemed too good to be true, they informed me that the whisk/bowl are Viking replacements, but that they are absolutely interchangeable with my Kenwood mixer. They do look the same dimensions, and have the same fittings, etc.


This means that I can replace my whisk for $50 including shipping.

If I decide to cough up $75 (mother's day is coming!) I can even have a bowl with a great big convenient handle on the side. :thumbup1:

Most of all, it means that if I spend the money for the attachment I need, and my mixer then breaks permanently next week, I won't have wasted the $$ because all of my current bowls/beaters, etc, will work with an entirely new machine. :party:


It seems too good to be true. :001_huh:

But still, I've been walking on clouds today, so *so* happy! :)

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I am glad you found a solution. Have you looked to see if there are any repair shops near you? You may be able to have them do a little work on the motor to prevent it from seizing up all together. If they say it is shot, you may not want to invest in more equipment for it. Do you know if the blade can be welded back together to get you by until you can afford a new one?


You may want to start watching Craigslist for used mixers. If you start looking now you may get lucky before yours goes kaput.

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