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What is the best way to get rid of the hiccups?

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I don't know how to get rid of them, but I have discovered how to stop the pain when they hurt really badly. If I lie down on my back, the pain stops. Often hiccups don't hurt, but sometimes I get them and they are excruciating. Even lying back in my van seat helps--just get as flat as you can. :) You will still hiccup, but it won't hurt.

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The only thing that works for me is Rolaids. I'm not sure why it works since hiccups and indigestion have different causes, but it does. Since Rolaids were recalled and are impossible to find, we've been using Tums which isn't as effective but better than nothing.

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Get a cup of water.


Take a deep breath and hold it.


Take in a big mouthful of water (don't swallow yet!)


Bend over at the waist until you are as upside-down as possible.


Count to 5 and swallow the water.


On Untold Stories of the ER, they had a hiccuper, and this is essentially what they ended up doing for her: she stood on her head in the ER and drank a glass of water. Nothing else had worked, hence her trip to the ER.



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The only thing that has ever worked for me and my painful hiccups is to drink a glass of water while plugging my nose and ears. It is possible to do this by yourself if you use your thumbs for your ears, index fingers for nose, and the other fingers to hold the glass.

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