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Growth spurts and the bottomless pits

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My 3 GIRLS (6yo, 3yo, 2yo) are eating horrendous amounts of food right now! Even my DH has remarked about how much our grocery bill will be when they get older! I am absolutely amazed at how much more food I've had to buy in the past couple of weeks.

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DS1 had "lunch #2" at 5:30. He ate 4 liverwurst sandwiches and a big bowl of macaroni and cheese.


He had dinner #1 at 7:00. He ate 2 more liverwurst sandwiches.


Of course, he drank a lot of milk with these meals.


He is on a liverwurst kick because I sent DH to the grocery store near his office to find it so I could hide the dog's pills in it, and DH lucked out and found the brand DS1 loves.


It's been 9 months since DS1 has been able to eat his favorite sandwich. So DH went back and bought 3 more liverwursts.


Everyone is always surprised to find out how much DS1 can eat. He is average height and on the slender side, but he can put it away like nobody's business.


What gets me is how much ice cream the boys think is a normal serving: at least 1/2 the carton. One night DH came home with a couple of boxes of 20 fudgesicles. The next morning there were none left. I was so mad because DH bought them at my request -- for ME! And the males in this family ate every single one of them in one night (DH helped). I'm not a pig, and I would have shared. I don't even eat ice-cream and the like very often -- maybe one serving, three times a year. But they left none, zero, zilch!


This is deja vu all over again. When we were teenagers, my sister and I had to eat something right when our Mom brought it home, or when we went to get it, my brother had already eaten every bit of it.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Oh my. I went through a liverwurst phase when I was a kid.


My food budget has gone up seriously in the last weeks. The kids are always hungry.


I love liverwurst, so I had *1* sandwich for lunch. At 5:30, DS1 just could not understand why I would have another sandwich or two with him.


He was worried because I don't eat enough. Yes, for real. :)


I used to make little "liverwurst balls" for my kids when they were toddlers. Oh boy, there is nothing like the public's reaction when a little kid yells to his mother that he wants liverwurst balls for lunch. I guess most Americans don't like liverwurst.

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I can't believe this thread is on here. I was thinking of writing it myself.


My boys are 7 today and I can't believe how much they eat now.


Does anyone have any tips for keeping the budget under control with teens?? I'm afraid I'll have to get a job!!



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I have suddenly become terrifically creative with lentils and chick peas. Yup, cheap and filling = winner. I also buy LOTS of meat when it's on a good special (like half price or less). Wholemeal is more filling than white, so we only eat wholemeal bread and I try to make wholemeal muffins with nuts and dates for a more filling snack. Bananas are very good for filling tummies and giving energy for sports :)


We also started drinking raw milk a few months ago and I've found it fills them up better than the pasteurised stuff.

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No kidding. I've never been a teen age boy, so I'm having trouble deciding what is appropriate and necessary and what is borderline gluttony. It's a tough call, and I hope my "Ah - did you just eat the ENTIRE box of crackers?" and the "Whoa, buddy, there'll be more at the next meal" aren't totally ruining the child. I'm constantly worried, but I *think* I'm not supposed to be. :confused:

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Does anyone have any tips for keeping the budget under control with teens?? I'm afraid I'll have to get a job!!


I cook and bake practically everything from scratch.


One thing I do is fill our cookie jar with banana muffins made with whole wheat flour. Cheap, filling, and better for them than cookies.


The boys love pizza and it is a lot cheaper to make it from scratch -- they can fill themselves up for next to nothing.

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I have a 10 year old boy and a 13 year old girl. There has been a noticeable upswing in how much they eat.


My son is built like a football player (since birth!) and my daughter skates 6 days a week (skinny as a twig but will eat 1/2 a box of Cheerios in one meal!).


I have made a conscious effort to do lots of home cooking and making sure there is plenty of leftovers.

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I have just the one ds, who will be 10 in June.


I made some mac and cheese from scratch yesterday, baked in a 9" square pan. He ate the WHOLE THING!!!!!! I had gone for a shower after it was made and told ds to get him self some. "I was hungry" was the reply I got when I asked where it had all gone. Had to think of something else for my and dh dinner.


This kid has grown an inch in the last month. He is now 5' 1" and wears the same size shoe as me.


If he is growing and eating like this now, what on earth is it going to be like in the teenage years?

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I don't have a single teenager yet, but I've somehow managed to go through a bag of apples, a bag of oranges, and a bunch of bananas IN 24 HOURS! :001_huh:


Mommy, that is a lot of sugar. A medium banana has about 15 grams of sugar. 30 (ish) grams is the same as an ounce. Think about it.


Try liverwurst on wasa crisps. It's very satisfying. Even if you do call it pâté instead.

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That's what mine love, and they're cheap. DH hasn't quite grasped it and is shocked when I bring home several bags of potatoes from my weekly grocery store run and then need more the next Saturday.


One of mine ate three baked potatoes, half of a roasted chicken, and who-knows what else tonight.

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My three boys (4, 3, and 1) finished off two medium pizzas. On their own. DH and I were stuck with leftovers.


The other day the 4 and 3 year old each ate 3 hard boiled eggs and were asking for more. I declined, imagining them puking them up if they ate another bite.


Here's another mom wondering what on earth she'll do when they're teens!

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I find good protein keeps them satisfied longer. So, peanut butter on whole wheat is better than baked chips and salsa. A cheese quesidilla or a bean and rice burrito or, a grilled cheese lasts longer than an apple, although apples or raw carrots with these foods are awesome. Hardboiled or scrambled eggs with salsa is great, too etc. Havng protein with a carb is more filling than a carb alone.


My 17 yr old was on a baked potato spree recenlty, and I asked her if I could smother one in some good cheese. Some might think , 'Oh, no! Cheese!" But adding the cheese got her off the potato binge and back to not craving carbs. Some folks might eat too much protein, but ime, kids in growth spurts benefit from good protein.

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We go through a LOT of fruit around here.

Ds14 is always hungry, but he is also very fussy. He doesnt want much in the way of healthy food. He wont eat wholemeal bread- only white. He literally wont eat it if its wholemeal.

But, he will make his own pasta, and he will eat many pieces of fruit in a day. I make him raw vegetable platters to eat while watching TV.

I do buy him filler food like corn chips and dead white bread. I know he needs the calories. I just try to balance it with fruit and veg.

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